Page 60 of Knot a Clue

A moment later I’m cradled against Jedrik’s chest, his smoky maple soothing the ache rocking through me. I take a deep breath in, turning my head into his chest to get a stronger sniff. Somehow it’s working to calm the pain.

“I’ll take her to the doctor and send someone to you. When Verity is taken care of, I’ll come back to help you.” Jedrik shifts me in his hold, preparing to dash us to Emmett. The thought of seeing my elusive doctor brings along the butterflies, effectively cutting off the remaining pain. I don’t understand why he’s been avoiding me lately. I thought we both felt the same things. Would giving in be that bad? I think I’m in shock…

Before Jedrik can walk away, Andrik catches him by the shoulder. His hand smooths my sweat-soaked hair off my forehead, comforting me with his gentle touch. It’s so fucking hot. I thought the nights were supposed to be cooler here. My gaze lands on him, and he appears almost hazy, my eyes unable to focus properly. “Everything will be okay, Precious. I promise.” He leans down and kisses my cheek, but his retreat is stopped when I fist his shirt, holding him in place. I don’t say anything, opting to yank him back. His cool lips land on mine, and I moan at the fevered relief of heat consuming me.

“I don’t want to leave you,” I murmur against his lips, sudden melancholy taking root. He shouldn’t be alone with the body. And... I need him.

His gaze remains locked on mine, a tenderness lurking there. I know by the way he traces over my features that he doesn’t want to be separated from me right now either. “I’ll come find you when I’m free. Jedrik will stay with you. It’s almost the same.”

A disbelieving laugh spills from my lips. How could he think they are almost the same? “Not even close, sir. You might be twins, but one could not replace the other. I need both of you.” His smile becomes broader, a twinkle entering his eyes. Guessing what his train of thought is, I continue, “I see you both. Don’t think I don’t.”

Andrik slides his hands along my sweaty neck until he’s gripping me by the cheeks. “I love you, Verity. You’re ours, and I don’t want you worrying about a thing. Jed and I will make sure society votes our way. You take care of yourself, okay?” I pout, not appreciating the way he brought my thoughts to the elimination or the threat of them being taken from me. Why did he have to bring it up? His gaze moves to his brother as another wave of my perfume plumes between us. “You better get her out of here before we’re knotting her. Dead body aside.”

Jedrik doesn’t hesitate, immediately moving, swiftly carrying me along the path toward the mansion. Why didn’t they let me respond? I would have told them to give me their knots. Hell, my pussy is practically weeping for them already.

I don’t have long to think about it before my thoughts are cut off with another round of cramping. It’s like my body is rebelling against the loss of Andrik’s touch, of his scent no longer surrounding me. A pained moan rings in my ears, and it takes a moment for me to realize I’m the one making the sound. Something isn’t right. Could it be that I really am starting my heat?

I’m so lost in my thoughts, or perhaps it’s the fever, that I don’t realize we’ve entered the mansion, not until the comforting scent of dark chocolate seems to calm the pain ravaging me. “What happened?” Emmett’s alarmed voice rings out. It sounds like he jumps from a chair and the momentum sends it crashing into the wall. My eyes blink open, trying to focus on his face. When did I even close them? “Put her on the exam table.”

Jedrik attempts to set me down, but the thought of his warmth leaving me sounds like the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Which is saying something since I’m burning up. My clothes suddenly feel suffocating. Like they are trapping in the heat, and for that matter, they’re scratchy and uncomfortable. “Take it off,” I demand with a moan. My grip tightens on Jedrik, not letting him move.

He mistakes my meaning and gives me a pained smile. “I can’t take my clothes off, Trouble. Not when you’re like this, no matter how much I want to.” He wraps a hand around my wrist, trying to pry my grip from his shirt.

“Not yours,” I whine, desperation consuming me to have my problem rectified. “Mine.”

His eyes widen in shock, but before he can say anything, he’s shoved out of the way and Emmett’s worried gaze fills my vision. His freezing hands trail over my skin, the touch helping to ease my aches. “You’re burning up, Little Omega. Why didn’t you come to me as soon as you started having symptoms?”

“Help me.” The whimpered words sound pathetic, but there’s nothing I can do to help it. I only hope he’ll do something to fix what’s wrong.

“I will, Little Omega, I will. I’ve got you, sweetheart.” He helps guide me into laying back and steps away.

My stomach immediately cramps. Fuck, this is totally my heat. I didn’t want to believe it, but my body is reacting too powerfully to the alphas I care about. I bet I didn’t notice it before because I was with Ryland. He doesn’t have a knot, so my instincts knew he couldn’t give me what I need. But the twins and Emmett... They can give me their knot.

The thought alone has my pussy clenching and a wave of slick drenching my thighs. The heated fabric sticks to my legs, chafing me uncomfortably. “What the hell are you doing?” Jedrik angrily asks. From the corner of my eye, I find him getting into Emmett’s face, trying to intimidate him with his size. The posturing would gain my attention on any other day, but right now I’m more interested in getting my fucking clothes off.

Sometimes a girl has to take care of things herself. Men ain’t shit.

They’re both so distracted with each other, they don’t notice I’m removing my clothes until the damp cloth of my shirt smacks against the floor. I wince in disgust and move for my pants, both alphas rushing to my sides.

“Verity, you can’t do that,” Jedrik objects, dragging my hands off my pants.

“I need you to get Ryland,” Emmett tells him.

A fit of annoyance comes over me, and I toss Jedrik’s hold, returning to my pants. I’m so quick I have them partially down my thighs before Emmett gathers both my hands and crosses my arms over my chest, holding me in place.

“Like fuck I’ll leave her alone with you. What kind of doctor talks to her the way you have been?” He reaches across me and shoves Emmett’s shoulders. “What are you doing? Stop touching her!”

An unexpected wave of emotions washes over me, and I burst into tears. “Stop fighting,” I manage to say between blubbers. Tears stream down my face, molten rivers tracking over my cheeks. Pain rocks through me, another wave wreaking havoc. I try to curl onto my side, wanting to fold into myself, but Emmett’s hold on my wrists prevents me.

Both alphas jump into action, attempting to calm me. A sharp pinch on my arm has me crying out, and Jedrik snaps into action, rounding the table. “I told you not to touch her.” He tackles Emmett to the ground, and a syringe skitters across the floor.

So that’s what stabbed me.

“It’s the suppressant, you fucking oaf,” Emmett shouts, shifting his weight so he ends up on top of Jedrik. They grapple for a moment before Emmett pins him to the ground. “You aren’t the only one who cares about Verity. Get off your high horse. It’s called bedside manner. Now go get Ryland so we can keep her comfortable until her heat is under control.”

He releases Jedrik and ignores him as he returns to my side. His hand brushes the hair off my forehead, soothing my whimpers. He purrs and I reach for him, wanting to feel the vibration against my skin. Unlike the last time, he pulls me close to his chest; the purr working to calm me. I take a deep sniff of his dark chocolate, and the second breath I take includes maple.

Jedrik’s purr sounds and he climbs onto the table behind me, cuddling to my back. His hands come around my stomach, cradling me close. Emmett doesn’t relinquish his hold and I feel the two of them locked in a stare off, challenging the other to give up his claim.