Page 24 of Knot a Clue


Twin to Jedrik Hart

Enforcer - special forces unit

Can’t cook but makes up for it by being able to laugh at himself

Seeks an omega who sticks up for herself and her beliefs


Huh, these seem surprisingly accurate. While I knew they were enforcers, I didn’t realize they’re a part of the special forces unit. Those men take on some of the hardest cases in the country. It makes my heart do a little flip-flop thinking of them in danger.

The next one isn’t a face I’ve seen before, but it makes my stomach do a little flip at the sight of the shy smirk he flashed at the camera. I suddenly have an inexplicable need to know more about this alpha. And a part of me wonders what his beard would feel like against my skin…

Kyle Draper


Only child


Loves volunteering at his local animal shelter

Seeks an omega who is always willing to laugh

Works through his nervous energy by doing push-ups randomly

“I’ll let you peruse those while we prepare for you to greet the alphas,” Karen says gently. I glance up from the binder and realize I’m standing in front of large double doors that open into a sitting room. When did we get here? I’d been so absorbed in the alpha binder, I didn’t notice.

Before she can stride away, I call out to her. “Wait! Any tips? What should I expect? Won’t their scents be overwhelming?” The questions pour from me like water from a pitcher.

Karen smiles, showing more of her demure personality. “Actually, there are scent dampeners installed in each room of the mansion that I’ll turn on for you whenever you’ll be in a group of alphas. That way, you’re not bombarded in close quarters.” She pauses and glances up at a camera that’s watching us even now. Fuck. I need to appear calm, cool, and collected. “As for tips, be yourself. You’ll do great.” This time she disappears and I don’t stop her.

With a deep breath, I collect myself and dive into the binder, ignoring my instinct to bolt. At least they have scent dampeners. I can’t imagine how overwhelming the process would be without them, especially when it seems like some of these alphas have larger than life personalities. I can only imagine what their scents are like. And there are twenty of them.

As more and more time passes, I wonder if something might’ve held things up, though there are muffled sounds of movement on the other side of the door. Each minute that passes feels worse than the one before. I’m ready to get this over with and meet them. My mind keeps coming up with all the worst-case scenarios. What if I find the contestants repulsive?

Actually, I know that’s false because Andrik and Jedrik are the furthest thing from repulsive.

But how can I go through this knowing I might end up with someone repugnant?

Oh God, what if the scent dampeners don’t work and I’m overwhelmed?

As my thoughts spiral, all I want to do is go burrow in my room with Ryland and inhale our scents for the rest of the day. Especially since Dr. Em’s is still clinging to me. But no matter how much I wish to hide, it’s impossible. It would’ve been nice if they let Ryland at least wait with me.

Don’t let your longing show on your face, Verity, I remind myself.

“Hey, Ver Bear—“ a familiar voice cuts off mid-sentence. “Why do you look like you’re about to burst into tears but are holding them back?” Ryland murmurs. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

His champagne scent envelops me like a breath of fresh air on a summery day, and the notes of butter zip and dance on my tongue. Oh, how he’s a sight for sore eyes. “Because I am,” I whisper back, all too aware of the cameras in the corners of the room, likely capturing this whole interaction.

His arms stretch toward me before he thinks better of it and settles for placing his hand in mine. The warmth radiating from his palm is like a balm on my frayed nerves. “You’ve got this, Ver Bear. You’re about to rock those alphas’ worlds. Literally. You’re stunning right now.” He whistles under his breath and it makes me chuckle. Nothing like my Ry to lighten the mood.

Mrs. Violet waltzes into the room, her boisterous personality instantly taking up every nook and cranny. “Morning, dear! I hope you’re ready. Your alphas are chomping at the bit to meet you,” she says, fluffing her perfectly coiffed hair.

“And that’s my cue to go. Good luck, Ver,” Ryland says, giving my hand a long squeeze before disappearing from wherever he came. I’m already more focused from our simple interaction.