Page 7 of Her Last Lie

“I got that ball rolling this morning,” he said. “I’ve got two cops drawing all of that information together. I should have it all by tomorrow.”

She was impressed by how casually he filled her in on things. She’d worked closely with detectives in the past, but Sullivan seemed to be on his A-game. She wondered if he was always so efficient or if it was because he knew he’d be working closely with not only an FBI agent, but one who’d been in the news and apparently had a bit of a legendary reputation—even if she did resent it.

“Would you happen to have the coroner’s report on Adler?” she asked.

“Yeah. Somewhere….” He moved around a few files on his desk and eventually handed her a thin folder. “I got it late yesterday evening. There are a few crime scene photos in there, too.”

She read through the file as Sullivan collected the stack on Adler’s work. The coroner’s report was much smaller and more precise. The cause of death was listed as blood loss and a punctured lung. Two of the stab wounds had torn through her lung, a third dented but did not break through her breastbone, and the fourth one tore open her stomach. As for the blow to the head, she’d suffered a skull fracture just above her left eye. Dr. Adler had still been alive when the ambulance arrived but died on the way to the hospital.

Seems like pushing Dr. Willis from a window may have been a bit more efficient, Rachel thought. Though, she still wasn’t convinced it had been intentional.

The crime scene photos showed Dr. Adler’s lab with three separate pools of blood on the floor. There was also a bit of blood on the side of one of the tables—presumably the one she’ had her head smashed

“Do you happen to know how many other people were in the building at the time?” she asked.

“Yes. Four in total…and all in different parts of the building. One was the janitor. All four of them were questioned, and everything checked out. I can get you those reports as well, if you’d like.”

Rachel checked her watch and was shocked to see that it had somehow come to be 2:45 in the afternoon…which meant it was 5:45 back home. She'd promised she'd call Paige after her first day of treatments, and she intended to keep that promise.

“Actually, that would be great,” she said. “Who do I need to speak with about getting copies of everything you’ve got?”

“I’ll make a call and you’ll have it within half an hour,” Sullivan said. “I take it you’re calling it a day?”

“Yeah. Well, for now. I just want to get back to my room and take it easy for now.” She stopped herself, realizing that she’d nearly ventured into the details of her doctor’s visit and why she was in town in the first place. Sure, Sullivan knew the very basic bits, but she didn’t want to get too deep into it.

He seemed to understand where she was headed, though. He gave her a smile as he picked up the receiver of his desk phone. “I read you loud and clear. Let me see how quickly I can get you those copies. And you know…if you do find anything or want to chase after something, I’d appreciate a call.”

“Of course,” she said.

It was strange to be working in such a random and thrown-together partnership with someone she didn't know. She'd grown so comfortable with Jack that she'd forgotten what it was like to work a case with a stranger. She was surprised to find that it was exciting and that she rather enjoyed it so far. And hopefully, all of that would come together in a neatly closed case before she had to head back home. More than just a closed case, though…but bringing a killer to justice.

Someone was out there, killing doctors and researchers who were at the cutting edge of trying to save lives in brilliant and innovative ways. And as a woman who was currently in the midst of fighting her own health-related battle, she couldn’t help but take it very seriously. So if she had her way, she would absolutely nail this bastard before she left the city.

A daunting thought indeed, seeing as how she was literally running out of time before she had to be on a plane back home.


“Roger says Seattle has a bunch of cool bands,” Paige said, staring into the screen. “Is that true?”

“Who’s Roger?” Rachel asked. She was sitting on the edge of her bed with several stacks of files and papers scattered out on the small table in the corner of the room. There was also a bah of Thai takeout waiting for her on the same table.

“He’s the boy who won the science fair last year. The one I told you sometimes comes to school smelling like garlic.”

“Oh, that Roger. And…as far as the bands, I know there used to be a lot of good music coming out of Seattle. Remember your dad’s favorite band? Pearl Jam?”

Paige’s eyes went wide for a moment and then almost thoughtful. Rachel cringed a bit, not aware she’d mentioned Paige’s father until it was out of her mouth. It wasn’t that they avoided talking about Peter, but it still felt strange to mention him in a random and passing sort of way.

“Yeah, I remember,” Paige said, recovering without much trouble. “They’re form Seattle?”

“Yeah, but that was a while again. Besides, even if there was still good music coming out of Seattle, I don’t think I’d be up for any concerts.”

“So what will you be doing?”

“I’m not sure yet. I may lend a hand with a case the cops have on their hands up here.”

“Is that safe?” Her tone was accusing, reminding Rachel that her daughter was growing older, more mature.

“Yes, it’s nothing intense. And besides, these treatments I’m doing are very chill and relaxed. Would you mind getting Grandma Tate on the call, too? I’d like for you all to hear about it rather than having to repeat it twice.”