“A phone? You want a phone? Anything else?” he asks, and I scratch the side of my belly.

I get itchy when nervous, and right now, I am not sure if he is being serious or not.

“Maybe, I… Maybe you could lend me some money to go out with Mom. She wants to take me baby shopping. She asked the other night, but I have no money,” I told him.

My face heats, as does my entire body. I have never had to ask someone for money before. Growing up, I always had access to my trust and worked. Yet here, I have none of that, so even asking is embarrassing.

“My sons need nothing; that is taken care of. And as for you, I give you enough. I feed you, clothe you, and provide a roof over your head. Be grateful for what you have because the goddess knows you don’t deserve it,” he snaps at me before rising from his chair. He drinks the rest of his coffee before chucking the mug in the sink, making it shatter. Glass shards spray out, and I yelp in shock before he storms out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

“Well, that went well. Are you sure he isn’t related to that human fuckwit on TikTok?”

“Huh?” I ask Lexa.

“You know the one, the man who thinks he’s god’s gift to women. The one Alisha always bitched about. You know, big mouth to go with an over-inflated ego, making out women should worship at man’s feet,” Lexa says.

I shake my head at her, not knowing whom she is talking about, while walking back to our room to come up with a Plan B.

“Andrew Tate!” she screams, finally remembering his name. “We should check his phone next time. That fool is trying to brainwash all men into thinking their big mouths and screaming loud enough will compensate for their tiny dicks and shitty personalities.”

I roll my eyes while listening to her drone on. She is just as bad as Alisha.

“Can we please talk about the problem at hand, and not some dick who blows air up his own ass to inflate that big head of his?”

“Oh, yeah… right. What are we doing again?” she asks.

I groan. “Oh, right? Escape plan.”

Lexa thinks for a few seconds. “Maybe we can ask Khan?”

“What if he tells Axton?”

“And snitch on himself for overtaking his body? Doubt it. No harm in asking,” she tells me.

She does have a point; it’s not like we have anything left to lose.



Like clockwork, Khan comes into my room, and I try to hide that I have been crying. As I wipe my eyes, I feel the bed dip and his hand on my side. I shuffle slightly away, only for him to pull me back closer.

“You haven’t been speaking to me, and now I find you trying to hide the fact that you were just crying. Tell me, is it what that dickhead did this morning?”

I refuse to answer and just shake my head. Before I can stop her, Lexa forces control.

“Your asswipe of a human is keeping us prisoner here, just like the fucking vampire. We missed our best friend’s funeral. We can't even speak to our mother because the prick cut the phone line. We are trapped here, and that piece of shit brings another woman here every night. He had the balls to call us the help!”

I force back control from Lexa, pushing her back behind the veil. “Khan, it’s fine. This is just how my life is going to be. Pointless, the blame will always be placed on me. Even though I did nothing to cause any of this, it will always be my fault in the eyes of Axton, and my father.”

I am about to lay my head back down on the pillow only to feel Khan scoop me up, causing me to shriek at the abrupt motion. He places me on his lap, rubbing my back, causing me to relax. Nestling my head in the crook of his neck, I inhale deeply, letting his scent wash over me.

“I will get you a phone to call your mother. I might not be able to get you a key, but I’m sure he has spare ones somewhere, or I can get one from Eli. You shouldn’t be trapped like an animal, and have every right to talk to your mother without his dumb ass being in the way. How does that sound?”

I nod in the crook of his neck.

“Anything else you want or need?”

I wasn’t going to ask, but this is the most receptive anyone has been to me, almost my entire life, besides my mom and Alisha. Just thinking about her makes tears sting my eyes. I let out a slight shudder.