Page 15 of Knot a Clue

One step at a time.

It’s the only answer I have. And yet it seems to lack any comfort.

I dry off after leaving the shower and stand in front of the mirror with the towel wrapped around me. It probably would have been a good idea if I brought a change of clothes in here before I got in the shower, but it’s a little too late for that now. My stomach growls, so I hurry and finish my bathroom routine.

Right as I’m about to turn for the door, Andrik’s shirt catches my eye. I pick it up and am instantly surrounded by cinnamon, nutmeg, and hazelnut. It’s like I’m transported into a warm hug, and suddenly I crave the feeling of his arms around me.

I’m in so much trouble…

Chapter 8


The shower cut off a few minutes ago, so I know she’ll be coming out any time now. I run a hand through my short hair, messing it up even more. My leg won’t stop bouncing, and it feels as if I’m about to explode.

So many emotions war within me. Anger. Disappointment. Sadness. Love… and maybe even the slightest amount of hope.

Three days ago, Verity disappeared without a word. We texted goodnight with plans to meet up the next morning for breakfast, then she poofed into thin air. Leaving me a worried wreck. I’ll never be able to buff out the groove I wore into my wood floors.

And the thing is, I don’t understand why she didn’t tell me. I would have left with her in a heartbeat, and I find it hard to believe she didn’t know that.

Her mother is an omega, so I’ve suspected she would reveal as one for a while, but it’s not something the two of us talked about. I think we both believed if we didn’t mention it, then there was still hope it wouldn’t be true. I prayed every night to a god I don’t believe in for her to come out as a beta. If she were a beta, or even an alpha, then we could be together. All the walls she had built between us could come tumbling down and we could finally be something more.

It’s a universally known fact that sometimes when friendship turns into something more, it can either be an epic love story told for future generations, or it can cause a ripple—complicating things enough that the friendship crumbles, as does the whole relationship. It’s another reason I think Verity and I have been cautious around one another, even though the attraction between us is constantly simmering below the surface. If one, or both, of us crossed that line and it happened to crash and burn, I don’t know if my soul would recover from losing her entirely. Verity is my life. Without her, I’d simply cease to exist.

The bathroom door swings open, drawing me out of my thoughts. I hold in the sound of enjoyment wanting to escape at the sight of her. She’s beauty incarnate, everything I could ever want in a woman. It’s no wonder I’ve never been able to look at anyone else. How could I when I’ve had her in my life?

I thought about bringing her a set of night clothes when I realized she didn’t bring any with her, but now, seeing her in the luxurious towel… I’m really glad I didn’t. Her hips sway with every step, and her silken legs draw my eyes. Not for long, though. Because she’s hiding something in her hand where she holds the fabric close to her chest. My sweet girl is hiding something from me, and I’m not the type to let her get away with it.

She quickly turns to enter the nearby closet, her long brown hair teasing at the top of where her back meets the delectable curve of her ass. The woman is a sight, both coming and going. She disappears into the closet, and I belatedly realize she dried and styled her hair into soft waves. Which has me chuckling softly at a memory. When we were thirteen, I once told her that her wavy hair was my favorite. I can picture the moment now, where I tucked a strand behind her ear, and told her how beautiful she was. It was one of many times where I knew there was a spark between us, but neither of us acted on it, even though I wanted to lose myself in her. To keep her from backing away, and kiss the shit out of her. To prove exactly how dynamite we would be together.

I let the thought slip away then, never acting on it like so many other lost opportunities… Since that day, she often fixes her hair the way I like when she knows we’ll be hanging out. And it never fails to make me smile.

Jumping off the couch, I hurry for the closet. I want to catch her before she drops the towel, if only to save her from the embarrassment.

When I reach the opening, I lean against the doorjamb, right in time to find her gently placing a folded shirt on the shelf and smoothing it out gently with her fingertips. “Whatcha doing there?”

Her adorable squeak makes my smile grow even more, along with her startled jump. She pulls her hands to her sides but not before running them down the towel, as if the action would mean I didn’t catch her doing anything. Much to her distress, the movement only untucks the corner of the towel, which makes the whole thing flop open and sink to the ground.

Her eyes go wide, and for a few seconds she stands still, too shocked to move. It feels like a blissful eternity to me as I take in her perfect form. Her gorgeous tits are perky with dusky rose tips that give way to her hourglass shape where her hips widen before a trimmed landing strip catches my eyes. I only get the barest of hints before she bends over and gathers the towel in front of her.

“Fucking hell, Ry! You don’t have to stare like that,” she yells before charging the few feet between us and shoving me in the shoulder. The embarrassment is clear in her actions, but the husky quality to her voice, along with the sweet honeyed scent of pears, says she isn’t as mad as she’s acting.

I can’t stop myself from grasping her chin and tilting her head back, closing the space between us until she’s flush against me. Her breath catches and her lips part in a soft pout, but she doesn’t object. Only stares into my eyes, waiting to find out what I’ll do next.

“A man doesn’t turn away when a goddess stands before him. He kneels down and worships upon her altar.” A needy whine escapes her, and she licks her lips as I stare at them. I glance back to her hooded eyes. “Would you let me do that, Verity?”

Time stands still as we stare at each other, tension and desire filling the air until it’s so palpable you can feel it like a blanket wrapped around us. I want to kiss her so fucking badly. To take what we both want but have been too afraid to admit. But I don’t want things between us to start this way. I want her to choose it for herself. To want me as much as I’ve always wanted her.

My tongue darts out to wet my lips, drawing her gaze to them. I can see the thoughts turning inside her mind, the desire to throw caution to the wind and say yes. The anticipation builds between us, so thick you could cut it with a knife. I take a tiny step forward, almost crossing that thin line, and taking what we’ve wanted for so long. My movement snaps us out of the moment, and a nervous giggle bubbles out of her.

Knowing she isn’t ready, I drop her chin and walk backward slowly. “I’ll let you get dressed. Our food is getting cold.” Her gaze drops to the floor and she bites at her bottom lip. “Oh, and, Ver… wear the green set.” I turn around and head for the couch again, needing to put space between us until I can tame the monster in my pants wanting to make decisions for us all.

It doesn’t take long before Verity comes out, and I don’t even hide my smirk when I see the silky green set sliding against her skin with every step. It just so happens to be the same jade as my eyes. I love when she wears my color.

“Shut up,” she groans. The cushion slightly dips when she sits, and I reach for one of the trays of food to put on her lap.

“I didn’t say anything,” I object with a laugh, picking up my own tray.