Page 53 of Knot a Clue

“Yeah, I do, Trouble. The strength of his scent all over you is more than simply sharing a room together. Why do you think Andrik and I are always bee-lining to you and sandwiching you between us?” Jedrik rubs against me, marking me with more of his scent to prove his point.

I can’t help but frown. “Oh. I thought—Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.”

“He didn’t mean it like that,” Andrik quickly cuts in. He grasps my chin, keeping me from dipping my head down.

“Trouble, listen to me. We do it because we want to protect you because we care about you and you’re ours. We want you to wear all of our scents.” Jedrik kisses the top of my head, purring even louder. If I thought he was giving me whiplash with his mood swings before, I’m not sure what my chaotic emotions are doing right now. I’m acting like a metronome with how back and forth I am. What the hell is going on?

“I think you could use some camera free fun time outside of this room,” Ry speaks up. I look at him, grateful for him stepping in. He takes as good care of me as any alpha could, always anticipating my needs before I know them.

“Great idea,” Andrik says, smiling sweetly at me.

Chapter 29


Much to my disappointment, they put their shirts back on before leading me from the room. To make up for it though, I have a twin on either side, each with a hand in mine. A bang makes me jump and glance back at the door leading from the omega wing to the main hallway. “Shouldn’t we be sneaking around if we’re trying to avoid the cameras?” I ask them after the door slams closed behind us.

“That’s why we sent Ryland ahead to make sure nobody was lingering around. You don’t trust him as a lookout?” Andrik’s tone is teasing and helps to settle my nerves.

“Pft. Of course I do. Doesn’t mean I want to risk it.” I elbow his side. “I was promised camera free time. You don’t want to disappoint your omega, do you?”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that,” Andrik growls.

At the same time, his brother scoops me into his arms. “Ours, huh?” Jedrik’s nose brushes against my neck as he takes in my scent. “You sure you’re ready for everything that entails?” His teeth scrape across my pulse point next, making my core clench with need and a moan spills out. It makes my mind zip straight to mating bites, which is undoubtedly his goal.

Leaning into his teasing touch, his canines pinch at my skin. “Yes, Jed, I’m—“ He cuts me off with his kiss. It’s possessive as fuck, like he can’t stop himself from staking his claim.

“You’d let me bite you right now, wouldn’t you?” he rasps low enough his twin can’t hear. It’s probably a good call, because I don’t think he’d be on board with the topic. Jedrik is my bad boy, though. His body becomes more rigid, and it seems like he’s having trouble reining in his alpha nature.

“Yes,” I whimper. My neck tingles, wanting his mating bite. I can’t explain it. Even through all his hot and cold flashes, I knew he was supposed to be mine. It was so clear he was fighting something that had nothing to do with me.

Jedrik, Andrik, Kyle, and even Emmett… my perfect alpha pie with a side of Ryland’s champagne. They’re mine, and I want more than anything to claim them before something can change our fate. If we have a bonded mating bite, there’s nothing the council can do about it.

“What’s that, Precious?” Andrik distracts me from my thoughts, and I glance around, not recognizing anything.

“Where are we?” I ask as my gaze peruses the space. It appears to be a gaming room of some sort with a billiard table on one side and a big table set up for poker on the other. There’s even a wooden bar top with stools along one wall.

“Haven’t you been in here before?” Jedrik asks, effectively distracting his twin from asking about our conversation again.

“Nope,” I say, popping the P. “You think I have time to go exploring? I practically tumble into bed every night.”

“I bet you do,” Jed rumbles in my ear. I surprisingly still feel flushed from my earlier embarrassment. Sometimes it takes a while for the redness to go away, so my cheeks feel extra hot now.

It must catch Andrik’s attention, because he walks over and presses the back of his hand to my forehead. “You feeling okay? You’re warm and flushed.”

I bat his hand away and snuggle into Jedrik, enjoying how his muscles bunch against me. “I’m fine. I thought we were sneaking out?”

“We are,” Andrik replies, eyeing me up and down like he doesn’t actually believe I’m fine.

Luckily, he seems to drop it as his brother adds, “You ready to learn one of our secrets, Trouble?”

My curiosity piques. Growing up on Nancy Drew and Boxcar Children novels has given me a deep-seated love for secrets. Give me a good mystery any day. “Yes! Tell me.” I practically bounce in his arms. Thankfully, he doesn’t drop me. He shoots me a dubious look like he’s sizing me up and I add, “I’m great with secrets.”

Jed’s chest vibrates with a laugh as he returns me to my feet—yes, I think the nickname will stick—and he presses his hand to my lower back. I love his need to retain contact with me, because honestly, I’m feeling needy as fuck for it.

“The last time we were here, we spent a lot of time exploring. Having five omegas in our season left a lot of downtime. One day, Andrik and I got into a skirmish over something stupid and ended up running into a bookshelf. He knocked a bunch of them off, and as it turns out, someone tucked the blueprints to the mansion behind the tomes.” His grin widens and a mischievous twinkle enters his eyes. “This place has some… rather unique traits.”

“And thank fuck we did. Our discovery actually made this place bearable,” Andrik adds, the same playful gleam reflected in his stare. “You’re not the only one who hates having a camera on them all the time.” He pointedly tips his head at his twin, but I have a suspicion he doesn’t like it either.