Page 15 of Entwined

“I’ve already told you once,” I say into her ear after reclaiming my control. She freezes at the feel of my blade against her bare midriff. “And I don’t give third warnings. Stay away from my man.”

The threat is clear. And if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll heed it this time. What she doesn’t know is that she’s fucking lucky we’re in a public place, because if there weren’t any witnesses right now, she wouldn’t be getting a second warning either.

With my position, I can’t quite see what her face looks like, but she hasn’t wavered from when she was staring at Cole from before. I can only imagine she’s begging him to save her with her eyes. I bet her expression is as pathetic as they come.

A whine rings in my ear over the commotion of the bar, one that comes from deep in her throat. Her fear is evident, punctuated by the tremble shaking her body.

“Nod your head if you understand me.” I move the knife to terrify her more. It’s not enough to cut her, I don’t want any evidence if she decides to squeal. Her head instantly moves, and I smile at my man. “Good. If you say anything to anyone, I’ll come for you. Now scurry off.”

Flicking my wrist, I close the knife and stash it in my pocket once more. To hide my movements, I shove her out of my hold, sending her away from us. Hopefully for good.

I love the sensation of blood pulsing through my body. The way it rushes through my veins when I’m on the verge of a kill. It would probably slow if it weren’t for the way Cole stares at me.

“Oh, Raven. You’re never sexier than when you’re threatening someone with a weapon. Violence flashing in your eyes is my favorite sight.”

Chapter 9


Cole hands me a drink. More like shoves it at me with how quickly he does it, giving me no other option than to take it. “Swallow this like a good girl.” He gives me his heart stopping smirk and gulps the whiskey in his other hand like he can’t drink it fast enough. At the same time, he slides his hand around my waist, drawing me against him.

His words make me take a deep breath, needing to calm myself down before I say fuck it and drop the glass to the floor and jump into his arms. With his drink finished, he dips his head and trails his nose along my neck.

“Raven,” he growls, making me jump into action. I swallow the fruity mixed drink he gave me, barely tasting it in my rush, wanting to free my hand as quickly as possible. The moment I’m done, Cole takes the glass from me and puts them both on a nearby table.

The second he returns, his hands are back on me. One braces against my back, pushing me against him, even though I don’t need any encouragement. The other squeezes my hip before moving down my thigh. I’m not sure why I love it so much, but I do.

It’s made all the better when he slots his leg between us, his thigh brushing against my cunt as he moves us into dancing once more, picking up where he left off.

“I can’t keep my hands off you right now,” he growls in my ear. Goosebumps spring up on my arms and a zing of excitement beelines for my clit. “Thoughts of you killing her for touching me keep replaying in my head. It’s making my dick hurt with how hard it is.”

My nose bumps against his cheek as we grind on each other. I teasingly move my mouth to the corner of his lips. “I should probably be killing you for letting another woman touch you.” I sensually speak each word against him, enjoying the way he shifts his leg so it rubs against me just right.

Cole’s eyes spark with delight. The fucking psycho loves it when I threaten him. Turns him on more than when I wrap my hand around his cock. His hips jerk and he growls, shifting his hands so he’s grabbing my ass with each one, squeezing before holding me to him tighter.

Desire rips through me, an unquenchable need making me gasp as I wrap my arms around his neck. I roll my body, my hips swiveling, grinding my clit along the length of his cock. We’re practically fucking on the dance floor, barely hidden from view with the crowd slowly becoming thinner with the late hour.

Time truly flies when you're with the one you… want to stab.

Cole kisses a trail down my neck, sucking on the spot where it meets my shoulder, and moves to my collarbone where he adds nipping bites. His hand shifts to hold my hip instead, guiding my movements as we dance.

Frustration bubbles up within me at the fact that I didn’t wear a skirt. Had I known it was more than a dingy bar I would have—actually no, I would’ve still worn jeans. I wouldn’t have anticipated wanting to dance with Cole for hours until I was desperate enough to claw his clothes off with a room full of strangers and mount him like a bull.

I fist his shirt in both hands, on a never ending edge that I can’t cross because the stupid pants I decided to wear are too thick to get enough pressure on my clit. “Cole,” I whimper, reduced to begging. I need his pierced cock deep inside me like I need my next shuddering breath.

He kisses the side of my head and brushes his lips against the shell of my ear. “Go wait for me in the back seat of the SUV. I’ll be there with a surprise shortly.”

Giving him a heated stare, I lick my lips, wanting to threaten him. Thoughts of the toys he’s used on me in the past twirl across my memory, distracting me enough that he’s able to spin me around and pat me on the ass. “Go.”

My feet obey his command before I can even think about it, which is well enough. Cole is on the edge of his breaking point. If I got my threat out, he probably would’ve fucked me in front of everyone, then he’d have to kill them for seeing me orgasm. It would’ve given away our presence to the Tulip Broker. It would’ve ruined everything.

I rush to where we parked and grasp the handle to the back door, yanking on it only to find it’s still locked—almost breaking my nail in the process. Son of a bitch, that’s unpleasant. I groan my frustrations and rest my forehead on the glass. It feels cool against my overheated skin.

As if by magic, the locks pop. My hacker genius probably remembered he has the key. With a relieved sigh, I climb inside and close the door behind me. Not wasting any time, I quickly take my pants off and spread my legs.

You can’t turn a girl on this much and not expect her to play with herself while she waits. It’s in a rulebook somewhere.

I'm too impatient to take the time to remove the rest of my clothes, choosing instead to go for the honey pot right away. With a shudder for the word choice crossing my mind, and a promise to not use them again, I run a fingertip along my slit, teasing myself open.