Page 30 of Knot a Clue

“Oh, so you want to keep thinking about Jedrik, huh?” I make sure my tone is light and airy, so she knows I’m not upset. At the same time, I take a step forward, pressing her against the door she was leaning against recently. I’d be willing to bet he had her slammed against it when he kissed her. He seems the type. And if not, it was certainly the wall. “Tell me what you’d want Jedrik to do if he was here right now.”

A nervous giggle bubbles up her throat, quickly followed by a breathy moan. “Ry,” she attempts to object, but my lips are on hers in a slanting kiss before she can get anything else out. I only have one goal in mind—to steal her breath and obliterate her reservations.

Her arms wrap around my neck, and I lift her so she can hook her legs around my waist. Her skirt bunches at her hips, and it doesn’t pass my notice that I have her so distracted she’s not worried about adding more wrinkles.

When I’m sure she’s forgotten her excuses, I grasp her hair and tug her head back, exposing her neck to me. “Tell me what you’d want Jedrik to do,” I growl out in between trailing kisses along her arched throat. My tone makes it clear she’s not allowed to disobey.

Honeyed pears plume around us, telling me how much the alpha turns her on. A sweet whimper falls from her lips. “I don’t want anything from him.”

Oh, Verity. You’re lying to both of us.

“Really? You wouldn’t want him to touch you like this?” I run my hands up her sides until I’m cupping her full breasts, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples. “Or to do this?” Shifting my hips, I thrust, pressing my hard cock against the warm heat between her legs. I’m willing to bet she’s been dripping for him from the moment his lips touched hers.

“No.” The single word is firm, but I know her well enough to realize it’s her stubbornness.

“You’re right, Ver. He seems more the type to do this,” I say, wrapping my hand around her throat and bringing my lips to her ear. “He seems the type to demand control while adding an edge to it. Is that what’s missing?”

This time I get a needy whimper from her and she grinds herself against my cock, seeking relief for what I’m sure is an aching clit. “He doesn’t deserve me, Ry.”

“True, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t exactly what you need. Or what you want.”

Her fingers thread through my hair, holding on before she rips my lips from her jawline. Her gaze is on me, a fierceness in the depths, making me search her face for why she made me stop. “I want you, Ryland.”

Happiness grips me, and a smile splits my face. It feels like we’ve been together like this for forever instead of a single day. I love how she’s worried about making sure I know how much she wants me. I carry her to the couch where I sit with her straddling me so I can cup her cheeks and smooth my thumbs over the red glow warming them. “And I want you, Verity. But that doesn’t mean you can’t want someone else too.”

Am I pushing her too hard? Yesterday was our first time, but I know if she’s to survive Heat Paradise, she has to get used to the idea of accepting more than me into her heart. And she needs to get used to it fucking fast. Her heat will come before we know it. I want her to have the knots her body desires instead of being forced to settle for the closest alphas when it happens. Her body is biologically designed to take knots, even if she’s nervous about it.

“I don’t need them,” she argues, as if she could hear my thoughts.

“Ver Bear. Do you really think fighting against it will change anything? You’re an omega. Your body needs things I can’t give you. You’ll have cravings I simply can’t keep up with. No single alpha could.” I press a soft kiss against her pouting lips when I see her eyes fill with tears. “Your objections won’t get you anywhere, sweetheart. Why are you doing this to yourself?”

“I don’t know,” she whines, something completely outside of her normal personality.

“What’s wrong?” I draw her closer to me until our foreheads touch. Her eyelids flutter and she lets out a sigh.

“Today was a lot. Everything has accumulated and I’m suddenly overwhelmed. I’m tired and… I don’t even know what. I feel off.” She nuzzles into my neck, taking in a deep sniff, and my scent seems to make her relax even more.

Fuck. I feel like an asshole. She came in so flustered and adorable; I had to have her. And the comment about being turned on… I should’ve kept a clear head and considered everything she’s been through with meeting the alphas. Sure, she was protected from their scents, but not their overbearing personalities. And trust me, all alphas have them.

“Come on. Let’s get you into something more comfortable.” I lift her into my arms, making my way to the closet. She cuddles into my hold, content with letting me take care of her. With her being overwhelmed today, it doesn’t surprise me that she hasn’t taken the time to nurture her omega needs. It probably compounded her anxiety.

When I reach the middle of the closet, I set her on her feet and turn her around, allowing me to easily reach the zipper on her dress. “Which pajamas do you want?” I ask, eyeing the stacks of fluffy sets, knowing she’s seeking comfort right now. At the same time, I lower her zipper and kiss her shoulder softly as the strap falls away.

Verity turns her head and looks at me over her shoulder, worrying her lip between her teeth. I smile at her reassuringly, and reach for a shirt, pulling it over her head before she can even voice her thoughts. The scent of warm winter spices fills the air as the huge T-shirt falls to her upper thighs. She fists the middle of the shirt and brings it to her nose, taking in a big sniff and exhaling a content hum.

My hands instinctively land on her hips, drawing her back until she’s pressed against my chest. “Better?”


“How about some pants? Which would you like?”

“Nothing. I’m good with just the shirt.” She grabs my hand and draws me out of the closet until we’re standing in front of the couch. “Can you help me move this?” she asks, turning to face me. Her eyes have a hazy look to them, like her omega tendencies are riding her hard. I’m not sure where she’s going with this, but I’ll do anything she needs.

“Of course, Ver. Where do you want it?”

“Can we push it back about five feet?” She moves to one side of the couch to help me, but I wave her off. When I have it pushed back, she turns to give the coffee table an evil glare like it personally offended her. I pick it up before she even asks, and she points to where she wants it. By the time I turn around, she has all the cushions off the couch lined up on the floor in front of it. “I need more Ry,” she pleads with doe eyes.

For some reason, I don’t say anything. Something tells me she won’t even hear me as she turns back around to reposition the pillows. I leave the room, making my way to the next suite to pilfer those cushions. Two trips later and she has a huge pallet made up. “The blanket,” she says, pointing to the back of the couch, completely in the zone. I help her spread it out over the cushions and then stand back, watching her work.