Page 19 of Entwined

I long for it, ache to have his lips against mine, I even lick across mine in hopes it draws his attention. It does, but he only stares at them, and the longer he does, the tighter my nipples become. Nothing makes me hotter for my man than killing with him, and I was already primed and ready before he even brought her to the car.

A soft whimper spills from my lips, my legs becoming more slick as I’m stuck with my ass in the air. Finally, after an eternity, his lips brush against mine. The touch is feather light, but it still lights me up.

“Cole,” I can’t help but moan. I want him, want him more than I want to kill our victim together. And if that doesn’t say love, then I don’t know the meaning of the word.

“Such a greedy girl, Raven. You seem to forget your Ravenmaster is always in control. Now sit back and do what I say, or you won’t get my dick once this is over.”

I do as he says. Somehow he turned being able to kill her into a consolation prize, which is so not fair.

“Good girl,” he says, pressing the quickest of kisses to me. I lean into his retreating form, chasing after more. I’ll never get enough from him, especially when he gives me the barest of tastes. “Ah, ah, ah. That’s all you’re getting for now. First, you need to pay attention to the game.”

I huff, sitting all the way back in the seat. It feels like I’ve put an ocean of space between us, which is probably for the best with how much my libido is riding me. I only have one thing on my mind at the moment, which has nothing to do with this game he wants to play. Seriously, what the fuck happened to my Cole?

He reaches between the seats and hands me my knife. It’s warm in my palm from him having gripped it for so long and there’s blood drying on the blade. Somehow, the sight of it sparks a fluttering sensation in my heart. He knows the way to romance my hidden darkness, to caress her just right and get her to show herself.

With a snap, the front seat with our victim in it lays flat, the back of it squishing into my leg, which I quickly tug out of the way. She doesn’t stir from the motion, still passed out from having her tongue cut out.

“What’s the game?” Suddenly having a weapon in my hand has me interested in what it is.

“We each ask the other questions, and after one of us answers, we get to slice into her. A bastardized game of roulette, if you will, to see who gets to be the one to kill her.” He grins at me, his twin shadow of darkness playing in the depths of his eyes as he whips out his own knife. “If we’re lucky, she won’t wake up, so we won’t have to deal with her obnoxious sounds, but I doubt that’ll happen.”

A Cheshire smile takes over my face. “Okay, Cole. I’ll play your game. Ask your question.”

He winks at me, and the flutter in my heart kicks in once again, this time taking the organ on a loop, making it drop into my stomach for a moment. Is this how normal people feel when they start to play something like Clue with their significant other?

“Which of your Ravenmasters do you love the most?” His eyes sparkle with the question, no doubt thinking I’d name him. It’s not like he isn’t fully convinced it’s him based on the fact he’s the only one I’ve shot.

“That has to be the dumbest question I’ve ever heard, Cole. I get two cuts for that.” I move my blade closer to her, but Cole grips my wrist, stopping me.

“You don’t get to slice until you answer the question,” he growls menacingly.

“I love my Ravenmasters equally. There will never be one who owns my heart more than the others,” I snap, ripping my arm free. The idea that I’d care for one more than the others really pisses me the fuck off, which is probably why my first cut is deeper than I mean for it to be. Her skin spreads open behind the blade, blood quickly filling the space as I slice a line below her collarbone.

Cole and I admire the cut, watching the way ruby red liquid wells and spills down her chest to join the blood decorating her front from him cutting out her tongue. We’re both mesmerized by it, and I know this will be a memory we reminisce about together for years to come. Cole is my motherfucking person, and I’ll always cherish being able to share killing with him.

“Is there a part of you that’s worried about seeing your sister again?”

“You get one more cut. But please try to make it more shallow. We don’t want her bleeding out on us and ending the game too quickly.”

I frown. While I’m more than happy to slice and dice all day long, I instinctively know he’s trying to stall answering the question. Running the sharp knife lightly across her forearm, I do my second cut, then wrap an arm around Cole’s neck. It shows how distracted he is when he lets me draw him into me and I kiss the corner of his mouth.

“We can skip your turn, but it’ll cost you,” I say quietly, flicking my knife back and forth, making it clear what the cost will be.

A light laugh puffs out of him, making his shoulders lift. “Heh. You wish.” He leans his head to mine, resting it there as we watch the thin river of blood from my first cut marks a path between her breasts and down into her shirt, where it stains the fabric over her stomach.

“I haven’t taken a moment to even think about what comes after finding my sister. I spent so much time thinking she was dead… I’m mostly feeling guilty that I ever gave up.” His hand finds its way into the back with me, and he grips mine in his solid hold. “If I have to think about the after part too much, I think I might chicken out on ever letting her know it was me who saved her. I’ve lost everything about me that she loved. And I don’t want to break her heart. Not after everything she’s been through.”

“You know,” I start, running my thumb over his knuckles. “If I’ve learned anything about how a family works, your sister will love you no matter what. Sure, she might be surprised at first, and it might take some getting used to, but nothing will change the fact that you’re her brother. Not only that, you’re her twin. There’s a bond there that can’t be diminished no matter how much you change.”

“I’m a psychotic killer who enjoys causing pain whenever I can.” His hand squeezes mine, like he’s subconsciously acknowledging that’s one of the things I like the most about him.

“And? It hasn’t stopped me.” I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be the one reassuring one of my men that our lifestyle isn’t something to be ashamed of. We are who we are. There’s no stopping that, not after our darkness was let into the wild for the first time.

“You’re an exception. What if all I want to do is make her cry?” I have to stop myself from laughing at his question. Not because I find his vulnerability funny, but because it’s such an absurd question coming from him. He’s always so comfortable in his own skin.

“Then you make her cry. But I don’t think that will be the case. You don’t hurt the people you or I care about. You do have control over your urges, Cole. I promise it will all turn out okay.” I squeeze his hand, even if we already have a death grip on each other.

“What if it doesn’t?” he asks after a pause. His voice sounds so small, completely unlike him at all.