Page 7 of Entwined

We make it around the vehicle in time to watch Cole jumping to his feet, his arm instantly cocking back to punch Vander. With such strong willed and possessive personalities, I’m surprised I haven’t had to break up more fights. It’s probably why I’m not quick enough to make it across the distance between us to stop him. Or maybe it’s because my legs are too wobbly to work properly.

The sound of Cole’s fist hitting Vander’s jaw is louder than I expected. The forceful impact causes his face to turn to the side, but other than that, he doesn’t move. Before Cole can do it again, I make it to him. Reaching out, I place my palm against the back of his shoulder, not wanting to catch him too much by surprise and accidentally get hit. That would make things infinitely worse.

The moment my finger lands on his shoulder, his anger deflates. It’s like he instinctively knows it's me, although it’s probable I’m the only one crazy enough to attempt touching him right now. I’m under no disillusions though; he’s like a stick of dynamite with a short fuse, one spark and he’ll explode.

“Cole,” I call, trying to get his attention on me and off Vander. The moment Cole turns around to face me, Vander rubs at his jaw, wincing at the pain. I’ll have to kiss his bruise better later. Right now, I need to calm my computer nerd before he detonates.

“We don’t have time for this,” Cole says, not needing me to prompt him. “My sister has been in the clutches of evil depravity for far too long. I–I gave up on her, Raven.”

The crack of his voice has me reaching for him, tugging him into my arms so I can soothe him. What the fuck has Grayson done to me?

“Shh.” I run a hand back and forth over his back and he crumples into my hold. The man is fucking falling apart, and somehow, I’m not disgusted by it. “We don’t even know where he’s keeping her. We need to make a plan, go in prepared. I know you think this is wasting precious time, but it’s not. I swear it. Jasper is family; he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.” I refrain from mentioning the fact Jasper has something to tell us and that my gut says it will threaten to blow us apart. But I hope my reminder will help when the time comes.

Grayson shifts his footing, and the motion catches my eye. He wears a smirk and is watching me closely. I just know he’s having thoughts similar to my previous ones. It makes me want to do something super dickish to offset the too soft emotions I’m showing right now, but nothing worth my time comes to mind immediately.

Taking a deep breath, Jasper meets my eyes before fixing his gaze on Cole, even if the man isn’t facing him. “I know who has her.”

Four simple words have Cole whipping around. “We all know who has her, Jasper,” he seethes. “The motherfucking Tulip Bitch.”

“That’s what I’m trying to say,” Jasper rasps. “I know who the Tulip Broker is.”

Everything goes still. It’s almost like I can feel every emotion crossing through Cole, as if we suddenly developed a connection where none existed before. He’s always been so hard to read, even more practiced than me at perfecting the emotions we fake for the world. Never being truthful a day in our lives.

But now… Now I’m able to realize how his stomach feels like someone reached in and fisted it. His heart is beating a mile a minute in his chest. The only sound he can hear is the rushing of his blood circling his ears. His vision becomes fixated on Jasper, going dark around the edges.

I jump into action, standing in front of him and pressing my body to his to stop him from lunging. Grayson and Vander are moments behind me, each one taking a shoulder to hold him back. As expected, the information catches up with him and Cole throws his body toward Jasper, who stands there without reacting. He must really trust us to hold Cole back.

“You son of a bitch! Why the fuck would you keep your mouth shut about this?” Cole practically spits on me with the force of his demand.

It surprises me that an expression of shame crosses Jasper’s face and he stares at the ground. He seems to think for a moment, coming to terms with something, and nods his head when he’s decided.

Once again, his eyes are on me, even though he’s speaking to Cole. “The Tulip Broker is in Oletha Kansas. He researched which cities were ranked as the safest in America and liked that it was centrally located.”

“What are you waiting for then? You told us now let’s go,” Cole orders, his body rigid with all the tension and anger still riding him. Yet even in his rush to leave, he doesn’t move an inch, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I stare at my steadfast man, knowing I need to ask the question he’s daring me to speak into the world. “How do you know where he is?”

Chapter 5


Raven’s sweet, crisp voice fills the air with her question, leaving behind a heavy weight. I knew she’d ask. I was practically daring my smart little bird to work it out. And she delivered exactly what I wanted, even if answering her pains me more than I expected.

Liars are the worst scum of this earth. Okay, that’s actually quite tame compared to what truly lies in the darkest depths of the underbelly, but to me, that’s the lowest you can get. And here I am, holding back vital information because I fear what her reaction will be.

It’s a cardinal sin in my books. I’ve killed men who’ve lied to me, sometimes even for a white lie… Yet here I am bathed in my own personal pool of disgust, hating myself more and more every second that ticks by.

The resistance I have to spilling the truth is absolutely insane. Yet, it continues to build. I reach a hand out for my little bird, needing to hold her before Cole tries to turn her against me. And if I’m honest, it’s also to use her as a shield. I’ve never claimed to be a hero.

She eyes me for a moment, glancing at my hand, back to my face, then to Cole, before she rests her warm palm on mine. I instantly draw her to me, taking in her beauty. I knew everything there was to know about her before I ever laid eyes on her, and yet the moment I saw her in person, something clicked inside.

I just knew. She would forever and always be my other half. No matter what hell we walk through, she’ll be by my side.

Now, I’m not so sure. Not when Cole is so close to the edge, clinging to her like she’s his only thread to sanity. She might be forced to choose. Fuck! I’m suddenly regretting not having the chance to tell her privately on the plane.

She comes willingly, letting me wrap my arm around her as my other snakes my hand around her neck until I’m cradling her head in my palm and pressing it to my chest. She lets out a content sigh as her muscles relax. Kissing the top of her head, I marvel at how she could ever resist her need for affection. My girl craves it, even if she doesn’t realize it.

Glancing around, I take in our surroundings. This isn’t what I pictured when I asked Vander to get off the highway. I thought we’d walk a distance from the parking area, maybe find a field we could stand in the middle of or something. I’m not really sure. But I wasn’t thinking we’d be standing right next to the SUV.