Eli has spent the vast majority of the night watching them. It’s never occurred to me that we never told them what would happen to them.

“Definitely not. You can stay here or go wherever Elena is living?”

“Nice try, Axton. I am not giving up my grandsons’ location. If Elena wants you to know, she will tell you herself.”

My shoulders drop in defeat. Luke hurries to his mother, and they disappear.

Unlocking the door, I grab our food and step into the room, only to find Elena pacing inside by the window. I kick the door shut with my foot, and she glances at me. Yet I have no idea what is wrong with her. She looks on the verge of a panic attack.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

She growls at me and continues pacing when Khan pipes up.

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe she has never been away from our sons? She is fretting for them, Axton. Any fucking idiot can see that. She’s basically a walking, talking milk machine right now.”

Shit, he is right. One thing I forgot about she-wolves that have pups is that when they are in distress without their babies, they fret. It explains why she’s constantly pumping, her body is trying to force her back to our pups.

I walk over to the sitting area. “Elena!” I call out to her, but she only glances at me and continues to pace. “I’ll let you leave and go back to them. But I want assurance that you'll come back.”



Elena pauses, thinking before shaking her head. “Like what? I have nothing to give you, Axton,” she tells me. “I’ll bring them to see you, I promise. Please, just let me go home to them.”

The desperation in her voice makes my stomach sink.

“Tell me where they are.” I point to her food sitting on the coffee table, and she sighs, walking over and taking the armchair across from me.

“At least let me send my mother there. She knows where they are. The boys need formula, and I haven’t got enough milk stored at home.”

“Aren’t you breastfeeding?” I ask her, taking a bite of my food.

“Yes, but they’re hungry constantly, and this is the most milk I have ever fucking had!” she growls, looking down at her full breasts filling my shirt and ruining it again. Elena sighs. “I’ve been mix feeding, but none of the shops have had formula since you decided to strike over—” She falls silent as if she’s said too much. “Never mind.” She grabs her plate.

I think for a second when it hits me. Khan also presses forward at what I’ve just learned. “You’re close. You’re still within my trade limits.”

She doesn’t answer, but I hear her heart rate spike.

“If you tell me which store I need to ensure gets supplies, I will make it happen.”

Elena scoffs.”Not a chance.”

I press my lips in a line. “I won’t take them from you, Elena.”

“You sure about that? Because since you caught me, all you have done is demand I give them to you,” she retorts.

I shake my head before opening up the mind link. Eli answers immediately.

“Find out which stores outside the city we supply to. Elena just let slip that she has been struggling to get formula because our city went on strike.”

“On it.”

I watch her. She moves her food around on her plate but doesn’t eat it. Elena barely speaks to me after that and hardly touches her food. She has barely spoken the rest of the night and is fighting sleep, her anxiety level through the roof every time her head lulls, and she jolts awake again.

Yet, as the night goes on, she gets more worried about needing to go home, her anxiety flooding into me from the one-sided bond. Which only enhances my anxiety about our sons. I can tell she is not giving up their location anytime soon. If only I could get her to mark me, then I could let her go, and she would lead me straight to them through the bond.

“Elena,” I call to her as she stares out the window. I offered her my phone earlier to call whoever is watching them, but she refused, saying I would have the call traced.