“He won’t like that. His pack is loyal to him.”

“Yes, but he won’t have a choice soon.” I tell him.

“What do you mean?”

“He’ll submit.” Is all I tell him, not wanting to give away all my plans, especially to a rival Alpha. Axton certainly didn’t need any more ammo to use against me.

He closes it and sighs. “You know I can help you, right?”

“And what would the price be for your help, Axton? I don’t need it or want it.”

“Well, you know where I am if you do want it!” I glance at him, finally finding my keys, and he hands me back my folders.

Chapter Five

“And why would you help? You hate me, remember? I’m the whore that ran off with your sons?”

“You’re not a whore. I say shit out of anger. That doesn’t mean I always mean what I say.”

“No, but your actions say otherwise,” I remind him. “You had no issues calling me a whore, thinking I ran off with Jake!” I spit at him bitterly.

“Because you ran off with another man!”

“A man who was a vampire, one who used his compulsion on me and killed my best friend! You act like I asked for that to happen.”

“Don’t act like you did nothing wrong. You chose to leave.” Axton argues. He still doesn’t get it.

“Wait, so I am a whore when you say it, but my father says it, you get offended on my behalf?” I scoff, shaking my head.

“You’re still my mate and the mother of our children.” I shake my head, personality number twenty-something slipping out. Should we call this one doubt, regret, or is this one simply a facade to gain pity or to make me feel guilty of what Jake did? “And I don’t hate you. You’re just stubborn and had me sanctioned not to leave the damn city for two weeks.”

“You threatened to take our sons and kill my pack! What did you expect?”

“Not for you to fucking sanction me and put me on damn house arrest!”

“And when those two weeks are up, Axton, then what?” he shrugs and doesn’t answer, instead changing the subject.

“Next meeting is on Friday, can you bring the boys? Eli will watch them, or I can organize Tieriny to watch them while the meeting is on. I want to see my sons.” Axton tells me.

“You don’t want them for the weekend?” I ask him.

“Of course I do. But clearly you don’t intend to give them to me because you didn’t bring them with you.”

“Yeah, because it is a meeting. I was bringing them to you this afternoon before you went on a warpath over the photos and threatened my pack again!” I snap at him. Axton’s eyes flicker to Khan before he shoves him back and steps closer to me. His lips tug into a sneer and I take a step back from him, my ass hitting my car door as I fist my keys, ready to stab him with them if he tries anything.

“Don’t bullshit me, Elena, not when it comes to them. I know you’re just saying that, so I’ll let you leave,” he growls, and I roll my eyes at him.

“Either you want to see them or you don’t, but either way, I have to get back to them.”

He tilts his head to the side, watching me. “You know I want them.”

“Then fine, but I need to get them and drive back.” I tell him while unlocking my car with the key fob. When I go to open the door, his hand grabs it.

“You’re not fucking with me?”

“I’ll see you at 5PM.” I tell him. Climbing in the car, I toss my stuff onto the back seat and reach out to close the door, but he still has a hold of it.

“You’ll come back with them?” Axton asks. Man, do I need to send him to get his ears checked? Is he deaf? I just told him I would.