Page 27 of Knot a Clue

We’re interrupted from hearing her response by a throat clearing close by. Verity’s hand fists my shirt, and I can only assume it’s to ensure I don’t step away. She gazes at Matthew and the slightest whimper escapes her. It’s not loud enough for him to hear, but I get the distinct impression something about him sets her off.

If she sees him as a threat, perhaps I haven’t given him a thorough enough inspection. My gaze tracks over him, searching for any hints of malicious intent, weighing him against the scales of judgment. I’m unable to pinpoint what it is, but find him lacking.

Jedrik’s spine stiffens, probably picking up the same thing I have. He glances over at me and I know we have the same thought—we need to keep a close eye on this guy. “Verity, would you care to join me for a drink? I’d love to get to know you better,” he says, but there’s something slimy hidden within his tone. His eyes are alight with curiosity, but it doesn’t seem like it’s directed at Verity. More like an act for the cameras. I barely tamp down a growl. Fucking vultures.

Her sweet scent loses the honeyed notes entirely, turning bitter and sour. The alpha in me instantly wants to right the circumstances that are causing such a reaction. The urge to scoop her into my arms and carry her out of here is overwhelming. But I can’t. I can’t shield her as mine, but I sure as fuck won’t leave her alone with him.

Verity’s gaze flashes to the camera and back at the alpha, so quickly only someone who’s watching her as closely as I am would catch it. But it shows me she knows she has to play their game. Jedrik and I need to get her alone soon so we can make sure she knows how important it is. The public is quick to cancel someone and slow to forgive. Or forget.

I hope she doesn’t learn it the hard way.

My brother must pick up on her unease, because he turns to her and gives her what can only be a practiced devilish smirk. “I could use a drink too. Shall we?” He holds his hand out for her to take, and her brow creases with a frown. Seems our girl has picked up how much he doesn’t like omegas.

“After you, Jed,” I respond, hoping to break some of the sizzle between them, but they’re on fire as they stare at one another.

His features soften, showing her he’s truly extending an olive branch, and a spark of hope enters her eyes as she places her fingers in his. Phew. Guess he hasn’t completely fucked up our chances with her, but I swear if he hurts her…

Matthew doesn’t seem pleased we’re coming with them to get a drink. With so many possessive alphas in the room, it’s idiotic for him to think he’d be able to get alone time with her. Hell, my brother and I barely got a few minutes with her before he came along. And every second counts in front of the cameras. If the Heat Fiends can’t see your chemistry, or don’t like you, bottom line, you’re out.

I keep my hand firmly against the small of her back, knowing it gives her comfort having me touch her. Truth be told, it soothes my instincts. The soft scent of pears reaches me again and some of the sourness has dissipated now that she knows we aren’t leaving her alone with him. The scent is almost as faint as it is on the shirt I took from her. It feels juvenile to have kept it, simply so I can catch the hint of her scent when we’re apart, and even more so for me to bring it with me. No wonder Jedrik thinks I’m a fool over her.

And maybe he’s right… It’s like I’ve been hit with Cupid’s arrow, struck with instant love.

Chapter 15


Time always seems to drag when you’re doing something you don’t want to be, and yet when you’re having fun, it passes by in a blur. Why the fuck is that? I can only assume it’s because life likes to screw you over. And for me, the sands falling through an hourglass seem to have come to a halting standstill.

The past, however many excruciating hours, have been filled with alpha after alpha occupying my time. Meet and greet cocktails were followed by a five course dinner which moved into another round of dessert cocktails. It’s like they’re trying to purposefully get us drunk, encouraging us to consume more and more…

I’m not one to sink into indulgence, but I can’t say the same for some of the alphas here. Two of them are even stumbling around like they might pass out at any moment. Three of them seem to gain a temper when drinking. Several have become too handsy for my taste. And yet, each and every one of them wants to occupy my undivided attention. Some of them haven’t been too awful, but others…

Let’s just say I’m thankful the twins haven’t left my side.

Some of the alphas stare at me like they want to rip my clothes off and don’t give a shit about what I want. And somehow they time their leering gazes while the camera is pointing in a different direction. If any of the hidden cameras catch it, I’ve convinced myself it won’t end up on air, anyway. Why would the show want to display their cream of the crop alphas in a negative light?

There’s always been something about Heat Paradise that gives me the vibe everything’s fake… Or over exaggerated. Maybe it’s the way everyone’s always so perfectly put together, or the way drama seems to spark up at the exact right time, or the way certain people alter their normal behavior knowing a camera is on them.

I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I’m not happy to realize I’m right. I know, I know. Hold the presses. It’s newsworthy for a woman to say that, but it’s true.

The thing is, I wish I was wrong. I wish more than a handful of the men genuinely want to find a good match for themselves and me. I’m not sure when alphas became more concerned with possessing an omega rather than finding a life partner, but I don’t understand it. Hell, the show practically cultivates the mindset. It’s unfair.

Then again, it’s probably biased of me to lump all the alphas into one group, because there certainly are some honest ones here. I simply haven’t clicked with any of them yet. None of them create that slight spark I get when I’m around the twins, or even my forbidden doctor. I wish I could choose who I surround myself with while I’m here, but unfortunately, that’s not how this works. It should be, though. My hope is one day things will change for omegas, but that sure as shit won’t help me right now.

Exhaustion pulls at me, and I duck my head to hide a yawn behind my hand. I want nothing more than to escape to my room and relax for the rest of the evening. I think I’ve reached my limit of socializing. It’s absolutely draining spending so much time thinking of questions to ask these alphas. Not to mention having to pretend like I’m interested in what their answers are. Half of them are so full of themselves they can’t shut up, filling the conversation with things they believe I should care about. The other half seems to comprise monotone personalities or flashy personas directed at the cameras instead of me. News flash, that won’t win any brownie points from me.

Although with the fucked up system they’re running here, I suppose brownie points from me are a moot point.

If I could turn my thoughts off, maybe I could pretend I’m in the presence of someone who truly cares about me. Who wants to have a back and forth conversation where I don’t have to perform for cameras that capture my every little movement and each syllable falling from my lips.

I want my beta best friend. I want Ry. His scent has been following me all evening in the form of the champagne I’ve been drinking. It’s a constant reminder of the things we did last night… the things I’d rather be doing right now.

I’m surprised I can smell my drink at all. The dampeners have been doing a good job of keeping the pheromones in the room from becoming overwhelming. Actually, now that I think about it, the tantalizing maple and cardamom spice from the twins has been following me all night, reminding me of a heavenly winter spiced drink. Too bad those don’t seem to be on the menu.

Champagne, smoky maple, and winter spices have quickly become a sense of comfort for me. They’re now added to the list, which already has dark chocolate on it. Let’s be honest, chocolate is on every woman’s list for an item of comfort though, am I right?

Andrik’s arm wraps around my waist, his broad hand splays on my hip, instantly spreading warmth from the heat of it. Tingles of excitement shoot up my spine every time he touches me, and thankfully, I haven’t had to spend much of my time here without his hands on me in some way, like he knows I need it.