Page 25 of Knot a Clue

The show hostess notices the binder under my arm and winks at me. “Have you got them memorized?”

At this point, I’ve studied every picture and I’m feeling more comfortable about the men, but memorized? Definitely not. “Uh, I’m getting there.” She’s not even paying attention to my response, instead fixing her lipstick in the circular mirror on the wall. “What happens next?”

“Hmm? Oh, you’ll meet the men one by one.”

“Then what are we waiting on?” I ask.

She puts a hand up to the tiny earpiece in her ear and shoots me a beaming smile. Behind us, the door opens and the cameraman steps through. Mark has the decency to appear a little sheepish, but it’s gone a split second later as he lifts the camera to his eye and counts down from three with his fingers.




Live, he mouths.

“Hello, Heat fiends!” Mrs. Violet chirps to the viewers, extending her hand out to showcase me and the part of the mansion we’re in. “Our lovely Verity is about to meet all twenty of her alphas. Ugh, can you imagine? She’s living the reality of our dreams,” she continues and waves a hand like she’s fanning herself, giving the camera a conspiratorial wink. “Verity, what are you thinking right now? What’s going through your mind?”

I fold my hands in front of me to keep from fidgeting and face the camera fully. “I’m thinking it’s going to be a lot,” I respond, earning a chuckle from Mark. “But I’m excited for the journey.”

Mrs. Violet smirks. “That’s certainly one way to put it. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” I say, but she’s already sweeping into the entry room, expecting me to follow. While the camera is fully focused on her for a moment, I take a deep, needed breath, clenching and unclenching my fists before shaking them out and trailing after them. Even seeing Ryland couldn’t expel all of my nerves.

Mrs. Violet explains things to the audience, but I can’t focus on her. It’s like there are cotton balls in my ears as I’m positioned in front of the double staircase where there’s another cameraman perfectly poised to capture my every reaction. They’ve got me from all angles.

“Bring on the first alpha of the season,” Mrs. Violet proclaims and melts into the shadows of the room as a man appears at the top of the steps and descends on the right. He’s attractive, if not sort of plain, unassuming. Almost missable in a way, but the smile he’s flashing at me has my heart trying to gallop out of my chest. This is a show, Verity. An act, I remind myself as I plaster on a bright smile like I’m excited to meet him in return.

His face should be familiar, but I don’t remember him from my binder, let alone his name. Pictures are definitely no substitute for the real thing. “Hello, Verity.” His nostrils flare when he reaches me like he’s trying to catch my scent, but now that I’m paying attention, I realize the scent dampeners must be working because I don’t smell anything. Maybe a faint whiff of decaying leaves, but that’s it. “I’m Matthew. It’s nice to meet you.”

Matthew leans in to give me a hug and I allow it, but there’s something off about it. Nothing like how I feel in Ryland or Dr. Em’s arms. Hell, I even felt more when Andrik was carrying me out of the woods and ruined my escape. Or when Jedrik threw me over his shoulder. “Likewise,” I tell him as he pulls away, but I can’t say I actually mean it.

He shoots me another smirk as he turns, striding to the small sitting room they were keeping me in before this. “I look forward to getting to know you.”

For some reason, that sends a shiver down my spine, and not the good kind either.

The rest of the alphas pass by rather quickly. There’s a whole host of them here. From ones who are a little softer, to outspoken ones like Chad, who cracked a joke about tying his knot in me. I felt it was a little distasteful and presumptuous, but it pulled a laugh from Mrs. Violet. Then there was Adam who farted the moment he shook hands with me. I’m not sure I can look at him without thinking about that. Thank fuck for the scent dampeners.

There have also been boisterous ones like Kyle, who literally lifted me off my feet and twirled me around for the cameras. He lightened the mood drastically, and I felt that tug in my gut of butterflies exploding, something about him draws me in. Perhaps it’s the respectful way he manhandled me. Especially when my hair got caught in his trimmed beard and he smoothed it back in place for me with a warm smile—

I swear I catch a whiff of sugary sweet caramel when I’m next to him, but it could be a subliminal connection since that’s the color of his eyes. It makes my mouth water, especially thinking about pairing such a sweet smell with the other guys.

My thoughts cut off as Andrik and Jedrik appear at the top of the stairs, decked out in black suits that highlight their sharp features. Andrik’s hair is nicely combed, whereas Jedrik’s is messy and the line through his eyebrow is fully on display as he raises it at me in challenge. They break apart and descend on either side, and I swear, my breathing turns shallow as I hungrily wait for them at the bottom. Everything fades away as they get closer and closer, their deep blue eyes trained on me with every step.

Even with the scent dampeners, I still catch a hint of their warm spices and maple twirling around in my nostrils. They have the perfect scent combination, and it’s enough to drive me fucking insane. I tamp down on the whine that wants to escape and wait for them to reach me. “Hello, Verity,” Jedrik greets first.

Andrik envelops me in a hug and I don’t want to let go. Especially when his whole body rumbles with a purr. Jedrik’s hands land on my hips right before he presses against my back, giving us the privacy of a bubble. Well, as much privacy as one can have with so many cameras trained on them, anyway. “You’re doing so good,” Andrik whispers in my ear.

“Aww. How adorable!” Mrs. Violet’s voice breaks through our reverie and it takes everything in me not to snarl at her as the three of us break apart, remembering where we are and what’s at stake. “There’s nothing like a sandwich hug, am I right?“ The emphasis on hug tells me that’s not what she meant at all and I’m struck with a vision of the alpha twins knotting me in both holes. Fuck.

I shake my head to clear it and plaster a dashing grin on my lips. “They would be quite the package, wouldn’t they?”

“Quite,” she responds, and moves me into the sitting area where I’m surrounded by twenty alphas who are mingling around the room, drinking champagne. The smell makes me long for Ry to be with me; he’s my strength when I can’t find it in myself.

Collectively, they glance up as we enter and twenty sets of eyes find me. The attention makes me want to turn and book it in the opposite direction. Andrik reads my thoughts and places his hand on the small of my back to keep me from doing just that and embarrassing myself on live television. He leans in like he’s going to tell me something juicy. “You’ve got this, Verity. You’re so fucking strong.” His words of encouragement are like a bolster to my confidence, and I straighten my spine.

I only hope he’s right because I don’t feel like I’ve got this. Not even a little.