Page 29 of Knot a Clue

His lips lift in a soft smile, his eyes sparkling with the knowledge of what he does to me. I’m slowly lowered to the ground and his hands move to my hips when my feet are firmly planted on the floor. I hold my breath as he gradually inches toward me, the space between our lips closing, and I’m afraid my lungs will burst before I find out if he’ll kiss me or not.

“Goodnight, Verity,” he whispers. He’s so close I can feel the puff of air that escapes him with each word. “I’ll see you tomorrow after meeting you in my dreams tonight.” And then his lips brush against mine in a chaste peck that leaves me wanting more.

He pulls away with a brilliant smile, and I can only imagine the doe-eyed expression on my face. He steps backward and shoots me a wink.

All but giddy, I turn around to say goodbye to his brother only to find the place where he was standing empty. Disappointment swirls in my stomach and a frown replaces the happiness on my face.

Not wanting to let Andrik know how much his brother leaving without saying goodbye upsets me, I disappear behind the double doors protecting the omega wing, closing them softly behind me. I don’t glance back as I quickly cover the distance to my suite, where Ry is waiting for me.

Before going in, I pause and stare at the door. Why would Jedrik throw me a challenging look and then disappear before seeing what the answer would be?

I reach for the doorknob, but before I can touch it, hands land on my hips and spin me around. Jedrik towers over me, and my eyes widen in surprise. He places his palm over my mouth to keep the startled squeak from echoing in the hallway. I have no idea where he came from, but surely he wouldn’t have followed me through the doorway, right? Not after they made such a big deal of not going all the way to my room because of the spin they’d put on it.

Jedrik removes his hand and his gaze zeroes in on my lips. I part them to question where he came from and what he’s doing, but it’s like his control snaps. His mouth comes crashing onto mine in a desperation neither one of us wants to question. His arms band around my middle, pulling me flush against his chest, where my hands instinctively land. Muscles ripple beneath my fingertips and I long to feel them without the fabric in the way.

Pears fill the air as I perfume with shock and excitement to have him suddenly kissing me. I sink into it, welcoming him like it’s second nature to fall into his affection. His lips part against mine, and the heat of his tongue plays at the seam, demanding entrance, which I gladly give.

Our tongues tangle and I moan into his mouth, the complex flavor of smoked maple taking over as I slide my hands over his pecs and behind his neck. At the same time, he grips my ass and I wrap my legs around his waist, trying to close the distance between us. Sensing my need, Jedrik backs us into the wall, using it to help support me more as he grinds his length into my core.

So much for not wrinkling my dress. Sorry, knot sorry, Rosey.

As if he remembers where he is and what he’s doing, he rips his mouth off mine. Both of us are panting, our chests heaving so hard my breasts push against him with every breath. He gently sets me down on my feet, touches his lips in confusion, and strides away. He disappears into the shadows, leaving me breathless and wanting outside my door.

Andrik had one thing right. Jedrik has been hot and cold with me. His words and scowls say one thing, but his protectiveness and body language tell a completely different story. I’ll crack the walls around that alpha, one way or another.

Chapter 16


The door abruptly slams shut, jolting me from my reluctant slumber. I was trying my hardest to stay awake until Ver got back. Apparently, I wasn’t successful. I rub my eyes as I sit up, catching the moment she leans against the door with a huff and slides to the floor. Her palm rests against her chest, taking deep breaths, and there’s a sexy messiness about her. Her hair is mussed and lipstick is slightly smeared.

“God, that alpha is infuriating, but the way he tastes…” A groan escapes as her head tilts back. Her hand tentatively reaches for her lips, and her eyes flick back and forth under her closed lids like she’s living through the moment again.

Hearing her distress, I leap from the bed and silently pad over to her. She must not hear me, because she doesn’t show any signs of my presence. “I’ll never be able to get him out of my mind again. And I can’t afford not to. Not with all the eyes on us, broadcasting my every move,” she whispers under her breath.

“Someone catch your eye, Ver Bear?” My voice is rough with sleep and she startles at the sound. “Holy hell, what time is it?” I murmur, giving her time to pull herself together since she obviously forgot we share a room.

“Shit, you scared me!” she yelps, eyes flying open to take me in. Her gaze darts to the window and grows wide like she’s only now realizing it’s dark outside and the bedroom lights are off, save for the one right above us. “Ryland,” she says on a sigh, like I’m exactly what she needs right now.

My chest swells with pride and I step closer to her, offering a hand to help her from the floor. She places a shaky one in mine, and I swiftly pull her into my arms. Her gaze softens as she traces my features, and her nose does its cute little wiggle when she catches my scent. I can’t help but pull her closer, and she immediately melts into me. She seems drained and full of conflict, so I let her enjoy a moment in my hold before extending her at arm’s length so I can study her fully.

It feels like she’s been gone an eternity, which isn’t an exaggeration. They’ve been filming all afternoon and well into the night. The whole time I’ve been left wondering if she’s okay. I know fear has been riding her hard. Verity doesn’t do well with the unknown. But something tells me she didn’t hate the entire event, if her rumpled appearance is anything to judge by. I raise an eyebrow, intent on pulling every detail from her and smoothing her nerves where needed. “Why do you look… disheveled?”

“Because a rotten alpha got me all hot and bothered in the hallway and wrinkled my dress!” The last syllable comes out like a soft growl, and I can’t help but chuckle. She wants to hate whoever it was, but I can tell he knocked her off her axis. Fire flashes in her gaze with the sound, and I quickly cover my laugh with a cough.

“I bet I can guess which one.”

“If you were going to say the tall, dark, and grumpy Jedrik, you’d win a prize,” she snarks back.

I’m shocked the broody asshole is the one who kissed her. I thought for sure she would’ve said Andrik. He’s had nothing but lovestruck eyes for her from the moment I saw him. One thing’s for sure, they have undeniable chemistry.

Her bottom lip pouts out, and her brow furrows like she’s trying to figure out why he did it. It’s such an adorable expression that I can’t help but kiss her. I tease the seam of her lips with my tongue, begging for entrance, for a small taste of her. She sinks into the kiss, giving me everything I ask for and then some. She gives in so freely, I can’t help but wonder why we waited so long to do this.

By the time I pull away, she’s panting, and her cheeks are flushed. I’m completely and utterly addicted to this woman. “Don’t worry, Ver Bear. I’ll take your mind right off him.”

“I never said I didn’t want to think about him,” she mumbles with a wince and turns an apologetic half smile toward me. “Shit. I didn’t mean for it to sound that way, Ry.” Her blue-green eyes beg for me to understand and her fingers dig into my arms, pleading with me to not turn her away.

My sweet girl doesn’t realize how much I truly understand our position. I want to share her with alphas who can complete her needs in ways I simply can’t. I want her to find men who she desires and care for her in return. It would be the best outcome if she left this show with men who she loves. And I’ll be damned if I don’t encourage her to embrace holding on to someone who makes her slam the door in such a flustered state.