Page 46 of Knot a Clue

“I haven’t been told anything yet, so that’s good to know.”

The other alpha catches up, slightly out of breath. “That walk was rough. Can’t believe they couldn’t drive us,” he bitches to himself, considering no one else seems to be listening.

His scent washes over me and it takes every ounce of willpower in me not to wrinkle my nose. He smells like dryer lint and not the fresh kind that still faintly smells like the fabric softener you use. No, this is the kind that’s been left in there for a couple of cycles, dried over and over, and forgotten. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s not exactly pleasant either. It doesn’t have my toes curling or need pooling in my core like the others.

As I size this guy up, I realize all the alphas have white T-shirts on, but everyone is wearing different pairs of swimming trunks. Huh, wonder what that’s about.

“I didn’t realize you knew the lovely omega so well, Kyle,” Chad says, jabbing his elbow into Kyle’s side. His nostrils flare as he takes in my scent and one side of his lip curls in distaste.

“Ah, uh, yeah, it’s a recent development. Chad, this is Verity, obviously. Verity, this is Chad.”

Chad grins and extends his hand for me to shake. He’s charming, his green eyes almost daring, but when his hand clamps around mine, a little harder than necessary, I instantly know there’s no connection between us. Plus, he made that distasteful comment about knotting me when we first met. There’s nothing wrong with him exactly, but well... his name is Chad. That’s the kind of name that leaves you thinking he’s going to ditch you and run off to college without an explanation. And he smells like dryer lint.

But maybe I’m being too hasty with my judgments.

I realize he’s still holding my hand and waiting for me to say something. “It’s, uh, good to see you, Chad. So, are you and Kyle friends?”

Andrik’s nostrils flare as he scents my unease, and his chest rumbles with a growl. Chad drops my hand instantly, casting a wary glance in his direction. Something unspoken seems to pass between the two before Andrik resumes his conversation with his brother and Ryland. Whatever it was, seems to have rattled Chad.

He swallows before responding. “Yeah, Kyle and I go way back.”

Kyle shakes his head. “We met here at the mansion, actually.” He trails off, and that’s all I need to know. Chad is trying to use his connection to Kyle to get to know me, and by his clenched jaw, he’s pissed that Kyle outed him.

Luckily, I’m saved from having to respond by Mark’s voice interjecting. “My camera is back up and running and ready for the day. Now we’re waiting for Mrs. Violet to arrive—“ He stops mid-sentence as the woman in question appears, riding the same golf cart I came in on. There’s not a single strand out of place on her head, despite the slight breeze, and she appears sophisticated but casual at the same time.

“I have arrived,” she announces as she gracefully disembarks the golf cart. She doesn’t seem to notice everyone staring at her making her grand entrance. She’s so unapologetically boujee, it cracks me up. “Verity, are you ready to get started?” she asks as she makes her way toward me, her skirt flowing around her. Her sweet pea scent reaches me first and my nose twitches from the bite of it.

“What are the plans for the day?”

She grins. “Oh, darling, you’ll see.”

Chapter 26


A groan escapes me. “A wet T-shirt contest? Seriously? They’re trying to kill me, aren’t they?” I whine to myself as the fifteen alphas line up in front of buckets of water. No wonder they’re all wearing white freaking shirts.

There’s a spot marked out in the grass for me to stand so I can watch the event, and be filmed, of course, while the competition happens. The idea is to come out the wettest, but the twist? You can’t pour your bucket of water on yourself. It has to go on someone else. Other than that, anything goes. You can push the others out of the way at the last second or pour your bucket on the ground so that way no one gets wet. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.

Oh, did I mention I get to be the judge of who’s the wettest at the end?

Which, let’s be honest, it’ll probably be me. But the top four win an hour at my side while the rest do another competition.

“Ready, set, go!” Mrs. Violet blows a whistle and Matthew, who happens to be first in line, picks up his bucket. He seems to debate with himself for a second before turning and dumping it on the man next to him. Except most of it misses and splashes Kyle, who’s third in line. I cheer for him as the liquid splashes across his chest, dampening his shirt, but not quite enough to be considered soaked. He needs someone to really douse him to be the winner.

The second alpha repeats the motion, and this time it soaks Kyle completely. The outline of his abs through the shirt is enough to make me drool. My fingers itch with the need to run down them, feeling as they contract under my touch. Phew, simmer down, Verity. This is only the first event.

Kyle, like the good sport I expected, grabs his bucket and immediately walks down the line to Andrik, dumping it over his head. Unfortunately, Andrik isn’t expecting it and pitches forward, so most of it goes down his back. A small sigh of disappointment escapes me. I was totally looking forward to getting another peek at his deliciously toned body. The memory from the woods that day is enough to make my thighs clench.

Some of the alphas attempt to soak everyone, throwing it down the line, while some make deals with each other to swap when it’s their turn. When Charles, the alpha next to Andrik, dumps his on the ground to sabotage him, I boo because I can’t help it, which earns a frown from the guy I don’t recognize, but I don’t care. I’d bet my last dollar he isn’t a team player, which usually translates to being selfish in the bedroom. No, thanks. I’ll take knowing where the clit is for five hundred, please.

I may have been a virgin, but I wasn’t completely innocent. The spicy romance novels decorating my Kindle app are a testament to that.

Andrik takes it in stride, ignoring the action from his fellow alpha. Instead, he lifts his bucket and pours it straight down Jedrik’s front. The white shirt immediately clings to every dip and curve of his defined abs, and he flicks his wet hair out of his face before running a hand through it. My mouth waters and I check the corners, expecting there to be drool. He raises that sexy shaved eyebrow at me like he can sense the dirty thoughts from there. The grumpy twin returns the favor to Andrik, no surprise there, who laughs and shakes the water out of his hair before high-fiving his brother.

After the last bucket is spilled, one thing is crystal clear. Jedrik and Andrik are soaked, but somehow Matthew came out ahead of them, probably from pushing other alphas out of the way, and his confident smirk tells me he knows it too. It’s a toss up for fourth place. Would my favoritism show if I chose Kyle, even though Chad seems slightly wetter?

“Time to choose your winners, Verity! Which of these sexy alphas do you think got the wettest?” Mrs. Violet chirps, snapping me out of my thoughts.