Page 51 of Entwined

The sound of Cole’s laugh chases me into the master as I speed up. “You’re on! Prepare to lose!”

Within seconds, I’m at the hidden escape and suddenly find my feet taken out from under me. It's some kind of slide. Partway down, I come to a stop, the slope of the tube not steep enough. No wonder it took so long for the others to exit the building earlier.

I have to wiggle my body and use my heels to drag me the rest of the way out. As far as escape hatches, this wasn’t engineered well. Figures that moron would fuck this up. He always was more about manipulating people and watching for every little sign of ways to dismantle their lives in the most painful way. Organizing the right people to do construction wasn’t in his wheelhouse.

Vander turns, pointing his gun at me for a split second before lowering it when he sees it’s me. “What’s going on?”

By the time I reach him, I’ve given him the bullet points. We face the door and the security measures immediately retract and we’re able to walk right in. Vander and I hold not only our guns up, but we reach for our flashlights as well. With the windows covered, and the lights turned off, it’s like we’re walking into a pitch black dungeon.

The beam of light swipes across an entryway as I step inside. Cole’s sister mentioned a tunnel, so I’m not worried about clearing the entire building, I only need to find the access point to his escape route.

I’ve barely made it past the doorway when a body brushes past me. I expect to find Vander, but it’s actually Becca. Surprise washes through me, and I glance past Vander behind me, expecting to find some explanation of what’s happening. I’m not sure what, but I sure as shit don’t see it.

“This way,” she tells us, not waiting for a moment as she navigates through the building. It serves to assume Becca knows where she’s going. We didn’t get the details of how long she’s been with Trent—Fuck, I hate even the thought of his name, but it’s better than thinking of him as my brother—but I got the impression it’s been a while. Which is ultimately why I decide to follow her.

It appears to be some kind of pool house from the outside, but it’s not decorated as such. Becca moves so fast that I’m not able to take in much details other than there aren’t any enemies to take out.

We move through several rooms, the only light to be found is from our flashlights. The more details I’m able to take in, the more I’m starting to think this might be some kind of whore house. A place for the scum who he deals with to bring newly acquired slaves. Or perhaps he lets them take them for a trial run ahead of time. In either case, every room we cross is set up with almost roleplay like scenarios. It reminds me of how inside the house it seemed like each room was set up to display different kinks.

Getting away from this shit show can’t happen soon enough. I like to think I have a strong composure, but simply being here gives me the creeps. As we continue to pass through several more rooms, I question if Becca really knows where she’s going.

Right as I have the thought, she opens a door that leads to a staircase. It seems to me she has more urgency than we do to find Trent, but then again, why wouldn’t she? He’s been keeping her prisoner, forcing her to do his every cyber whim. Which means she probably came across every woman he sold since he took possession of her.

When we reach the bottom, my feet land on the hard packed dirt of the tunnel. For some reason, I pictured something less… rustic. This certainly doesn’t help the eerie vibes surrounding everything having to do with the Tulip Broker.

Becca runs down the tunnel, chasing to catch up to our prey. Vander and I exchange a look and follow in pursuit. Thankfully, the tunnel is equipped with lights. A bare bulb shining every ten feet or so. Which means I’m now able to see Becca clearly for the first time since she showed up.

In her hand is a knife that suspiciously matches the ones I stashed on my little bird. She holds onto it so tightly, her knuckles are white. There’s determination written all over her features. The way her jaw clenches together, her tight muscles, the urgency in her pace… The woman is on a mission and won’t let anyone get in her way.

I can tell already she’s fierce and strong—look how long she’s lasted in captivity without losing her mind. Not only that, she found a way to make herself in-disposable. I’m sure more than anything else, learning how to code is what saved her.

We don’t try to hide our footsteps. Trent already knows we won’t give up, that we’d find a way past his defenses. The sound is like a dull thud, pounding over and over again as if it’s a drumbeat warning of a war to come.

It feels like we spend a lifetime running along the dirt tunnel, and yet it’s also a blink of an eye until we find Trent putting his full force on a doorknob. He angrily wiggles it up and down while simultaneously banging his shoulder against the door. Then he jams his finger against buttons on a keypad next to the exit.

Becca lied to us. She said there wasn’t a way to stop him from leaving, but clearly there was.

I raise my gun to kill the bastard, something I should’ve done a long ass time ago, but Becca is in the way. She charges for him; the knife raised in her hand. A whining, choked cry rips free from her.

He must’ve been making too much noise to hear us coming, because he seems startled when he glances up and finds Becca attacking. She’s so close, he doesn’t have time to grab a weapon of his own—if he even has any on him—and simply holds his hands up in a desperate bid that it’ll make her stop.

My brother has always been arrogant. Which is probably why he doesn’t have as sharp defensive skills as he should.

Becca sinks the knife into his stomach. He was already pushing his arms out to shove her away, and when the impact hits, she falls backward, taking the knife with her.

A sick thrill rushes through me as I watch Trent grab his stomach and glance down. His hands barely peel away from his body and when he spots the blood, his eyes go wide, then move to Becca.

As much as I’d relish watching Becca destroy Trent, I don’t want to risk her life with his unyielding fury. Although… I could help her without killing him outright.

I line up my shot, making sure I won’t hit Becca in the process, and pull the trigger. The bullet goes directly through his kneecap, and his legs give out. He crashes to the ground, landing on his knees first before falling face first.

The wail coming from him is worth not taking the kill shot right away. He rolls to his side, gripping his leg before a rabid growl claws out of his throat. It’s so feral I’m surprised he’s not foaming at the mouth.

With Trent distracted, Becca has enough time to scramble to her knees and straddle him. She screams in his face as she stabs him in the torso over and over. “You son of a bitch. I hate you with a greater scorching fury than the sun possesses. Go to Hell where you belong. You deserve an eternity of torment where the devil himself shoves his unlubricated cock right up your ass! Sick. Demented. Cocksucker. Psychotic cuntasaurus. Degenerate. Fucking scum of the Earth. Die. Die. Die!”

I’m sure Becca could go on for eternity, but I drag her away. She immediately turns into me, burying her face in my chest as she sobs uncontrollably. Her body shakes, and I pat my hand on her back as I stare with wide eyes at Vander.

“Don’t tell Raven,” I mouth.