Page 66 of Knot a Clue

My twin notices my line of sight, pausing in putting the rope up, and gives me a knowing look. Right now is one of the moments I’m glad we’re so in sync. With our training, it only makes sense that we’re the ones who take point on the investigation.

We’re interrupted by Chef LeBlanc approaching, flashlight in one hand, a bag of what seems like supplies in the other. “I figured you could use some help,” he says, extending plastic bags and rubber gloves our way.

Instantly, the alarms in my head go off because how did he know we were out here?

Plus, if you think about it, a kitchen has all the things you’d need to help get away with murder. Cleaning supplies, industrial sinks, rubber gloves, just about any meat cleaver you would ever need, and easy access to trash disposal.

As if he can sense the direction of my thoughts, he sets the bag down and holds up his hands like he’s innocent. “Word spreads fast around here, and the staff is already discussing it. I only wanted to help.”

Could this truly be a simple act? Or is there more under the surface of Chef LeBlanc?

Since silence seems to unnerve people and make them talk more, I opt to ignore his response, instead putting on the gloves so I can get a better look at the glitter. Chef LeBlanc lets out a nervous chuckle. “Seriously. The housekeeper overheard Mr. Emerald when he broke the news to Mrs. Violet and the wildfire spread from there. Plus, all the alphas are watching from the rooftop terrace.”

Sure enough, I glance in that direction and can just barely make out shapes on the top of the mansion. Wonderful. Exactly what we need.

“Enough, Chef LeBlanc,” Mrs. Violet interrupts and the older man instantly snaps his mouth shut. I’d tuned him out, so I missed the rest of his rambling.

“Apologies. I tend to overshare when I’m nervous.” He seems to realize what he said and backtracks. “Not that I have anything to be nervous about, but well, I can see how this looks now that I’m out here. Carry on.”

Hopefully, this is simply a case of foot-in-mouth syndrome, but on the off chance it isn’t, I add him to the tally. “Thank you, Chef LeBlanc. You can go.” I dismiss him because it’s one less person to muddle the crime scene.

I glance up as lightning streaks across the sky. It illuminates Matthew’s body in a grotesque way, and the stricken faces of those of us standing around him. The resounding clap of thunder startles everyone with how close it is. “Seems like the storms are rolling in early,” Andrik confirms.

“Shit, we need to get tarps to preserve the crime scene.”

Andrik’s face twists. “The rain will wash away any DNA evidence that could potentially be on his body… Even with a tarp, I don’t think we should risk it. We need to move him inside.”

“Agreed. The question is, where are we putting him?”

Chapter 36


There are no proper words to describe the euphoria of being inside Verity, of sharing that most intimate moment with her. And yet it felt like our connection went beyond our physical bodies. There’s a spark between us—one that can’t be explained in any simple terms.

I blame that for the dopey smile on my face as I make my way to wherever Jedrik is leading me, lost in thought about our time together. Which I’d still be enjoying if said twin hadn’t burst in about an “emergency” I need to attend to. Fucking prick. If it weren’t for his sense of urgency and him almost waking Verity with his incessant need to check on her, I’d have told him to fuck off because, honestly, I can’t seem to find any fucks to give about anything else but her.

Verity’s in my clothes, in my bed, after having my knot deep inside her, and I’ve never felt more fulfilled as an alpha. Not to mention it’s only fair since she was already wearing Andrik’s shirt the first time I saw her. It has me plotting ways I can get him to see her in mine…

“So, what’s this emergency?” I snap with a little more force than I mean to, but fuck, I’m still covered in her scent and there’s nothing I want more than to be in bed holding my omega while she recovers.

I’m such an idiot, not to mention an asshole, for not monitoring her levels more accurately. But she’s been fine since she’s been here and I didn’t think. Therein lies the problem, I didn’t think. Because when she’s around, all I can focus on is her bright blue eyes and that little grin she flashes me. The way her pears invade my senses and calm my frayed nerves. Now I don’t have to imagine what she’d look like falling apart in my arms because I know. And fuck, it’s exquisite.

Plain and simple, I was a bad doctor. I ignored my instincts and that, in turn, led to the woman I care about going into an early heat. I’m thankful she was with the twins because they’re the only alphas I know who are strong enough to walk away from a mewling omega begging for a knot. The thought sobers me. Logically, I knew something serious had to have happened for him to walk away from her earlier, but I was solely focused on her needs.

All I receive in return is a once over and a cryptic, “You’ll see.”

Usually, when people say that, it doesn’t bode well for anyone. I quicken my pace to keep up with him. Eventually, we round the corner to the kitchens and he leads me over to one of the walk-in coolers. “Okay, explain. What on earth are we doing, Jedrik? I swear if you pulled me away from Verity for something—“

He interrupts me with a growl and undoes the latch on the door, swinging it open for me to look inside. Shock isn’t quite the word I’d use, but it comes close to describing my reaction to seeing a dead body laying on a kitchen prep table. I take a brief moment to appreciate the fact the room is empty of food products, an odd thing to note when a corpse is laying in front of me.

My gaze swivels from the body to him and back several times. “Please tell me you didn’t…” My murmured words trail off as I try to rationalize what I’m seeing. Him murdering someone would crush her.

And in return, I’d crush him for having the audacity to do something so fucking stupid and ruin his relationship with her.

“I could ask you the same thing.” He levels me with a suspicious glare, but eventually relents when my expression morphs into confusion. “Fine, you insolent prick. Andrik, Verity, and I found him during our two-on-one date. We were with her the whole time.”

Well, now I certainly see what the emergency was and why I’m the only one who could handle it.