Soyer screams in agony, and Axton shoves him away just as Cane brings the crowbar down. However, this time, Axton's hand grabs it mid-swing. Pain slivers up my arm through the bond, but Axton doesn't let go.

Instead, he swipes Cane's feet out from under him just as Osiris shakes himself off and gets to his feet. Looking around, I grab a screwdriver off the counter just as Cane backhands Osiris into a wall. The air leaves his lungs in a loud wheeze, and I run forward, stabbing the screwdriver into Cane's neck repeatedly just as Axton is pulled to his feet by his grip on the crowbar when Cane stands.

His face twists in fury as Cane grabs my hand that is holding the screwdriver when I stab him again, and he squeezes. I feel my hand break and scream, losing my grip on the screwdriver when Cane swings his arm down and back, catching me under the ribs. I go flying back and hit the wall, which knocks the air out of me. Groaning, I lift my head in time to see Axton headbutt him, making Cane let go of the crowbar.

Cane stumbles back toward me, and I barely move in time as he falls over Soyer's mate's body on the ground. Axton lands on top of him, and I scramble to my feet, wheezing to catch my breath.

Cane and Axton land heavily on the ground while I try to get to the crowbar when Axton lifts his head to look at me.

“Run!” he commands, his eyes blazing, and I feel his aura blast me when he suddenly shifts. Khan’s size obscures half the place. Werewolves are not made to fight in such tight confines. The command freezes me on the spot, sweat beads on my neck, not wanting to leave my mate. When Khan starts mauling Cane, his teeth tear into his neck. The next second, Khan's furious voice booms in my head.

“Run!” he screams the command through the link, and unable to fight it, I take off running when I hear footsteps racing toward me.

My eyes widen when I see pack members barreling into the tunnels, having located us. I point the way I just came when I hear a feral snarl, and Marco shoves past Thomas, who has finally arrived to assist. “It's Cane,” I rasp out, and Marco nods, shoving past me and disappearing from where I just came.

“Elena, get out of here!” Alpha Thomas yells at me. Yet as I continue to run, I find I can’t catch my breath and stagger when I near the tunnel exit into the basement. I clutch the wall, and my vision blurs as I peer through the bars to see Eli’s lifeless body heaped on the floor.

Gasping, the pain makes my lungs burn. Tilting my head in the direction I came from, Khan’s command keeps trying to force me out of the tunnels. I stagger, using the wall to hold myself up as pain drags through my chest with each breath. My vision dulls and blurs.

My breathing comes in short pants, each breath agonizing as pain replaces the adrenaline, and I clutch my chest. Only when I do, I feel something protruding from it. Dazedly, I glance down and blink at what I’m seeing.

The screwdriver is embedded in my chest between my ribs, my hoodie completely drenched with my blood, making it stick to me like a second skin. My fingers wrap around the handle, intending to rip it out when I fall forward and collapse when I’m unable to catch my breath.

Chapter Eighty-Two


Adrenaline surges through my veins as we get knocked aside with a heavy punch. Elena makes a run for it as chaos erupts. Alpha Cane moves with lightning speed, delivering a sidekick that sends us flying toward the counter. I’m forced to dodge falling objects as my heart races in my chest, and we’re forced to shift back.

Cane grabs the back of my neck before I even have a chance to get up, slamming my face into the concrete once, twice. However, I am ripped back the third time when Cane is hit. Lifting my gaze, I see Osiris with the crowbar. Breathless, he staggers, catching himself on the wall. The crowbar slips from his fingers, and I reach out to grab it and spin around to use it. Cane shakes his head, black blood streaming down the side of his face, and he growls, revealing his sharp jagged teeth.

Clambering to my feet, I see two of him, my vision doubles. His face twists, and he swings at me, his claws raking down my chest. I see the blow too late, only being able to step back. Blood spews from my chest when I trip over Osiris behind me, landing on my ass. My head bounces off the cement floor, and I stare dazedly at the concrete ceiling, the blue fluorescent light flickering when Cane steps over me.

Running can just be heard in the distance, shouting, and Cane looks in the direction the voices are coming from before sneering and glaring back down at me.

“Give up, Cane. There is no escape from this. The place is surrounded,” I rasp out between pained breaths.

“You’re right, there’s not, but if there is no escape for me, then there is no escape for you either.” Cane sneers, reaching for me when I hear slow clapping. Cane pauses, he lifts his head, and I turn my head to see Marco strolling into the tunnel like he is merely taking a walk in the park. Pack members rush up behind him when Marco raises his hand, forcing them to halt.

“Wait, this tunnel is barely ten feet wide. What do you think this is, a game of Tetris? Twister?” Marco snarls as my warriors stop behind him. Cane growls, rising to his feet, his claws slipping from his fingertips as he stares down his new opponent.

“Seriously! Look at the size of him and me. This isn’t the human centipede. Nobody needs to be tasting nobody’s ass today. So back it up a little and give me some room to work with–” Marco looks at Cane and makes a funny face. Cane steps over me with a growl escaping him as he moves to face Marco.

“Well… If it isn’t Gloom and Doom himself. Don’t you think it’s overkill? Nobody likes Dracula these days,” Marco comments with a smirk. “They prefer vamps that glitter and fart fairy dust.” Cane did not appreciate the jab and growls back at him. Marco steps closer, seemingly unfazed, which makes me concerned because Cane has done nothing but rag-doll us down here. But then again, Marco is a vampire, and an old one at that.

“So serious question..... Do you sparkle in the sunlight or just go poof and burst into flames?” Marco asks, and Cane growls.

“I’m just asking because you look like you just crawled out of a crypt,” Marco teases. I blink at him, wondering what he is doing… Marco places his hands in the air in mock surrender, a cunning smile on his lips.

“Now, don’t take this the wrong way. I’m sure you have no trouble with the ladies, but just a little advice. Most like their vamps with a touch less deathly pallor, but who knows, maybe it’ll become the new trend. You could call it ‘Undead Chic’,” Marco shrugs.

What in the world is he doing?

It takes me a second to figure out why he is fucking around in such a dire situation when I see Osiris helping Soyer get his mate out of the way, who's been trampled; god knows how many times. Marco is merely playing distraction, biding them time.

Cane’s eyes glow red with fury, and he growls menacingly. “You think you’re funny, Marco? Let’s see if your jokes provide enough entertainment while I rip your throat out,” Cane spits.

A grin spread across Marco’s face. “Ah, such eloquent words,” Marco retorts. “Let’s see if you can back them up.” With that, Marco lunges at him, aiming a punch at Cane’s face with striking speed, making him stagger back.