I lean against her. At the same time, Jake opens the pizza box in my lap and takes a slice.

“Why do you say that?” I ask her, wondering what could possibly be happening in the city.

“Your father was kicked from the council, and Axton’s wolf lost it when he confronted your father. Your father was rushed in for surgery.”

I sit up. “He what?”

“Axton challenged your father and kicked his damn ass. I damn near snorted when I saw your father get his ass handed to him on the news,” Alisha tells me while pulling her phone from her pocket. She flicks through her socials before pulling up the video and handing it to me.

Despite what my father’s done, it is stomach-turning to watch. Especially when I see him go down and my mother screaming frantically for Axton to stop as he continues to tear into my father during a council hearing. Blood and fur are everywhere; then I recognize Axton’s Beta rip him off my father before he tears into his neck.

“Anyway, Axton holds control over most of the city now that he’s bought out the last council sanctions. But now it’s on hold for twenty-one days, so he can’t take the head council title because he attacked your father on neutral territory,” Alisha tells me.

I don’t know what is worse: seeing my father nearly get killed or knowing that Axton is now running the city. The place can’t be in worse hands, and I can only imagine the ridiculous laws he will put in place.

“Maybe it’s a good thing we left?” Lexa tells me, also peering out and watching with me.

I have to agree because Goddess knows what would have become of me if I had stayed there under his rule. It is no secret that Axton’s been fighting to have rogues like me kicked out of the city.

“That’s not all, though, Elena,” Alisha tells me.

I groan and turn my head to look at her.

“Your medical files were leaked; Axton knows you’re pregnant. Your face was plastered over every news channel.”


“Yeah, and Axton now has his entire pack looking for you, especially since you stole his twins.”

“We don’t know they are his,” I tell her, and her eyebrows raise.

“Really? Because when I saw that ultrasound, they looked like pups to me, not batteries or a vibrator,” she laughs.

Jake snorts.

“What? It’s true. We all know she isn’t getting laid. It’s why she is such a bitch. And sorry to tell you, but if it goes to court over the paternity, Purcellville, your purple plastic penis, shall not be dubbed the father,” Alisha laughs, and I elbow her.




A few hours earlier

Derrick got me good, yet it didn’t save him from Khan. He knew it was all over the moment I shifted. Khan is a savage and feared by most Alphas in the city, and now Derrick knows why. I’ve put up with his shit long enough, but to do that to his own daughter? My mate? He had to know it was coming.

“Will you sit still?” Eli hisses at me as he tries to stitch my arm.

We are currently at the council. I have been placed in an antechamber after the fight broke out with Alpha Derrick. I got escorted out back while he got escorted to the hospital. Luckily for him, Elena was not in the same hospital because I would have finished what I started; I would have let Khan end him, taken his pack, and banished his mate from the city.

“It’s just a scratch,” I tell him, looking at my arm, the tissue protruding out like it’s been opened with a can opener.

“It’s too deep to heal on its own. Fucking stay still.”

I roll my eyes at him. I have had worse, and I am anxious to get back to check on my mate. I’m hoping to take her back to the packhouse tonight.

Hearing the door open, Elder Stiles, former Alpha of the Crident Pack, steps inside. He’s wearing his black robe, which I find rather outdated. No way would they catch me wearing those old robes. I don’t give a fuck about their boring traditions. That dusty old robe looks older than him, and that is saying something.