Page 73 of Knot a Clue

Ryland nods like he expected as much. “Like I’ve repeatedly told the others, I went for a snack right after you left to go on your double date with the twins. I knew the kitchen staff normally keeps things on hand in the parlor and that’s where I went, only to find Matthew already occupying the space.

“At first he thought I was part of the staff, but as soon as he realized I was your beta, the tone of the conversation changed. I refuse to repeat to you the things he said about you and us, but it was bad, Ver. I saw red. That’s when I hit him, but it never went any further than that. I told him he’d never end up as your alpha and left. That was that. I went straight to the gym to blow off steam. Afterward, I went back to our room, which is where Jedrik found me during your heat.”

Nothing in his eyes or his words says he’s lying or guilty and especially not his scent. We’re terrible liars, especially to each other, so I would know. My beta is innocent.

The door bangs open. “Time’s up,” Mrs. Violet says, an authoritative edge to her tone. “Obviously, he’s not going to tell you anything new. This was a waste.”

I give Ryland’s hand a squeeze before I stand and follow Jedrik out of the room. Mrs. Violet sighs like she’s carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders alone. “We’re behind schedule, but we’ll make it up tomorrow. First things first, this week’s elimination. Be prepared.”

“Wait, the show is continuing? Someone was murdered.”

The only thing Mrs. Violet says before stalking away is, “The show must go on. Always.”

Leaving me reeling in the control room.

Chapter 39


Sleeping without Ryland at my side was hell. Andrik stayed with me all night, but all I could focus on was Ry being tied up in an office somewhere without me. Any time I managed to get a few measly minutes of sleep, it was filled with haunting images of Matthew’s dead body or Ryland behind bars for life.

Needless to say, I’m a wreck this morning while Rosey curls my hair. “I can’t believe they’re filming despite everything,” I murmur, half to myself, because it simply doesn’t seem real. Any of it.

Rosey gives an indifferent shrug. “Have you ever seen them skip an episode? Even with that kitchen fire last year. Or a few years ago when part of the roof collapsed due to all the rain and the entire alphas’ wardrobes were ruined.”

Her statement jogs my memory. “Actually, I do remember that. The rest of the week, the dates were out at the pool because the swimming trunks were the only thing salvageable.”

She winces like she’s picturing what a catastrophe it was for the stylist that year. She shrugs. “Yep, exactly. So, no, nothing stops it, girlie. Nothing.”

Doesn’t make it less unethical, I want to shout, but hold it in. Arguing with Rosey won’t help anything.

Karen raps her knuckles against the door. “Ten minute warning, Rosey. Speed it along.” The assistant is already sweeping out the door as quickly as she appeared before either of us can respond. But I hear her voice down the hall. “And you, Mr. Hart, should be in the alpha wing with the rest. Do hurry and take your place.”

There’s a long pause, with no response. Deep voices too low for me to hear fill the hall. Eventually, Jedrik and Emmett pop their heads in. “I have to go, Trouble, but Dr. Emmett said he’ll be within earshot if you need him. Stay safe.”

We share a long, heated glance before he steps away. Emmett nods at me, his eyes saying everything his mouth won’t as his focus dips to the slip I’m wearing. Hell, I’m not even dressed yet. Rosey doesn’t say a word, but I know she notices. Thank goodness it seems like there’s a sort of small unspoken girl-to-girl agreement between us.

Like Emmett suddenly remembers where we are and what’s happening, he shakes himself, but I don’t miss the whiff of dark chocolate that wafts my way. “Right. As Jedrik stated, I’ll be close by in case anything with your—“ he clears his throat, ”—condition worsens.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as he’s gone, Rosey is squealing. “Ho-ly fucking shit.” I try shushing her, to no avail. “Sorry, excuse my language, but girlie, he is so damn hot! And it seems like he has the hots for you. If not, I’d rub up on him any time of day.”

”He can hear you,“ comes Emmett’s rumbled reply, followed by a strange noise. Is that...? Is he choking on his laughter?


Rosey blushes and yanks a piece of my hair into the curling iron to distract us both. “Whoopsie. Back to the hair.”

I cover my face with my hands, knowing if the scent dampeners weren’t on my pears would be permeating the room. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” I respond.

Exactly eight and a half minutes later, I’m dressed and ready to go. Well, ready is a relative term. If it were up to me, I’d be snuggled in bed with Ry, messy bed hair and all, trying to forget someone was murdered. Of course, that’s not in the cards right now, with my best friend being the one they’re accusing and no other suspects in sight. Therefore, I’m making it my mission to find out as much as I can about Matthew. Who his friends were, if he had any, who he hung out with, what he did in his sleep. Whatever I can to clear Ryland’s name. I’ll eat, sleep, and breathe Matthew if it means getting him off the hook.

“There you are!” Karen shouts, stalking over to me with a clipboard in hand. She flips a page and sighs heavily at whatever she sees. “We’re so behind schedule. Go take your place. Mrs. Violet should be on momentarily. Be ready to go live in—“ she bangs the clipboard against her chest while she checks the time on her watch, ”—oh, heaven’s sake. Forty-five seconds, everyone!” She gives me a slight push toward the stage and I scramble over to the set.

Mrs. Violet strides through the entryway, looking nothing like she did yesterday. She’s back to her picture-perfect appearance with her hair artfully tied in an elegant updo. Her black dress kisses the tops of her knees and is paired with a gorgeous gold necklace. Truthfully, she seems like she’s in mourning. I need to get to the bottom of her relationship with Matthew.

“And we’re live in 5...4...3…” Mark begins his usual countdown and the lights lower onto the two of us as we sit in the interview chairs. I’m completely lost on how this’ll go down. Will they mention the loss of Matthew straight off the bat?