“I can’t tell you because I don’t know.”

“Bullshit. How did you get the photo, then?”

“It was sent anonymously from someone’s phone. I tried calling it already. You think I don’t want to see my daughter?”

“Maybe we can track it,” I tell her, and she falls silent.

“Even if I find out where she is, or she does contact me, I won’t tell you unless she tells me to. I already lost my daughter once. I won’t lose her again, Axton. I am sorry.”

“Wait!” I tell her, knowing she is about to hang up. “If she talks to you, please tell her to call me. Tell her to bring them home.”

“You don’t get it. Even now that she is gone, you still don’t get it. The only home she ever had, you took from her. Then, when she came back, you made sure she never felt at home with you. This place is no longer home to her, Axton. You’re not totally to blame, though. I think it stopped being home when she was denied her birthright.”

“I need my sons. You have to understand that!”

“But do you need her? Because the first thing you said, Axton, is you needing your sons, needing an heir. Not once did you say you needed her. And from what I know of her time with you, that is all she knows herself as a breeder. First, she was an Alpha’s daughter. Then, a rogue. Then, you told her you were taking the only title she had left, and that was mother. Sometimes it’s better to run before you lose the only identity you have left.”

I look at the ceiling. I sound like a prick, yet that has never been my intention. Of course, I want her back too; I want my mate, and at this point, I will get her back any way I can.

“Please, Louise. If she calls, tell her to call me. Tell her I won’t take them from her.”

“I’ll tell her if she calls me, but I won’t pressure her to come back, Axton. You say you want them back, but you said that last time. And last time, you only broke her more,” Louise tells me before hanging up.

I stare at the phone, her words making my stomach sink. I’ve lost her, and this time I have a feeling her mother is right. She won’t come back, not when she has nothing left to come back for.




Every day, Sondra’s stopped by for a week. Today, it is pouring down with rain when we hear a loud rumbling engine as a car pulls up. Last night, we had quite a scare. Helicopters were flying around the area, and after listening to the busted police scanner, we learned they were looking for a stolen car. We all had no doubt whose. I knew it was just a ploy; Axton knows that if he finds the car, he will find me and the boys.

I watch warily from my bed and see Noleen’s posture change from tense to relaxed, and I know it can’t be anyone with sinister intentions. She opens the huge doors when I hear a car rev out front. What I am not expecting is to see an old yellow school bus. The paint is faded, and the windows are cracked, some missing, as she pulls it into the huge open space. The women all stand looking at each other, wondering what is going on.

Sondra opens the bus door.

“And where did you get that?” Michelle asks as Sondra steps out.

She points to Axton’s car. “The same place Elena got that. I stole it,” she says.

Michelle shakes her head. “She owns a ranch. That old junker has probably been sitting in her yard as an ornament.” Noleen rolls her eyes at Michelle.

Yeah, it was kind of a stupid question to ask an old woman. She doesn’t look like she’s shoplifted a pencil in her life, let alone an entire bus.

“Right, pack your shit, or don’t. Either way, get your asses on the bus. You’re leaving,” Sondra says, clapping her hands.

We all look at her as if she’s suddenly sprouted tentacles and a tail.

“Well, come on, come on,” she says, clapping at them.

The women don’t question, just grab their few items and rush toward it, while Sondra strolls over to me. I get up, glancing at the bus before her as she stops at me.

“You were serious?” I ask her. She had said before we could stay at the ranch, but none of us thought she was truly serious.

Sondra raises an eyebrow at me as if to say, “Don’t be ridiculous,” and holds her hands out for my son, a smile dancing on her lips. For someone who has never had kids, I can tell she adores them.

“You picked any names yet?” she asks as I lean down, scooping my other son out of the basket we’ve made into a bed.