Page 22 of Knot a Clue

His continued purrs sound around me, working their magic. “Shh, Little Omega. I won’t let you get matched with someone you can’t stand. Have no fear.”

“How?” I mumble into his shirt, not really believing him.

“Let me worry about that, sweet girl. Worst case scenario, I’ll write you a prescription saying you’re allergic to their pheromones or something.” The idea of saying I can’t mate with an alpha because my doctor gave me a note is absurd enough to pull a startled laugh out of me. “That’s better,” he muses, happy with my reaction.

When I’ve calmed down, he steps away, but the movement is slow and drawn out like he can’t stand the thought of not touching me. A coldness envelops me, and I instantly miss having his arms around me. I shouldn’t. He’s my doctor. But I simply can’t help myself. I blame my chocolate addiction. A bad habit I’ve never been willing to give up. And it smells all the more addictive when it combines with my pear scent. They make chocolate oranges, but they should really be making chocolate pears.

“Shall we continue with your test, Little Omega?” he asks, holding a machine in his hand. “I need you to put your finger in here. There will be a small prick to get a drop of blood, and then it’ll test to make sure you aren’t going into heat today.”

“You didn’t use that last time,” I point out.

He gives me a reassuring smile. “I thought you might appreciate the ease of the device. But if you’d like, I can grab a syringe and take your blood that way.” Humor dances in his eyes. “Or are you just disappointed it means less touching?”

He’s teasing me, I know he is, but something about it actually rings true. The feel of his touch is quickly becoming my drug, and I’m addicted, needing to find that next fix, even if it’s a simple brush of his fingertips.

This is bad. So fucking bad.

They teach us the rules of our designations in school. There’s a whole class dedicated to it that’s mandatory to take before you turn twenty-one. They want us prepared no matter what designation we end up with.

It’s an attempt to make sure there aren’t any misconceived notions of what’s expected of us. Which is how I know I shouldn’t be allowing myself to flirt with my doctor. All the innocent touches that I can’t help but imagine turning into something more… are forbidden. And yet, my omega won’t let me ignore the flutters of excitement I get when I’m around him.

Dr. Em lifts my hand and holds the opening of the device to my pointer finger. “Do I have your permission to test you?” His question makes me realize I’ve been silent for far too long. I quickly nod before I get lost in my thoughts again.

This is so embarrassing. He probably thinks I’m a pathetic, weak omega. Every time I’ve been with him, I’ve needed his comfort, practically begged him for it like a puppy demands pets. Not to mention my lack of confidence in my appearance. The first time I was a mess, covered in mud and leaves. This time, I’m worried about wrinkling my clothes.

Why do I seem to lose my ability to act normally around him? I hate it. And yet… part of me feels more at ease than I’ve ever been around an alpha.

A small prick bites into my finger, drawing the blood he needs for his test. I appreciate the abundance of caution they practice on the show, making sure I don’t go into heat when I’m surrounded by a bunch of alphas. Something that can actually push my body into heat even faster.

“Your suppressant is still holding strong, Verity, and everything is looking good to go.” He places the device on a tray and picks up a small cup with a nondescript white pill in it. I study the tablet, wondering why he’s holding it since he just said the suppressant is working. “I have a newly formulated treatment I’ve been working on. It’s not approved yet, but considering your position, I wanted to offer it to you.”

“What does it do?” I ask, eyeing him warily.

“It prevents you from having to follow an alpha bark against your will,” he states, the normal confidence in his face melting away. It seems he’s a little unsure of what my response might be.

“Why are you offering me this?”

“Because I don’t like the thought of you spending time with alphas and being forced to do something you don’t want. Sure, they have rules in place that they can’t command you to do anything, but you never know who will say ‘fuck it’ to those rules.” He stares at the cup in his hand. “It only lasts twenty-four hours, which means I’ll need to give you one a day. I’m hoping to work on the formula to extend the effects and get it approved as a standardized treatment for the show. But until then, it’ll be completely up to you if you want to put your trust in me.”

The implication of a pill that frees an omega from the terror of wondering when an alpha may command them against their will is amazing. If only I had something like this when I was trying to escape Andrik. Although now that I’ve gotten to know him, it would be a shame if he never caught me. But still… to not have my will stolen simply because an alpha uses his sass on me…

I eagerly hold my hand out for the pill.

Dr. Em gives me a warm smile and his dark chocolate scent wraps around me like the most comforting of hugs. He’s pleased with my decision. Before I can throw my head back and toss the pill in my mouth, he has another cup in hand, this one filled with water. He hands it over and I take the tablet.

“Good, Little Omega, swallow it all,” he coaches. Of course my damn omega hormones have me picturing him commanding me to swallow something else entirely. The twinkle in his eye I catch before I duck my gaze tells me his thoughts went in the same direction. I swear every time he calls me little omega, a thrill of excitement runs through me. It makes my heart rate pick up, and I’m thankful he doesn’t have me hooked up to a monitor. It would give me away, as if my perfume isn’t doing that enough already.

“Thank you, Dr. Em,” I whisper, not fully trusting my voice right now.

I peek between my lashes and catch him wincing. “Verity.” He sounds pained saying my name, putting me on edge instantly. Nothing good can come after he says it that way. “There’s something I need to mention to you.” I knew it. Nothing good.

My fists ball at my sides, and my pear scent loses its sweetness. Dr. Em reaches to calm me, but stops himself halfway. “They aired your interview and arrival at the mansion last night. Your reaction to being asked if you were a virgin was enough to give away your answer, but then your admission that you slept with your male beta friend called things into question.” I wince, and he gives a slight growl.

“Viewers can be vicious when they want. And after you arrived late in a state that doesn’t portray the expectations they have for an omega… Well, the comments on the message boards are demanding for you to be examined so the alphas aren’t tricked into thinking you’re pure.” He steps away from me, correctly guessing my response would be anger.

“They what?” I shriek, surprise and outrage warring inside me. “They can’t do that!” I object, not wanting it to be true. “Can they?” Please tell me they can’t.

The expression on his face says they can, though. “I’m sorry, Verity. You know once you’ve been designated as an omega, they have full power over your life until you’re bonded with a pack. If they ask…” he trails off, not wanting to finish.