Moments later, a nurse comes in with a wheelchair before helping me into it. We are taken down a couple of floors to an examination room.

Alisha remains by my side as I try to process everything and how my life has turned into this spectacle. Everything is falling apart, and that weight really smashes into me when I tune back into my surroundings. I don’t even remember climbing onto the table or feeling the gel on my stomach. I remember nothing, only coming back to what is going on when the tech taps my shoulder and points to the screen above my head.

“Your babies are fine. Strong heartbeats,” she tells me with a sad smile, as if this news was good and might cheer me up. It does the complete opposite.

“Babies?” Alisha asks.

“Yes, she is pregnant with twins,” the woman says, turning the screen so that Alisha can see.

My entire world stops and turns on its axis, and I feel as if I am falling, that everything is crashing down around me.

“I will print you a picture to show your mate. He will be so excited about this news,” the woman tells me, yet my horrified stare is on Alisha.

I need to get out of here. I am not staying with the man responsible for destroying my life, and I am sure as shit not letting him have access to my children. Alisha, seemingly knowing where my mind is going, nods once. I swear that girl understands me better than I do myself.

“The scans are being sent to the Alpha?” she asks innocently, and the woman turns to face her.

“Of course. We will send them off right away.” She smiles, and Alisha holds up a hand.

“Can we perhaps hold off? Elena would rather be the one to tell him this wonderful news. She would rather do it in person,” Alisha says enthusiastically, embodying the excitement I can’t seem to muster and playing her part.

The woman seems unsure, but after a few minutes, Alisha convinces her of some fake surprise plan for him.

Yeah, he is going to get a surprise, alright. Because I won’t be here when he gets back.

I have no idea where I will go, but being far away from this city and my mate is my only intention at this point. Because being forced to accept that monster after what he’s done is not a pill I can swallow. And for once, my wolf and I are in agreement.



Alisha leaves right after the ultrasound. She is going to get me some clothes and returns twenty minutes later.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks as she helps me pull on the jeans and hoodie.

Every movement makes my body ache. I nod. I am not staying in this city, and I am not being forced under Alpha Axton’s protection when he is the reason for this entire mess.

“Jake?” I ask her.

“In the parking lot waiting for us,” Alisha says, glancing out the door to see if the guard Axton placed at the end of the hall is still keeping watch. She sighs. “Surely he has to go on a lunch break or something?” she says, and I shrug.

Though my wolf disagrees with the idea, I would jump from the window if it means escaping his clutches. My pregnancy makes it difficult for me to heal quickly.


That word has been reeling in my head all damn day. I need to get out of here before Axton finds out. No way am I giving him that as an excuse to hang over my head. Wincing as I pull my hair into a messy bun, Alisha comes over to me and helps; just lifting my arms makes my ribs and back ache furiously.

“What are we going to do about the guard? He will spot you if we run for the stairwell,” she says, and I blink at her. She blinks back at me before I smile and bat my lashes.

“I noticed that the guard is unmarked?” I tell her, and her mouth opens to gape at me.

“No! Have you seen how old he is?”

“Well, it will be easy for you, then. Flash those Double Ds at him, and you might give the old fart a heart attack,” I tell her, and she folds her arms across her chest and pouts.

“You got a better idea? I can’t do it. I am an escapee!” I remind her, and she groans.

“He is old enough to be my father,” she whines, popping her hip and flicking her lavender hair over one shoulder.