Page 38 of Entwined

“I love you, Remi, but I won’t be killing your other boyfriend. Nice try.” He leaves the room, shaking his head.

It was worth a try. Turning to Jasper, I trail my fingers over the swell of my breast. “Want to play sleeping beauty? I’ll pretend I’m passed out and you can kiss me awake. I promise not to fake snoring while you’re at it.”

Jasper seems to think it over. “Would you prefer we do that instead of getting to kill someone?”

“You play dirty.” I cross my arms over my chest. He doesn’t deserve the amazing view.

“Come on, horny girl. I have plans of strapping copious amounts of weapons all over your body.” He holds his hand out for me to take, and I’m too weak to turn him down. He is speaking my love language, after all.

Chapter 17


Little Bird gives me a tiny grunt as I triple check her weapons straps. To distract her from the tugging sensation, I run my hand along her thigh as I stand. Her gaze tracks my every movement, attraction burning bright in her blue eyes.

If we had the time, I'd let her take action on whatever ideas are playing out in that brilliant mind of hers. But we don't.

The van we're sitting in hits a pothole, and I have to quickly flick the knife in my hand around. I was a fraction of a second away from sliding it into a leg holster on my girl's perfect thigh.

“Fucking watch it,” I growl at the back of Vander's head.

“If you want a smoother ride, then drive yourself,” he throws over his shoulder.

We all seem to get more on edge the closer we get to TB. Not that we're worried about ourselves, this will be a cakewalk. But we don't want Raven to be anywhere near that scum. Our success isn't guaranteed. If anything happens to her, we’ll burn the world to ash.

Maybe we should reconsider letting her ever leave the house.

No… That wouldn’t work. She’d kill us in our sleep. Cut our balls off and shove them down our throats. Actually, she’d probably tie us to the dining chairs, slice our dicks off, fry them up hibachi style, chop them into bite-size pieces and feed them to us.

She’s so damn sexy.

I know I can’t keep her from the dangerous life we all keep, but it doesn’t mean I won’t worry about the repercussions. Same with the others.

This time I’m more careful about sliding the knife into the holster, ensuring if there is another bump, that she won't become impaled by it. My hands glide over her body, moving to check her vest is in place—if only there was some kind of head to toe armor she’d be willing to wear—only to be stopped when she grabs my wrists.

“You’ve checked everything more than once. Stop acting like a helicopter mom.” She drops my hands and crosses her arms, leveling me with a look that dares me to try again.

Nerves eat away at me, even though they shouldn’t. I’m not sure how to channel them in a way that won’t piss her off. Not like I have experience in this. I haven’t felt this way before when she kills someone. Does it have something to do with our target being the brother I hate? I have no idea.

“Let’s go over the plan again,” I finally say. My next words get caught in my throat when I find the glare she’s giving me. I get the impression she’s imagining enacting my previous thoughts, which makes my balls draw close to my body.

“Do you think I’m incompetent?” she asks, her tone of voice the calm before a storm.

Logically, I know it’s a trick question and I really shouldn’t answer her, but I do it anyway. “Of course not.”

“Then why do you think I don’t remember the plan? Do you think I forgot it the first time we went through it, or what about the next four?”

My mouth drops open to respond, but the words aren’t there yet. At the same time, Grayson drapes his arm around her shoulders, drawing her stiff body into his side. His finger dips under her chin and he turns her head until her glare is on him.

“Simmer down, puffer fish,” he murmurs sweetly.

The absurdity of his latest nickname makes her stony face crack. “A puffer fish?” she sputters. “I am not puffy, Grayson!”

He gives her a soft smile. “A species of puffer is the most poisonous fish.” He tilts his head and shrugs his shoulders at the same time. “It seemed fitting. Now—”

She holds her hand up, stopping him in his tracks. “I know you weren’t about to brush past one of the most romantic things you’ve ever said to me.”

“Well, I—” She grabs both sides of his face, cutting him off for the second time when her lips slam against his.