My brows furrow. He only went out there two days ago.

“But you just dropped supplies off. You said not until next week?”

“I will be quick,” he tells me.

I sigh and nod slowly.

“You’re not seriously mad right now. I just drove you two hours to see a doctor for kids that aren’t even fucking mine. You can’t wait an extra thirty minutes to see Alisha, for fuck’s sake?” Jake snaps, and I look at him. His jaw is clenched, and Lexa stirs uncomfortably within me.

“Jake?” I ask, wondering where his sudden outburst of anger has come from.

“You two are too dependent on each other. It’s fucking annoying.”

I look out the window. I don’t get what he is so angry about. Everything was fine a few seconds ago. I go over everything I’ve said, trying to work out what I did or said that angered him. And he has never expressed anything bad about me being pregnant. He has never spoken to me like this before.

I say nothing on the drive to the settlement, and Lexa is just as confused.

“What did you say?” she asks me, but I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve his sudden anger.

“I don’t like him getting angry. I can almost smell his anger,” she says, and my brows furrow at her words when we suddenly pull up at the settlement.

Jake hops out, slamming the door a little hard and making me jump. He is gone for about twenty minutes while I sit in the car. This is only the second time I have come out here, and seeing one of the women by the clothesline, I hop out, figuring I would say hello. However, when I climb out of the car, she looks over at me, waving me away.

“Hi, I am Elena.”

“Get in the car! Go before he sees me speaking to you!”

“Huh, before who sees me?” I ask her while glancing around, and she quickly turns back to the clothesline. I am about to walk over to her when Jake comes out.

“Ready?” he says, jogging over to me. He drapes his arm across my shoulders and kisses my forehead.

“Yeah, I…” I glance at the girl with wavy dark hair, pegging up baby clothes.

“What’s wrong? Did Selia say something to upset you?” he asks.

“What? No, nevermind. I was about to come looking for you.”

“Well, here I am,” he says with a laugh before kissing my temple. He reeks of the women here, almost as if he rolled around in their clothes or they scented him. He always comes back reeking of them, but never this strongly.

Jake opens my door. “Come on, I bet Alisha can’t wait to see the ultrasounds,” he says, closing it.

I glance out the window at the girl, who doesn’t even glance in our direction until Jake starts reversing out before turning the car around.

“Is everything okay?” I ask him.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” he tells me, smiling sweetly.

I begin wondering if I’m imagining his odd behavior. Something is nagging at Lexa and me. Once we get home, everything is forgotten as excitement takes over, and I rush into the store where Alisha is covering for Jake.

I show her the picture and let her know I am having two boys. She bounces on her feet, clutching the small film in her hands.

“I’m going to be an aunty. Oh, now we can start picking out names,” she tells me excitedly when Jake walks in behind me.

“How did it go? Was everything fine here?” he asks her.

“Yes, quiet day,” she tells him, and he wanders off when she calls out to him.

“Oh, your delivery came. I had to stack it in the fridge. You forgot to leave the keys to the basement. I am hoping nothing defrosted.”