I blink at the paper, and Khan presses forward as I look to the hall. My feet are moving before I realize what I am doing as I start searching every room. She is gone. My heart races at the thought, and I burst through the barrier to the mind link, forcing myself into every pack member’s head.

“Find her!” I snarl.

Eli is the first to reply. “Find whom?”

“Who do you think? Fucking Elena, find her!” I roar, marching through my office into my bedroom. I start ripping clothes off the hangers, getting changed quickly, and reach for my belt.

The moment I do, I head for the door, a cold sweat breaking out as panic settles. I reach for the door handle and fling the door open, only to stop. My stomach cramps, the pain so intense I nearly double over, my belly gurgling, and I clutch the frame. What in the actual fuck! I move into the hall only for it to intensify. Sweat beads on my head, and my eyes widen. Backtracking, I run for the toilet.




Driving down the long, obscured road that weaves amongst the trees, my nerves kick in. What will the women think of me just showing up unannounced? I am not even sure if I am welcome here anymore. I kind of just dropped off the face of the earth and left them with no word. Lexa also feels nervous. We escaped Axton, escaped with our babies, yet this was the only place I could think of. If they turn us away, I am not sure what else to do. This is our only hope.

Slowly pulling up the drive away, the sun is just beginning to peek out between the clouds above the huge, dilapidated warehouse. It is quiet, the huge warehouse doors closed, but I see movement in the one little window near the door beside the huge roller doors.

Parking the car, I sit back in my seat.

“Let them come out first. They’ll be wary. Open your door so they can smell our scent,” Lexa suggests.

I see Noleen peer out the window before the door opens, and she steps outside. I open my door but don’t make any move to get out of the car, knowing I could spook her. Noleen approaches, and I watch her sniff the air.

“Elena? Is that you?”


“Then why are you sitting in the car?” she says, waving for me to hop out.

I let out a breath of relief before smiling and grabbing the duffle bag off the back seat. I hop out and close the car door.

“Where did you get the car?” she calls out.

“Yeah, I kind of stole it,” I sing out, and she stops.

She sticks her fingers in her mouth, whistles, and the roller doors open. “Well, don’t leave it there. Are you trying to get us caught?” she laughs, waving for me to drive into the warehouse.

I chuckle and drive in, and two women pull on the chains, closing the roller door behind me. Noleen points to the far corner, which is empty, and I park it where she tells me to before climbing out of the car. The moment I do, she embraces me in a hug.

A few women come over. In their arms, they carry blankets, and one even brings some tea over. I step back, looking at Noleen.

“We were wondering if you got out safe,” she says, smiling sadly.

I nod, accepting the tea, not realizing how cold my hands are.

“So, what are you doing here?” she asks as another woman drops an itchy blanket over my shoulders, which is quite warm.

I see a few of the children waking up, their mothers tucking them under blankets to keep them warm.

Sucking in a breath, I turn my attention back to Noleen. “I was hoping for a place to stay.”

“Well, if you want to slum it with us, you’re more than welcome to.” She shrugs before pointing at the car. “But that is going to be an issue.”

I turn, looking at the car, and I cringe.

“Any ideas?” I ask, and she chuckles.