Page 17 of Entwined

“Yes, this is good enough. Nobody will disturb us here,” Cole announces, putting the vehicle in park. He turns in his seat so he’s able to see me better, along with the show about to commence.

Not wanting to give her any time to spew her not-so-hot sex talk, I jump into action. It might not be smooth, with how I have to wiggle my body quickly to dislodge it from between the seats, practically prying myself out like a demon climbing from the pits of Hell. But it gets the job done.

Without her noticing a thing—well, until it’s too late—I wrap my arms around her headrest. Using one to hold the knife to her side, in the same place I pressed it before, my other arm threatens to choke her.

She screams, but it’s not the scream-for-your-life-bloody-murder type of scream like they used to teach you to use back in elementary school. In truth, it’s rather wimpy. I’d think she’s assuming it’s a joke if I hadn’t threatened her earlier. The former lioness is rather dumb.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth shut before we choose to do something about the noise coming from it,” I warn, but in all honesty, I hope she doesn’t. I know exactly what I want to do if she does. Especially with all her talk about using her tongue on my man and making us picture vile things.

Madaline freezes in place for three solid seconds, enough time to make me think she may disappoint me. But when she’s done processing, she can’t stop herself from screaming. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re a psycho crazy bitch!”

Chapter 10


“Why thank you,” I coo in her ear, knowing she didn’t mean it as a compliment but taking it as one anyway. There’s also a part of me that’s secretly thanking her for going against my warning.

At the same time, she’s reaching for the car door, only to find it locked. Her hand flies back not expecting it to be locked. It unsurprisingly makes her panic more, jamming her finger against the unlock button. There’s a click of the release, but before she reaches the handle, Cole clicks on the lock function.

There’s a back and forth of the same pattern repeating multiple times before she gives a pathetic whimper. “Let me out,” she screams. It’s a surprisingly firm command for someone as frightened as her, albeit not one we’ll listen to.

Tears stream down her face, dripping off her chin. I’m only able to see her side view, but her fear is something that will feed my darkness for a while.

“There’s nowhere to go, Madaline. No escaping from us. So you can either cooperate and things will go smoother for you, or you can choose the hard way. And I promise that way will be more painful for you,” Cole says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some zip ties. My heart skips a beat in my chest. He came prepared to have some fun with me. So damn romantic.

“If I do what you want, you’ll let me go?” She says it with so much hope in her voice, like there’s light on the horizon. I laugh, and Cole shakes his head while pursing his lips. “Please, just let me go. I won’t say anything. I promise,” she tries again.

“Hands,” Cole commands her, forcing her to participate in what's about to happen. There’s something in his tone that not even I would think to disobey. It’s sexy as fuck, but clearly it’s beyond terrifying for her.

Ever so slowly, Madaline holds her hands out, letting Cole methodically attach the zip ties and tug them taut. All the while she sniffles and muffles her cries the best she can. I’m not sure she even realized I released her neck when she was throwing her typical hostage fit of trying to escape, but she finds her voice again when I wrap my hand around the thin delicate column.

“Get your hands off me, you deranged inbreed. Stop fucking touching me,” she yells at the top of her lungs. So interesting how she’ll yell at me with such high decibels, but when she was screaming for her life, her voice turned into one of those yappy lap dogs. And don’t get me started on the fact that she’s okay with Cole touching her, like he’s the safest of the two.

Perhaps I should let him be the one to have the fun. Show her how wrong she is, and we’ll see if she still wants him to touch her.


“Yes, Luv?” Finished with securing her hands, he drops them as if he can’t stand the thought of touching her any longer. He turns and gives me his undivided attention.

“Would you like the honor?” I squeeze her neck, cutting off her airflow. At the same time, I spin the knife in my hold and offer him the handle. I don’t try to hide the movements from her, which is why I ensured my tight grip held her firmly. Doesn't mean I was prepared for the amount of oomph she put behind her thrashing.

With hard thrusts from side to side in an attempt to dislodge my hold, the girl struggles to get free. Every second that passes, my hold tightens, every muscle in my arm engaging as I work at keeping her in position. My nails bite into her neck, drawing blood that she doesn’t even notice. My fingers sure notice though since things become a hint slicker, just that little bit harder to hold on to her.

“Stop,” Cole barks, making her freeze immediately. After all, in her mind, there’s still a chance of him becoming her knight in shining armor. He takes the weapon and grips the handle in his palm while eyeing me with a hunger I haven’t seen before. It makes me realize this is the first time we’ve killed when it’s only the two of us.

His warm hand covers mine where it’s holding on to her neck, helping me to keep her in place even though she’s stopped moving for now. Then he crooks his finger for me to come closer. I’m drawn to him like metal to a magnet, unable to ignore him even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. Cole understands my brand of darkness more than any of the others ever could. So when he beckons, I come.

Leaning forward, he uses the hand with the knife to guide me by the underside of my chin until we exchange a brief kiss. No tongue, but he does suck on my bottom lip before nipping at it lightly. The usual harshness we share is currently being channeled into the woman in the passenger seat.

“What were you thinking?” he asks conspiratorially.

“Well…” I pause to keep Madaline on the edge of her seat, right on the cusp of her sanity. “She didn’t listen when I warned her to keep her mouth shut. If we don’t give her consequences, she won’t take our threats seriously in the future.”

“So brilliant.” Cole eyes me up and down like he wants to devour me for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. “What did you come up with?”

A thrill rushes through me, excitement threatening to burst free. It’s so wrong by society's standards for me to feel this way, and yet, not even a single atom in my body cares. I’m filled with warmth at the very thought of doing something so deliciously deranged.

I’m a serial killer. Doesn’t matter who it is, if they’ve done something wrong or not, I love taking things from this world. I’m not a good person, and that’s fine with me. I’ve embraced it, accepted the darkness with open arms. But what makes it so much better is having someone who enjoys it just as much, if not more, standing by my side. He won’t judge what I want to do. No, he’ll fucking fall harder for me.