Page 44 of Entwined

“Behind me,” Vander orders Cole, who does what he says without complaint. I have a not so sneaky suspicion that it’s only because it puts me in a better protected position, otherwise he’d want to be in the lead, killing whoever crosses our path first.

We quickly climb the stairs, bypassing the second floor and heading to the third. I’m surprised we don’t run into any more goons on the way, although I suppose they could’ve already attacked us and are dead on the kitchen floor.

“Stay safe, everyone,” Grayson says. “You’re entering another blank space. I can’t see anything up there, but I’ll let you know if I see anyone going up.” He sounds worried, like he’s sitting on the edge of his seat hating the fact that he can’t do much to help us. I wish I could take that away from him, but I can’t.

The closer we get to the top of the stairs, the slower we go. Cole made sure the cameras were looped on their end, so there’s a chance we can catch anyone up there off guard. Hence being quiet and not being seen before we have eyes on them.

According to the blueprints, the left side of the floor is an office, and a lounge which I took to mean a mancave. On the other side is the master bedroom. The Tulip Broker is so close I can taste his name brand, overly spicy cologne. My finger itches to pull the trigger and end his life. I can practically imagine the life draining from his eyes—even if I don’t know what he looks like. Huh, I wonder why I never thought to ask.

Jasper holds a fist into the air, signaling us to stop. He inches up the stairs, craning his head to get a peek of the upstairs level. He holds up five fingers, then points to the side with the bedroom. Five guards clustered together is a dead giveaway that they’re protecting something. He brings his fingers into the shape of a zero and signals in the other direction.

Without communicating anything else, Vander pushes me behind him and holds me flat against the wall, his large hand pressed against my chest with his fingers spread out. The touch alone has my heart speeding up, not to mention the disadvantage we’re in with the guards. One stray bullet is all it’ll take to kill one of the men I love.

With me flat against the wall, and Vander acting like a human shield, Cole has the room he needs to slide past and join Jasper on the same step. The three of them communicate out of my view.

I could be pissed that they are sheltering me. But I’m smart enough to know that when it comes to this kind of thing, I’m an amateur. Sure, I’ve killed plenty at this point, but this isn’t the same ball game. I have full confidence they won’t coddle me so much once I have more experience. If not… well, they’ll meet my pretty little knife hidden in the cuff Jasper gave me. I should give her a name.

Jasper and Cole advance on the stairs at the same time, and the moment they get a clear shot, they take it. Not able to get them all at once—because why would they? It’s not like they are carrying automatic weapons—the men left standing shoot back. Wood splinters fly in the air from bullets missing their mark.

The guards aren’t using silencers like we have on our guns; the pops echoing through the open stairway sounding louder than they should. I know from experience my ears will ring for a while.

Vander and I hold our guns up, aiming them at the top floor, simply waiting for the chance to shoot one of them. Every so often, one of the guys will duck, trying their best to hide from the oncoming bullets.

That is, until Cole jerks back and slips on the stairs. He tumbles toward me, my instinct is to stop his progress before he gets hurt even more, but Vander’s hand returns to my chest, slamming me against the wall once more.

Cole’s groans are overshadowed by the gunshots, and I’m torn. Part of me wants to storm up the stairs to end this fight, and the other needs to check on him.

The latter wins out and I rush down the steps until I reach the landing. The bastard has the nerve to pat his body down like he’s checking that he’s in one piece before holding the back of his head.

“Fuck, that hurts,” he whines.

In the upper left side of his vest is a bullet lodged in the material. I can’t help myself, I press the barrel of the silencer against the side of his head and fist the top of his vest with my other hand. “If you ever let someone other than me shoot you again, I’ll kill you.”

“I love you too, Luv.” He sounds out of breath, although I’m not sure if it was the bullet or the ride down the stairs.

“I mean it,” I hiss.

“Yes, Luv. I know you do.” He pats my arm placatingly, and my finger itches to move over the trigger.

“Now isn’t the time for flirting,” Vander barks under his breath. It makes me realize the shooting has stopped.

“Come along, Little Bird,” Jasper says, grabbing my arm and drawing me away from Cole.

Vander reaches his hand out, offering to help him to his feet, which Cole takes with a groan. “This Ravenmaster needs his Raven to kiss his bruise later.”

“Kiss it yourself,” I huff.

The fucking psycho chuckles behind me. Damn idiot made my heart stop for a moment there. I won’t say it out loud, but I’m really happy that the bullet didn’t hit him. I’m more thankful than ever for my access to the weapons development company my father owns. Well, adopted father, I guess.

Jasper and I make it to the top of the staircase, and I’m once again tucked behind one of my men. He quickly checks around the corner for any surprise shooters lurking in wait, and finding the coast clear, he continues on down the hallway.

We step over bodies, making it to the bedroom where we hope to find TB. I'm not sure these men could’ve ended up more sprawled out if we tried. I tiptoe around, doing my best to avoid arms, legs, a severed finger, and weapons.

I'm not sure how Jasper does it, the man must have ballerina feet because I'm a wobbly mess. Navigating this carnage is dreadful. I would've been better off stepping directly on them like a swaying bridge, which is proven when I trip over a tiny plastic object. The slight crunch under my shoe is enough to set me off balance.

The floor careens toward my face and just as quickly turns into a view of the banister, then the hallway as I'm set to rights with fingertips digging into my sides. Cole lets out a pain filled groan and grips his chest as he steps away from me. The impact from the bullet, while greatly deflected from the vest, will still leave him with a bruise. Seems I’m not the only one leaving this mission with a mark.

I glare at the ground where I just stepped and find some kind of small clicker that fell out of a man’s pocket. I bend to pick it up and flip it over in my hand. On the back there’s a crack in the plastic, but it seems to be intact enough to still work. For some reason beyond me, I slide it into my skin tight leggings. They don’t have any pockets, so I tuck it into my waistband.