Page 26 of Knot a Clue

Chapter 14


Verity’s spine straightens against the palm I hold against her lower back, a wave of confidence bolstering her with a few simple murmurs of encouragement. I like how much of a difference my words seem to make, as if she cares about what I have to say.

A quick scan around the room reveals each and every alpha has their eyes on her, devouring her luscious curves like they haven’t eaten in months, and she’s a juicy steak. My gaze narrows on them and I have to trap the growl wanting to rip free before it rumbles into the room. There’s a distinct, predatory gleam in their eyes as they watch her. I don’t trust it.

Jedrik and I have been feeling them out since the second plane landed earlier, and not all of them exude good vibes. I haven’t necessarily felt bad vibes either. They purely don’t seem like the right match for Verity. That’s the thing with Heat Paradise hand-selecting the alphas. Not everyone will be here for the right reasons.

But it could also be the possessiveness in me talking. My alpha side already considers her ours, not caring about society or the part we have to play in the show.

The overwhelming urge to make them all understand she’s mine grips me by the knot. It’s painful to think about her ending up with anyone other than my brother and me…

Actually, that’s not exactly true. I’m open to sharing her, but not with any of the men in this room. Take that guy Matthew, for example. He keeps glancing in our direction like he’ll barge over and forcibly take Verity from my side any second. The man seems like he’s a loose cannon. Then there’s Chad. He seems sort of okay on the outside, but I’m proficient enough at reading people that I can sense the darkness lurking beneath the surface. Call it a hunch or call it years of experience. Not to mention the man I overheard in the dressing room earlier talking about how his bank account will win Verity over. As if that’s what she cares about. I may not know her well enough yet, but I do know that.

There’s an air about them that rubs me the wrong way, like they’re only interested in what an omega can do for them. Something Jedrik and I are quite familiar with. He fell in love with the idea of an omega, and it clouded his judgment when getting to know the omegas during our season ten years ago. We’re older and wiser now.

It’s no secret that Jedrik doesn’t want anything to do with an omega ever again. In fact, he’s made it quite clear from the instant he saw my interactions with Verity. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on us at the ceremony that I wouldn’t be able to walk away from her. My twin and I have always had the sort of connection where we can almost anticipate the others’ feelings without having to say a word.

But honestly, who wouldn’t want her? Verity is everything I’m seeking in a woman. Which is a crazy feeling, considering I don’t know her. I can’t tell you any of her favorite things, or what she wants in life… but I wish I could because there’s something between us that’s undeniable.

Even though Jedrik wants to ignore it, I know he feels it, too. Hell, he even went to track her down last night to keep eyes on her. The idiot can’t fool me even though he thinks he can. I’m his twin, I know him better than anyone else. Glancing over at him, I find his stare tracking her every movement. Yeah, he wants her all right.

It doesn’t take much to realize Verity’s nervous. My sweet girl fidgets with her fingers, a sign that she’s uncomfortable. There’s also a slight tartness to her scent that I detect, even through the scent dampeners. Which shouldn’t be possible… perhaps it’s a sign of our compatibility.

I try to think of ways to help soothe her, but come up dry. There has to be an easier way to introduce an omega to this many alphas. Nobody can blame her for being nervous with so many pairs of eyes and cameras on her. She’s an innocent omega being paraded around in front of a group of alphas like she’s a piece of meat. We all know she’s someone we have to compete over. And at the end, she’ll be the prize the last alphas standing will win.

At least during our previous season, there were several omegas to split the attention of the alphas. Granted, there were a lot more alphas there to accommodate the higher number of omegas. But being the only one… I can tell there’s a difference in the attention she’s getting.

Verity’s gaze tracks across the room, taking in the men standing in various places before her. She knows she’s supposed to be getting to know them, but I can see the hesitation in her eyes. She doesn’t want to be here. I almost feel a little guilty for not letting her go. The only reason I don’t is because I ended up here with a chance to claim her as mine.

