Page 11 of Knot a Clue

“The companion,” her assistant supplies.

“Oh!” She snaps her fingers like she remembered it herself. “Since you’re the only omega this year, the council has decided it would only be right to allow you to bring one companion with you. That way you won’t feel so alone during the down times.” She reaches out a hand and pats my forearm like I need soothing. I probably do, but not from her.

Mrs. Violet delivers her spiel in a quick and concise manner, her typical flourish missing. I’m overwhelmed with all the information she’s giving me. The details of what’s about to happen seem insignificant in the wake of her saying I can bring someone with me. I don’t even have to think about who I’d want it to be, either.

“I can bring anyone I want?” I clarify, wanting to pin her down in case they object to my companion request.

“Yes, dear. Just let us know their name.”

I’m sure they never assumed I’d ask for my male beta bestie to come along, but finally, luck is in my corner for once today. “In that case, I’d like my best friend Ryland to come with me.” I never thought I’d be thankful for him having gone through the spring ceremony. If he wasn’t already announced as a beta, I’m sure they’d throw a fit about me choosing him.

Mrs. Violet blinks at my answer. “My, Ryland is a strange name for a girl, but okay. Ryland will be your companion.” She continues talking, but I’m still hung on her first sentence.

…For a girl?

“Ryland is sitting right here,” I amend, gesturing toward the man in question.

She glances between me and Ry. “Oh! We meant for you to choose one of your female friends, dear,” she stutters. It’s nice to see her off her game for once, and I have to hide the smile wanting to burst out of me.

“But you didn’t specify it had to be a female. You told me I get to choose one person, and I want my best friend to be there with me.”

The man in question seems smug with my choice, even if Mrs. Violet mistook him for a girl at first. I imagine if he were an alpha, there’d be a purr emanating from his chest, but he quickly masks his happiness. If they think either of us is too giddy about this, they’ll tell us no, and I need Ryland’s steadiness to get me through this. Or else I’m going to test Andrik on his promise to chase me and bolt again.

After a few moments of silence, in which I feel every second tick by, she finally breaks it with a sigh. “Ah, what the hell. The more drama in the show, the better. Very well. Your friend may join you on this journey.” She motions toward the door where the same beta from before is waiting. “Now you’ll be escorted to the private airstrip where a small jet is waiting to take you and your companion to the manor.”

I gulp, the nerves in my stomach exploding into a million angry bees. “So quickly?”

Mrs. Violet blinks at me like she’s confused about my question, like why wouldn’t anyone want to start this journey? “Of course, dear. You’re excited to meet the alphas, aren’t you? The faster we get you there, the faster we can begin everything.”

“But I don’t even have anything packed. No clothes, or a toothbrush,” I object, not wanting to jump right in even if that’s what’s expected of me.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, dear! You won’t need to worry about any of that. The show will provide everything you’ll need. Including your own personal stylist, who does your hair and makeup.”

I want to ask about Ryland too, but there’s no more room for talk. Mrs. Violet and Karen rise and stride through the doorway without a backward glance, already moving on to talks of this season and what topics they need to bring up with the audience. Ryland extends a hand for me to take and I latch on, using him as my lifeline as I rise from my seat and follow after the beta. She leads us through the expansive Omega Council building, and I curse myself for still not requesting a pair of shoes. Silly, Verity. Have the hottie doctor fix your feet up and then continue to walk around barefoot. It’s like asking for an infection. Although… I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him again—

Before I can finish that thought, the beta is opening two large double doors that lead outside. There’s an SUV waiting with a very familiar driver and passenger in tow. I literally can’t escape them. Not that it’s a bad thing, but damn. Ryland opens the door for me and I climb all the way through, giving him space to crawl in after me. Jedrik turns in his seat and cocks his eyebrow with the line in it, his smoky maple scent mixing with Andrik’s toasty spices. “What’s the beta doing here?”

“I could ask you two the same thing, you know.” The omega in me can’t ignore his question entirely though. “I was given one companion.”

“We’ve been tasked with getting you to Hidden Haven Manor safely,” Andrik says, putting the vehicle into drive. “The airstrip is right down the road. It won’t take long.”

“That’s convenient,” I mutter, watching the council building fade as Andrik maneuvers onto the road. He’s a really great driver, but then again, his alpha instincts are likely ensuring that with a prized omega in the car.

Sure enough, not even five minutes later, he’s turning onto a road named Airport Road. Huh, how original. He drives straight onto the tarmac and parks. Once again, I’m helped from the SUV by Ryland. I give him a soft smile. “Thank you.”

Turning my attention to the small jet reveals a whole host of crew and staff loading it with everything we’ll need for the next ten weeks. Hidden Haven Manor is in remote wilderness, nestled in a valley between mountain ranges. It ensures nothing can interfere with the show while filming, and the only way in or out is to fly. I watch as a man loads the last of their boxes into the cargo area and then they remove the ladder leading to it. Another person opens the aircraft passenger door of the plane, pulling the steps down.

The three guys flank me as we cross the distance and climb into the passenger area of the plane. Before I can get a good view of the interior of the small jet, the pilot sticks his head out of the cockpit and tips his hat toward me, telling me the skies are clear and as soon as everyone is loaded, we’ll take off. “This has to be a dream, right?”

“‘Fraid not, girlie,” a cheerful woman with sunset ombre hair chirps from down the aisle, startling the shit out of me. She laughs, amusement sparkling in her green eyes. “Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you.” She sticks her hand out for me to shake, and I do. The movement sends a waft of her rose scent washing over me. There’s a slight twinge to it, confirming she’s a beta. “I’m Rose, but you can call me Rosey. I’ll be your designer and makeup artist.”

Logically, I knew the show would come with these kinds of perks—if you can even call them that—but the other part of my brain is still trying to rationalize everything. I don’t really know what to say other than to introduce myself. “I’m Verity Graves. This season’s only omega, I suppose.”

“Oh, I know who you are, girlie. Everyone does at this point. The ceremony was live, remember?” She clicks her tongue. “Quite a messy entrance you made. We’ll have to work on your public appearance if we want to win society over. Good thing they called in the best to help.” She preens a little and waves a hand to the couch beside her. It lines the side of the aircraft with a set of captain’s chairs on either side of a table across from it.

Before sitting next to her, I glance at Ry, who gives me an encouraging smile. He moves onto the captain’s chair next to the window where he can be close by. “My public appearance?” I question, hardly noticing when the rest of the crew and staff start to file in.

“Yeah, your wild appearance caused quite the stir, but it’ll be fine. Especially with the twins saving you from falling and appearing on the show this season.” She practically swoons with the thought. “Don’t worry, we’ll have them eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.” She reaches out and fondles my hair. Not a phrase I thought I’d ever think, but she does. Her gaze traces every bit of my features. “You’re really stunning. It’s a shame you have those scrapes on your face. No matter! I’ll have you fixed in a jiffy.”