Reaching down, I run my fingers through his hair. I feel my whole body shuddering as I grip his hair and hold it tightly. My hips move against his lips, chasing the climax I know he is bringing me to. I can’t contain the shudders and spasms.

All I can do is give in to it. And give in I do as he brings me to my precipice. And I crumble and fall apart with a final flick of his tongue, and my entire world explodes. I tumble blindly, free, falling into bliss as I ride out each wave.

Gradually, he slows the pace, his tongue lapping up the juices that have just spilled from me. Jake sits up, and I take this to mean we are moving on. I feel my body tense slightly as I think about his hard cock sheathed inside me. After the way he had me screaming out, I am excited for more, so I reach for him, then shove him on his back before straddling his waist.

The following morning I wake up to Jake climbing out of bed. I grip his forearm as he climbs over me.

“Where are you going?” I groan, not wanting to get up.

“To unlock the store. Go back to sleep,” he whispers, pecking my lips.

I roll on my side while he gets ready for work. Yet once he climbs out, the bed feels empty, and I mumble, annoyed, not wanting to get up but also knowing I won’t be able to go back to sleep. Reluctantly, I toss the blanket back and climb out of bed to go make coffee. When Alisha wakes up and gets changed, we head down to the store to help Jake, knowing he has to go to the settlement and will need someone to watch over the store.

As we come down, he is walking out of the basement. He shuts the door, and I move to double-check the supplies in the box while Alisha chucks on an apron to serve the customer that’s just come into the shop.

“What time are you heading out there?” I ask him.

“In twenty minutes.”

“I might come with you. I feel bad that I hardly go out there.”

He comes over and wraps his arms around my waist, his hands moving over my belly before stopping at my sides.

“No, it’s supposed to rain, and I don’t want you getting sick. Maybe next time.” He pecks my cheek before grabbing the list from my hand and also checking he has everything.

I move to retrieve an apron. I honestly have no idea how Jake runs this place by himself. The lunch hours are crazy busy with workers from the industrial area coming here. After the lunch dash and once everyone clears out, Alisha and I start cleaning the tables.

“Ah, damn it. We are out of dish soap,” Alisha curses, holding up the empty bottle.

“Basement?” I ask her, and she sighs, wandering over to it.

She yanks on the door, but it doesn’t open. “And he always forgets to leave the key for it. Too bad if we needed supplies urgently,” she says, yanking on the door in frustration before I hear a clang.

“Fuck! I broke it,” she says as I glance over to find her holding a piece of the door handle.

“Well, hopefully, there is a screwdriver down there,” I laugh just as the bells sound.

Alisha groans before rushing to the counter as a customer enters.

“I will go find the dish soap, and now, a screwdriver,” I tell her, and she waves me off.

Flicking the light on as I walk down the steps, the draft is cold down here. Rummaging around, I find the dishwashing liquid. This place is packed to the roof with boxes of supplies and freezers sitting off to one corner, moving toward the shelves by the desk. I reach for the little toolbox on a shelf when I hear a noise. I jump, looking at the stairs.

“Alisha?” I call out when I hear her voice upstairs. The hairs on my arms rise, but I shake the feeling off when I hear the same moans, making me drop the toolbox. It smashes onto the ground, sending tools everywhere.

“Shit,” I curse, picking them up when the same noise, now louder, reaches my ears. I look to the back of the basement, where it’s darkest.

“Maybe it’s a cat or something?” Lexa says.

Instinctively, I sniff the air, but the dust down here and chemical cleaning scent are potent. Grabbing a screwdriver, I move toward the back.

“Alisha!” I call out, but I get no answer.

Looking to the stairs, I am about to go get her when I hear the noise again before a loud banging sound like someone is tapping on a pipe. Pushing the boxes aside, I gasp when I find a cage, and inside, a woman. Her hands and ankles are cuffed, and a gag is in her mouth. My eyes widen, and I stumble back, not expecting to find someone down here. An animal, yes, but a person, definitely not.

“Help her! Get her out!” Lexa snaps at me.

“Wait, why… How is she down here?” I panic, moving to open the cage.