Page 51 of Knot a Clue

Conveniently, Mrs. Violet waltzes over and interrupts our conversation with a sweep of her hand and her boisterous voice. “Congratulations, Hart twins. Winning this final competition means you get a one-on-one date,” she pauses dramatically. “Or should I say a two-on-one date with our lovely omega at the end of this week.” Her eyes shift to Andrik. “Care to comment on what that little scuffle with Matthew was about?”

Andrik’s jaw clenches and his chest rumbles as he eyes where the alpha in question disappeared to. His attention shifts back to me and zeros in as he plucks me from Kyle’s arms, immediately planting his nose to my neck to inhale my scent. “No, I don’t. Excuse us.” His words are clipped and harsh.

He whisks me away with his brother, Ryland, and Kyle, hot on his heels. He doesn’t even set me down on the short boat ride back to the shore. When we’re finally out of earshot, I wiggle and he finally lets me out of his hold. “What happened back there?”

Andrik doesn’t say anything at first, focusing on his brother. I turn to Jedrik and Kyle, who both seem as confused as me. Eventually, Andrik sighs as he smells the shift in my pear scent. “Matthew said something nasty, and I lost it. I apologize if I frightened you, Precious, but I couldn’t let it stand.”

It’s easy to see his protective instincts are still riding him hard by the way he keeps leaning toward me like he can’t stay away. He wants to pull me into his arms and comfort me, and I’m definitely not going to say no.

“You didn’t, he did,” I clarify, wanting to explain my sour scent earlier. I don’t think there’s anything Andrik could do that would truly scare me. I know he’s a teddy bear inside, but Matthew? Something is seriously off with that alpha.

He lets out a relieved breath and scoops me into his arms again, pressing a soft kiss against my hair. The sound of a branch snapping captures our attention and we turn to find Mr. Emerald, the estate manager, watching us instead of the groundskeeper trimming some branches.

He waves. “Good to see you doing well, Verity. Don’t forget to come to me if you ever need anything.” Another branch falls, and he averts his gaze. “Duty calls!” To the groundskeeper, he says, “Great work. I’ll have this estate trimmed beautifully back to the way it once was in no time.”

I shake off the interaction, instead focusing on my men around me. Although, there’s still something that feels like it’s missing, something to make it feel like I have a completed pack. The pack of my dreams.

Chapter 28


Ryland runs his fingers through my hair, messing up the curls Rosey meticulously worked on earlier. I’m supposed to see her again before my date with the twins tonight, so I’m not worried about it. Ry playing with my hair is the comforting touch I need right now as I worry about the second elimination tomorrow.

This past week has blown by, each day filled with planned events and group meals. It feels as if I’ve barely had enough time to myself. I’m beyond thankful Ry has been allowed to join me on most outings, otherwise, I might not have seen him much. As it is, this might be the first moment we’ve had to relax in days.

A knock comes through the door, something I barely catch over the sound of the movie playing in the background. Not being able to watch live shows, or the ability to use our phones, makes it seem like we’re disconnected from the rest of society. Hidden Haven is like a world all on its own.

Glancing up, I find a frown on Ryland’s face. “I thought they didn’t need you until later.” He stares at the door like it personally insulted him. I can’t blame him. The first time we get a moment alone, and someone comes to interrupt? Seems like the universe is against us. “I’ll see who it is,” he says with a sigh, patting my arm before kissing my forehead.

I lift my head from his lap, letting him stand, and watch as he moves to open the door. Reaching to my side, I grab the jacket Kyle wrapped around me earlier this week when I was cold. It’s still covered in his comforting scent, and I ball it up under my head as a pillow. “Verity here?” The smooth voice of Andrik reaches me, making my core clench. What’s he doing here so early?

Apparently, Ry has the same thought because he voices my thoughts aloud, like it’s from my brain to his mouth.

This time it’s Jedrik who answers. “We thought we’d start the date early, try to sneak off without the cameras.”

Indecision crosses Ryland’s face, and I know him well enough to know what his thoughts are. He wants to take advantage of the time we finally have to ourselves, but he also knows how much I despise cameras constantly watching me. He glances over his shoulder and seems to come to a decision. “Did you want to come in?” he tentatively asks.

“Yeah, thanks man,” Andrik says, patting him on the arm as he brushes past into the room, followed by his twin. “Hey there, Precious.”

I sit up quickly, brushing my hair back with my fingers, my omega traits demanding I make myself as presentable as possible for the alphas. In a rush of panic, I glance at my nest, the sudden urge to rearrange pillows and the fabrics I’ve borrowed from the men threatens to overtake me. “Hey,” I squeak, wishing I signaled for Ry to give me a moment to check myself in a mirror before he let them in.

Andrik reaches a hand out, a clear symbol he wants to help me stand. It’s warm when I slide my palm against his, and his strength wraps around me as his fingers close around it. A quick tug has me effortlessly landing on my feet, and the momentum keeps me moving until I’m surrounded by his arms. Mulled winter spices fill my lungs as I nuzzle my face into his chest. His scent is stronger, but just as tantalizing without the dampeners muting it.

“Trouble?” Jedrik calls in a questioning tone. I glance up from where I’m embarrassingly sniffing his brother. My cheeks heat, thinking that’s why he’s drawing my attention. But I realize I’m wrong when he lifts a hand and points toward my nest. “Is that the shirt I was wearing the other day?”

Now I’m wishing he was calling me out on sniffing his brother. Heat travels down my neck, my chest turning blotchy as the realization hits… They’re actually seeing my nest. Something I never thought would happen. It should’ve been the first thing my mind went to when they walked in, but thinking about anything beyond their scents is hard when I crave it so badly.

Ry winces, telling me he didn’t think about it either. I was so excited, everything else flew out of my mind, but this is something extremely personal. Usually, an alpha doesn’t see a nest until the omega invites them to it. Having the wrong scents added could really throw the omega off and I’ve heard we’re very particular about our nests. I mean, I haven’t had my first heat yet, and I’m already meticulously building every inch of mine in preparation without even thinking about it.

Sensing my panic, Andrik purrs. The vibrations from the sound traveling through his body and into my chest work to calm me even further. Jedrik steps forward until he’s right next to me. He tucks a strand of hair around my ear and runs his thumb over my cheek. “What’s wrong? I’m not mad at you.”

With how hot and cold he was at first, I’m not surprised that’s where his mind goes right away. He moves against my back and purrs in sync with his brother.

“It’s not that.” Ry answers for me when I find myself unable to form the words. Both alphas shift to look at him. “She’s caught off guard, and feels self-conscious for you to see it.” The man constantly proves how well he knows me, nailing it on the head.

I close my eyes and bury my head in Andrik’s chest, wanting to hide from the world, but unwilling to give up my position between them. My omega instincts have taken over and locked me in place for the time being. I hate when my designation seems to take control of my body.

Jedrik’s hands land on my hips, and he turns me to face him. He then moves them to cup my face, forcing my head to tilt, so I’d be looking at him if my eyes were open. “Trouble,” he coos. I love how the nickname first sounded like an insult spilling from his lips when he saved me from the mob at the ceremony, but now sounds like a sweet caress. When I don’t open my eyes, he uses his alpha sass on me. “Look at me.”