Page 42 of Knot a Clue

Mrs. Violet breaks through the crowd of concerned alphas around me. “Goodness, Verity! You gave us all quite the scare. Are you okay to finish filming? There are only five alphas left to announce.”

Five. Only five spots left.

I glance at Kyle, the nerves already kicking in again about the possibility he might not make the cut. He gives me a determined, reassuring smile and everything melts away. Jedrik notices and turns his murderous gaze in the other alpha’s direction. Kyle doesn’t seem to notice, though.

“Let’s finish this,” I say out loud. In my head, I add, let’s get this over with.

“Okay, places, everyone!” Mrs. Violet calls out. Ryland and Jedrik escort me to the small X taped on the floor where I’m supposed to stand, making sure I really am okay, before returning to their spots. Mark repeats his countdown and Mrs. Violet flashes a blinding smile at the camera, apologizing for the technical difficulties. Hopefully, the cameras weren’t on me when I pitched forward earlier.

The next four names and faces pass by with no further incident. None of the alphas stand out to me whatsoever, but they must’ve to the Heat Fiends to still be here.

“And the final alpha staying for another week is...” Mrs. Violet pauses and I swear everything is silent except the thudding of my pulse ringing in my ears. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. I repeat his name like a mantra, a prayer to the Heat Fiends, even though his fate has already been decided. The eccentric alpha drags out the silence longer than any of the rest, and it makes me want to strangle the answer out of her. “Kyle Draper.”

A genuine smile splits his face, and his attention doesn’t stray from me as he closes the distance between us. His grin is contagious and I can’t help but return it with one of my own as I pick up the string I specifically saved for last, in case Kyle made it—I selected the best ones out of the bunch for my three alphas. I’m so fucking happy he’s here for another week and we get to explore our connection further.

After I hand him his tied string, he places it over his heart and turns to the camera. “Thank you all for allowing me another week. You’ve brought out a competitive side in me, so mark my words... This is the last time I’ll be at the bottom.” He shoots a wink at me before returning to his spot and that’s when I notice the disappointed, angry, and strangely indifferent gazes of the five alphas who didn’t make the cut.

“Those of you whose names were not called, I’m sorry, but you’ll not be moving on to next week,” Mrs. Violet explains, a fake sad expression on her face. Meanwhile, I feel like an asshole for being relieved that none of them will end up in my pack. The connections aren’t there and I’m glad to be continuing on with the fifteen that are still here. Especially because mine made it. Now to ensure they remain through the end... “If you will, make your way outside, and you’ll be directed to the Bachelor Bunkhouse, where you’ll be staying for the rest of your duration here.”

Huh? Just like that? They don’t even get to say goodbye to anyone?

That doesn’t sit right with me.

“Wait!” I call out and all eyes snap to me. “Uh, if you don’t mind, I’d like to say goodbye to the alphas who didn’t make it.”

“How very sweet of you, Verity. Go on then,” Mrs. Violet commends.

Jedrik’s sharp gaze burns into me like a physical caress and I tilt my head at him in confusion, but he doesn’t say anything. Only continues to stare at me intently as the five alphas line up to say goodbye. I shake hands with them, considering we barely know each other, we’re not on a hugging level yet. And unsurprisingly, there’s no spark with any of them. That’s how I know this truly was the best outcome tonight. Kyle, Andrik, and Jedrik are safe for another week and that’s all that really matters.

After the goodbyes are over, Ry helps me to our suite, but when we get there, Jedrik is leaning against the door frame waiting. “Jedrik?”

He ignores my questioning of his presence, instead focusing his attention on Ryland. “Do you mind giving us a moment?”

Ry looks at me and raises a questioning brow. “Yeah,” I whisper, telling him I’m okay with it. He silently slips into our room, leaving me in the hall with my broody alpha. My mind drifts to the last time we were here together, but something about his demeanor tells me he isn’t in the same frame of mind.

“Why did you say goodbye to the alphas?” Well, nothing like jumping right into the thick of it.

“Why wouldn’t I? It felt wrong not to. I might not have felt a connection between us, and the Heat Fiends may not have voted in their favor, but they still came all this way.” I shrug. “It was the right thing to do.”

Jedrik watches me closely, and it’s almost like I’m able to see the moment his walls crumble into a pile of sand. “You have no idea what that meant to me.”

Confused, I smile at him and say, “I didn’t do it for you.”

“I know. And that only made it ten times more impactful.” He reaches for my waist, drawing me against him, like he’s seeking comfort from me. “When we got kicked off our season, not a single omega spared us a second glance. I’m not sure why it impacted me the way it did, and I’m not even sure I want to describe what it felt like, but… Fuck. I’ve been a dick to you, and you didn’t deserve it.”

Jedrik suddenly pulls away, tugging a hand through his hair. He seems to be so conflicted.

“Maybe you were a little, but not even you could deny the connection simmering between us.” I respond, an inexplicable need to replace his hands with my own. His hair seems unbelievably soft. He turns and watches me with wide eyes. “You’re like an onion, simply waiting for me to peel back your layers. And yeah, you may make my eyes water, but a lot of things in life do. I’m not afraid of the baggage you’re dealing with.”

He shakes his head, like he’s testing if he’s actually here and can trust my words. “Why?” he mutters.

“All good things are worth fighting for.” My tongue darts out to wet my lips and Jedrik’s control vanishes. His lips come crashing into mine as he slips a hand through the back of my hair, hauling me into his body. Every nerve ending comes to life as our tongues wrangle with one another. I drag a hand down his back, loving the feel of how strong he is.

He steps away as suddenly as he came, much like he did the last time, except for one difference. He gives me an earth shattering smile. Paired with the line shaved in his eyebrow, and the bad boy glimmer in his eyes, I’m forever a changed woman. With a finger pointed at me, he takes slow steps backward, and says, “Verity Graves. I’m coming for you. You’re my omega, you hear me?”

I’m rendered speechless, and possibly drooling, only capable of the slowest of head nods.

“Good. Now go in your room so I know you’re safe for the night,” he commands, every bit an alpha without his sass.