“My laptop is about to die,” he curses and I sigh.

“Can I email it to yours?” he asks.

“Can’t it wait until morning?” I ask him, becoming annoyed that he told me I can’t work but he’s done nothing but work all damn night.

“I need to send it off, it's past due,” I groan. Just as I got comfy. Getting up, and tossing the blanket back, Axton jumps to his feet.

“I’ll grab it,” he tells me. quickly leaving to head to his office to retrieve it. “Why do these apps have so many movies, how are you supposed to pick?” I ask Lexa, when nothing catches my attention. Axton returns and hands me my laptop. I unlock it.

“Password is your name.”

“That’s it?” Axton asks and I nod.

“That is the shittiest password, anyone could guess that.”

“I have two factor authentication. Why, what is yours?” I ask him.

“Your date of birth."

“And you think my password is shitty, and I know you don’t have two factor authentication,” I tell him as he unlocks my computer. My phone bings and I approve it being unlocked while he takes a seat.

“Yeah, good point,” Axton mumbles, sitting beside me. He finds whatever he sent to my email before tapping his chest and I raise an eyebrow at him. He pats his chest again.

“Elena, now,” he growls and I roll my eyes and move closer only for him to jerk me so I am half laying on him.

“Fuck sake, I can’t see the TV now!” I whine.

“Because I want to show you something.” Axton purrs burying his face in my neck. He taps my laptop screen and I glance at it. My brows furrow, confused at what I am looking at because it has nothing to do with taxes or what he claimed he was doing. Instead it's the title for his pack.

“What?” I ask him peering up at him.

“I don’t want to be your Alpha, Lena,” Axton murmurs. “I want to be your mate,”

“You’re Alpha,” I remind him.

“Not on paper,” he tells me and my head jerks back to the screen. My eyes widen when I see his name is gone and mine in its place as the Alpha. I blink at the screen. He gave me his pack….

“Axton, I don’t want your pack. I have two,”

“Now three, I may be Alpha, but I will never be your Alpha, now we are equal,” he whispers as I stare at the screen. “I'd rather be your Lupha.” he chuckles and I look at him.

“Lupha?” I chuckle,

“You can tell Michelle, I said thanks for the honorary title, I thought she had a speech impediment until I kept hearing your pack call me it,” he laughs and I smile.

Axton grabs the laptop, setting it aside before turning back to me. A devious smile on his lips as he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. “I love you, Alpha.” He mumbles against my lips, and I chuckle.

“Love you too, Lupha.”

“Is it weird that I don’t actually hate it? I can get used to it,” he chuckles.

Chapter Seventy-Four


Axton and I spent the night watching movies, or I did because he fell asleep about twenty minutes in. I have been listening to him snore quietly ever since. Flipping my pillow over, I try to get comfy. However, my mind is on what Marco had said earlier about us being suspected of for my parents' murder when, in fact, it was a murder-suicide. One done out of my mother’s love for us, but I now wonder if it was also to put herself out of her own misery of living with a broken mate bond. I can’t imagine that torture.

My mind doesn’t want to switch off, conjuring up every scenario from the past couple of days. How rapidly our lives have changed. I can't remember how we got here. How did our lives get to this point? It seems more like I am thinking of someone else's memories, not mine. Or maybe I am still in shock and grief that is making me feel like an outsider in my own life. I want to find a way to make sense of the chaos, but it feels like I am grasping at straws. I feel like I have been living in a parallel universe with no control over my life. I just want to go back to the way things were. The way things were when our lives weren't so broken. So once again, in the dead of night, sleep eludes me.