Page 6 of Entwined

This is some kind of depraved sick game. The man is a heathen.

"Pleasecuddleme," I murmur into his neck. About halfway through, he turned me so I was sitting across his lap, allowing Cole a better view. It was his idea of offering motivation.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Of course, Jasper would want me to repeat it.

"Will you please cuddle me?" I enunciate each word. At least I try to. They come out all slurred, like someone who drank way too much alcohol.

I feel Jasper smile against my forehead. I can't believe I gave in to him. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes tightly. The scent of smoke clings to him. It’s like the violence of the day settled on him, offering me comfort in a way only he could—in a way that makes me utterly uncomfortable.

“I’d do anything for you, Little Bird.”

Chapter 4


Silence reigns supreme in the car, but I’m not complaining. I’m in no shape to carry a conversation, or even follow one. I’m too weak to do anything. My muscles have given up, the strain of all the orgasms winning out in the end. It reminds me of the workouts Vander put me through. If only he could’ve done this instead. I would’ve much preferred it.

My broody protector wears a mask of regret. The number of times he cursed or swerved from watching in the rearview mirror was too many to count. Not that I would’ve been able to, even if I wanted. I was lost in a sea of pleasure.

Jasper holds me tenderly to his chest, something I’m too exhausted to object to. He might’ve forced me into asking for it, but the caring way he does it is overwhelming. And much to my chagrin, I’m starting to enjoy it. I bet he gets a thrill out of this—forcing me to realize it’s not so bad to be soft from time to time. I hate that I like him enough to want to give him these moments.

“Did you find an answer?” he asks Cole.

My computer nerd lifts his eyes from where he’s staring at me and raises an eyebrow, giving Jasper an are you fucking dumb expression. “Do you think I would’ve closed the laptop if I didn’t?”

“To be fair, you had a really good reason to. Our girl is too damn tempting when she’s screaming her pleasure,” Grayson says.

Cole huffs. It’s clear he thinks he’s above such temptations, but I saw him glancing my way every few seconds and furiously typing like it was motivating him to go faster.

Vander’s rough voice comes from the driver’s seat, slightly muffled since he doesn’t turn around. “So what was it? What caused the tin can to go down?”

My hacker’s eyes narrow until I’m not even sure he can see, his lips pressing into a thin line. “Aside from what they did to the window, they also fried some circuits, shorting out the engine.”

Jasper lifts his arm, then makes a descending whistle sound as he acts like his hand is a plane crashing. Grayson winces at the crude gesture. He’s my sweet softie. It might be a little too soon, but the dark humor might be our way of processing what happened.

“Precisely,” Cole growls. “I didn’t think it was wise to work on tracking the source. Not while we’re in a vehicle that can still be hacked. We need to go dark. Keep electronics to a minimum until I’m able to find their hacker and disable the threat.”

“Yeah, we know. You already destroyed our phones,” Vander points out.

The conversation goes on around me, all the while I gather my energy. I can’t stay here forever, even if it is comfortable as fuck. My eyes threaten to flutter shut as Jasper trails his fingers up and down my arm, but something about the pressure of it cues me to a tension running through him. Not to mention the way his heart beats faster under my ear. Before I have a chance to gather enough gumption to ask him about it, he speaks up. “Hey Vander, can you pull into this rest area? I need to speak to all of you.”

Suddenly, I remember him saying something similar before the plane tried to kill us. The way his muscles have become rigid makes me wonder what he could possibly have to say that has him this worried. Because that’s the only reason he’d be like this. Jasper isn’t someone who stresses about anything. He’s always cool, calm, collected.

“No. Vander, keep driving. The sooner we get there, the sooner I find my sister.” Cole throws the worst death glare at Jasper that I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying a lot. I’ve been getting them left and right lately from the people I’ve murdered.

“You can’t keep us from taking bathroom breaks,” Jasper seethes.

Cole watches us, his gaze narrowed like he’s already plotting ways he wants to torture Jasper for causing a delay. I almost suspect he knows something bad is about to happen and Jasper will be the cause of it all. I give a double take, and sure enough, there’s murder in his eyes. I’m not sure what has Cole jumping to those kinds of conclusions, but I’m already dreading the movement it will take to get between them.

“Why would we really need to stop, Jasper?” Cole hisses, accusation coloring his words. “Just spit it out.”

Vander guides the car onto the ramp to the rest area, ending the need for Jasper to answer. Cole’s fingers twitch like he wishes he was holding onto a weapon, and thankfully, Vander whips into a parking space as if he knows a fight will break out any moment now. I have no doubt it delayed Cole from lunging. I’m not even sure he realizes I’m on Jasper’s lap.

We jerk to a stop and Jasper's arms barely wrap around me in time to keep me from flying into the front seat. It reminds Cole of my presence, but I’m afraid it gives him a whole new reason to lash out at Jasper.

“Watch it, motherfucker. You hurt her and I’ll maim you. Don’t test me.” Cole’s face twists into a mask of fury. Before he can change his mind and turn the threat into actuality, Vander yanks his door open and rips Cole from his seat. He tumbles onto the asphalt out of my view. I don’t think this will help him with his turbulent mood right now.

With a sigh, I will my body to obey. I’m instantly thankful for two things. One, that my men dressed me when they were finished ringing my body for everything it was worth. And two, that Jasper assists me with climbing out. I’m not sure my legs would’ve supported me if he wasn’t there with his arm around me.