She doesn’t know it yet, but she can always trust to have my brother and me at her back. We won’t leave her to the vultures, to be picked apart and showcased to the world as they watch the show. One thing we have at our advantage is having already been here before. We know the secrets of the mansion. We know exactly how twisted Heat Paradise can make you seem by warping the perception of your words and actions at the drop of a hat.

Everything is all about getting higher ratings. Drama. Drama. Drama. It’s all they care about.

And if there’s not enough, they’ll create it themselves with the narrative they air. Splicing sound bits together to make you say anything they want. You can never trust the things you see. At least that was the case when we were here before. We didn’t even know about it until after we got home since they don’t allow us to have our phones while we’re here. The way they made him look like a lovesick puppy is part of what made Jedrik so jaded over the whole experience. I’m determined to change his mind about Verity before he ruins this for both of us. We need to win over society so she can become ours officially.

Verity still hasn’t made a move to approach any of the men she needs to socialize with. Thinking it’s possibly because of me, I remove my hand from her lower back, regretting my decision as soon as I do. It barely makes it an inch before a low whimper spills from her lips. Her head instantly whips in my direction, and the distress in her eyes almost breaks me. I don’t hesitate to return my hand to where it was.

Relief is evident in the soft sigh she gives me. “What’s wrong, Precious?” I keep my voice low as I ask her, making sure it stays between the two of us. Well, three, considering Jedrik is positioned closely on her other side.

She sways on her feet, leaning closer to me like she wants to rest her head on my chest. Confusion clouds her eyes as her brows pinch together. “What is it…?” Her soft words trail off and you can tell she’s trying to figure out the answer for herself, not ready to voice it aloud yet.

As silence draws out between us, I encourage her to finish the thought. “What is what?”

My fingers flex against her back, wanting to draw her into my arms. To wrap her up and hold her close, giving her the comfort she clearly needs. Fuck. What is it about this omega that I can’t help myself when I’m around her?

“What is it about you that draws me in whenever we’re close? It’s like there’s a gravitational pull between us. I can’t help but crave your touch like I can’t breathe without it.” Her words almost seem to echo the thoughts running through my mind. She bites her lip and peers up at me through her eyelashes, a distinct vulnerability hiding behind them.

She’s worried about my reaction, but she doesn’t need to be. It makes my heart speed up, pounding in my chest like a heavy drum beat, because I know exactly what she’s talking about. I feel it too. From the first moment I caught her overwhelming scent in the tent, I knew I had to find her. And when I smelled her perfume, something inside me claimed her as mine. Now we need to make sure my brother and I are standing at the end of the show. I know, given time, he’ll feel the exact same way. That is, if he isn’t already and is only lying to himself.

I can’t help but smile at her, and it washes away her fear of my rejection. “I’m not sure how I got so lucky, but I won’t argue against whatever it is, because I rather enjoy being pulled into your orbit, Precious. Our stars can align any time.” With a dapper wink, I continue, “I know we should get to know each other better before I say things like how much I want to have you alone right now so I can kiss the fuck out of you, but it’s the truth. And I’m an honest person, Verity.”

Her cheeks turn a sweet shade of pink and she doesn’t even try to fight her smile. She licks her lips, and something about the movement is so innocent. I can tell she isn’t doing it consciously. The sight of it makes my heart skip a beat. Seriously, what is it about her? She feels like home, something I’ve never felt around someone else. It’s such a strong sensation that I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being around her.

Of course Jedrik overhears and decides now is the time he wants to cut in and join the conversation. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Trouble?” he growls into her ear. My fucking twin loves putting her in the middle of a sandwich. It’s one more clue as to how much he really does want her. He takes advantage of any opportunity to press against her, allowing his touch to linger. His mind can rebel all it wants, but his body and instincts give away his truth.

There’s a slight hitch to her breath, and she turns her head to peek at him over her shoulder. Her lips part in a soft pout, and there’s something akin to longing in her eyes. From the way their gazes collide and don’t wander, I can tell she has a similar connection to him as the one we share. It’s not surprising, but I’m still comforted by seeing it.