Page 59 of Knot a Clue

My brother takes a deep breath, and her perfume seems to grip him by the balls. His eyelids flutter as his eyes roll back, falling prey to the omega’s perfume, too. At least I’m not the only one. Thank the universe he’s given up his belief of her being out to get him, because this would be all the proof he needs.

He reaches around her and trails his hands along her sides until he holds the weight of her breasts in his palms. A shiver runs through her, and she increases her grinding against my hard dick. Her slick is so abundant, it’s soaked through her pants and mine, wetting my shaft.

Jed presses closer against her, the pressure forcing her against my cock. His hands tightly grip her hips, helping her rotate them as she grinds. I tilt my pelvis, lining up my partially inflated knot so it bumps against her clit with each swing of her hips. One of her hands returns to my shoulder, her fingernails instantly digging into my skin as pleasure sparks through her.

She turns her head, meeting Jed’s lips with a searing kiss. Her sweet moans fill his mouth as she sucks on his tongue. The sight makes me want to sink deep inside her, to feel her come around my knot. Shit. What is she doing to me? My hold tightens on her and suddenly she’s shuddering against me. Her orgasm seems to break the haze that came over the three of us, and her kiss slows before she breaks it off, panting out of breath.

“She’s going into heat,” Jed says, confirming my own thoughts.

Verity collapses in my hold, her head moving to my shoulder, and her limbs seeming to lose all energy to hold her up. “No, there’s no way. I’m on suppressants and Emmett monitors my levels daily.”

“Who the fuck is Emmett?” My tone is more forceful than I’d intended, but I don’t like the way she said his name, like she found relief at being able to utter it, and it was accompanied by a shudder of pleasure. One I don’t think was caused by an aftershock of her orgasm.

“He’s my doctor.” Realization hits me as I remember meeting a doctor on the plane as we traveled here. Little did I know they seem to have some sort of relationship.

She warily lifts her head, and another wave of worry washes over me. Her orgasm seems to have helped, but I’m more convinced than ever she’s somehow started her heat. How could he have missed this, and why does she say his name with such reverence?

“Come on, Precious.” I give her a comforting kiss against her forehead and ignore the way she shifts against my throbbing cock. “Let’s go find this Dr. Emmett.” Right now I need to take care of my omega. Now isn’t a good time for her to go in heat. Which means I need to set my thoughts about her potentially liking this doctor aside. If any other alpha came across her right now... things could turn disastrous.

She wouldn’t be safer with anyone other than my brother or me, and yet, I don’t even trust us with her at the moment. An omega’s heat will cause her to lose all sense of reason, she won’t necessarily understand what she’s asking of us. And that’s not something I want to risk. I want her to ask us to knot her when she’s fully within her right mind to ask.

“Okay,” she sighs, but it’s hard to tell what emotion is behind it.

“Good call.” Jed grabs her hand, and she turns to smile at him. Her forehead brushes my cheek, leaving behind a damp trail of her sweat. Her fever is picking up. We need to hurry. I’m not sure how long the orgasm will sate her. She needs a knot or for her heat to be postponed with suppressants. All I know is we need to get to the doctor, fast.

We quickly make our way to the main path, stumbling onto it within view of the gate. I adjust my hold on Verity and she lays her head on my shoulder. She’s weakening by the moment. I should’ve listened to my instincts sooner.

Suddenly, Verity stiffens in my hold. “What is it, sweetheart?” I ask, rubbing her back in soothing circles.

“There’s something over there.” Her hand lifts from my back, cool air rushing into its place. I turn, knowing she’s pointing at whatever it is she sees. I don’t expect to find anything. Fevers can do funky things to your mind, and she’s been steadily getting warmer. But she’s right. There’s a lump on the ground in front of the gates.

“Jed,” I call out, gaining his attention where he’s walking in front of us. He turns around immediately, a worried furrow to his brow. They raise the moment his gaze lands on where Verity is still pointing, his eyes going wide.

“What the fuck is that?” The concern in his tone has the hair on the back of my neck rising. We quickly change course to investigate what it is. I know Verity won’t let us leave until she knows what it is. And I’m too weak not to give her something she wants right now.

Chapter 32


We grow closer to the mound laying in the middle of the path in front of the main gate. I’m not even sure how I saw it, it blends in so well with the surroundings. By the time we’re a few feet away, it becomes apparent it’s a person. Andrik’s hold on me becomes painfully tight.

“Who is it?” I ask them, not able to see as well with Andrik trying to force my gaze away. I wiggle around and when he uses his hand to prevent my head from turning, I hit him in the shoulder. “Let me down!”

An exasperated sigh lets me know how much he doesn’t want to, but he quickly settles me on my feet once more. When I turn around, I’m able to get a good look at the man’s face. Shock holds me immobile for a second before disbelief takes a firm hold. There’s blood smeared across his face and a vacant, far away glaze to his eyes. From the lack of color to his skin, and the nothingness in his gaze, there’s no doubt he’s been in this state far too long to offer any help.

I suck in a sharp breath and take a step back. No. What the hell? This can’t be. As my foot plants behind me, I feel something under it. Wanting to grasp any excuse to avert my gaze, I turn my attention to the ground underneath me. A glint of silver gives away what it was I stepped on. An ancient coin attached to a cord. The necklace Ry hasn’t taken off for as long as I can remember.

A sharp pain shoots through me, so excruciating it has me doubling over. My stomach cramps, and as I wrap my arms around my middle, my legs give out and I crash to the ground. “Verity, Precious, you okay?” Andrik rushes to my side.

At the same time, his brother reaches my other side. “What’s wrong? What can we do?”

Agony twists around in my core, and sweat drips down my neck, a sheen of it covering my entire body. “I don’t know,” I pant out between waves of the cramp squeezing the life out of me. What the fuck is this?

“We need to get her to the doctor,” Jed insists.

“Agreed. But we can’t leave the body behind either. We need to investigate what’s going on and let the council know immediately.” He pats his pockets as if searching for his phone or a radio, and curses when he doesn’t find it. “Fuck them for not letting us have devices.”

Jedrik threads his hand under my knees and an arm around my back, preparing to pick me up. Another wave of pain clenches in my stomach, but it’s not as powerful as the first one. Before he can lift me into his hold, I scramble to grip Ryland’s necklace, keeping it hidden in my palm for fear of them wanting to take it away from me for evidence.