Page 50 of Entwined

“Are we having a race?” I tease.

“Date night part two,” Cole adds, seeming to be more like himself now that the shock has worn off. “Coven teamed up again.”

“Coven?” Jasper asks, completely puzzled.

“It’s a mix of our names. Our couple tag. You and me forever.” Cole beams at me, almost making me change my mind from saying no.

“Aww. You two are cute together,” his sister says before I can serve the devastating blow to Cole. “But to save time, you can all leave now. I’ll enter the command once you reach the safe house door.”

“I don’t think you should be left alone,” I say quickly. We don’t know if we can trust her, this could all be a trap.

“Oh, don’t worry about me.” She waves her hand at me in a dismissive way. “I’ll recode the door when you leave. Nobody will be able to get in unless I let them.”

“Or I hack my way past it. You’re a good match for me, sister of mine, but I’m still better,” Cole goads.

Becca scowls at him. “Or perhaps I subtly let you pass all the firewalls while making it appear legit to my jailers.”

Cole jerks his head back like he was smacked across the face. “How dare you suggest that!”

“Guess we’ll have to find out later. You need to get a move on it.” She pushes him out of the rolling chair and positions herself in front of the computer. Cole simply stares at her like she’s an alien.

I wait for a moment for Jasper to cut in and agree with me, or even Cole to say something about not wanting to leave her unprotected. For fuck’s sake, she was held captive for a decade or more. There is such a thing as Stockholm syndrome.

“Okay, let’s go,” Jasper says in his commanding tone. He turns for the door with Cole right behind him, and I stare after them like they’ve lost their minds.

I know Cole and I bonded over our shared inability to process emotions, but I still know how to fucking fake it. And so does Cole, which he proved when we started dating. With how worried he was about finding his sister, he doesn’t even try to show her the brother she expected to save her.

Not only that, but she hasn’t shown any behavior that I’d expect from a victim. Her story doesn’t add up for me and I. Don’t. Fucking. Like. It.

Striding across the space between us, I draw a knife and stab it into the desk right next to where her hand rests on the keyboard. She jumps and flinches away from me, but I stick my face right in hers.

“We don’t know each other, but if you want any part in your brother’s life, you better watch every action you make. You hurt any of my men, I’ll fucking end you.” I give her a sweet smile, like I’m some kind of innocent angel. “Do you understand me?”

She licks her lips. “I won’t. I only want to kill that bastard and to have my freedom back.”

We’ll see, Becca. We’ll see.

Chapter 24


As I make it to the staircase, I turn around to say goodbye to my little bird, only to find she’s not behind us. Shit. I shouldn’t have trusted she’d come with us. I love my girl to the next universe and beyond, but she’s too possessive of us to trust anyone else with our safety. And this plan hinges on her participation.

I turn around to drag Raven away from Becca before she does something stupid, only to find her striding out of the room we were in. She has a bounce to her step and a smile that tells me she was up to no good.

“You threatened her, didn’t you?” I don’t need her to answer me, though. I already know she did.

Cole shoulders his way around me and grips her hips, drawing her in, and kisses her on the cheek. “I love you too, sexy. So damn hot.”

“You’re okay with her intimidating your sister?” I realize a second after the words are out of my mouth that he might not have made that connection, just that he heard she threatened someone.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

I shake my head. Damn psychopaths.

“Stay safe. Both of you,” I finally say, pointing my finger at each in turn. Then I grasp Little Bird by her chin and guide her into me. I wrap my arm around her waist and kiss her. Her lips naturally part for me as her body melts against mine. I don’t have the time to kiss her like I want; we aren’t out of danger yet.

Breaking away, I shift into a jog toward the bedroom to take the hidden escape. But before we get too far apart, I glance over my shoulder and say, “You did want to make this a competition, right?”