Both Lyle and Pete were exceptionally cruel to Cane. Come to think of it, it makes sense that I never saw Luna Grace ever step in at the pits, she never threw in the towel for Cane, yet I had witnessed several times she did for Pete. And there were plenty of times Cane was nearly killed in those pits.

"But that isn't the most shocking part. There is no information about his bio mother, Dana, at all, and his grandmother died two months ago," she tells me, and I sigh—another dead end.

"Well, how about we figure it out once the supernatural council sends the paperwork? For now, come have a break," I tell her, praying she listens, and this doesn't turn into another argument. There is no point in combing over all these documents until we have those documents. So best just to wait, though I could probably get Marco to get them quicker. But I need Elena to have a break.

Unsurprisingly, she shakes her head and opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.

"Now, Elena!" I snap at her, sick of her burying herself in ridiculous amounts of work that can wait. The look she gives me is one of shock, and I don't want to pull rank over her, but she is leaving me with no choice.

"Excuse me?" she growls angrily.

"You're done for the day. Now up, you can come and spend time with the boys. You know your family!"

"No, I have to--"

"It wasn't a choice," I tell her. Elena's eyebrows raise, and she sits back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest. But I know if I don't get her to slow down or stop for a while, Khan will come forward, and as much as I don't want to order her, I will. She needs sleep!

Shaking my head, I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale. "I don't want to order you, but Khan--"

"Don't put the blame on me, asshole," Khan grumbles as if he wasn't the one who threatened to make her submit yesterday if she didn't slow down. Then today, he told me to do something about her working so much.

"Khan, what? Will make me submit?" she snarls, and I grit my teeth.

"No, but I will. You need rest. So either you come willingly, or I order you to take the next week off. Eli and Michelle can handle pack business. It's why they're our Betas." I tell her, standing up when Elena goes to argue, and I curse at her stubbornness.

"1..." I count, and she snarls.

"You did not just count like I am a damn --"

"2... Elena. What's it going to be?" I tell her. She curses and shakes her head.

"Fine, commanding you it is then... 3," I tell her, moving toward her.

"Fuck! Fine, I am getting up." She snarls before I reach her as she jumps up from her seat. She storms out of my office, shoulder-barging me as she does.

I exhale, heading out after her and finding her rummaging through the linen cupboard for a towel. She glares at me when she spots me before stalking off up the stairs to take a shower.


Chapter Seventy-Two


Grabbing a towel from the linen cupboard, I almost groan when I notice Axton coming up the hallway after me. Quickly shutting the door, I rush toward the stairs, trying to escape him. The shower is calling my name, just as I climb a few steps, I hear the boys cry out. Glancing over my shoulder, Axton stops mid-stride. He presses his lips in a line, giving me a look that says our little tiff is not over.

His hovering lately is driving me insane. Everywhere I turn, he's there! Breathing down my neck like he thinks I am about to have a nervous breakdown. I'm not, I'm just focused. Walking down the hall toward our room, I hear the boys fall quiet. Why son, why? Just cry for five more minutes, so I can shower in peace….

I know Axton is just worried about me, but it's not helping. I feel suffocated and frustrated, like my every move is being scrutinized. Taking a deep breath and reminding myself that he's only trying to help.

Stepping into the bedroom, I am flooded with light. I squint, moving around the spacious bedroom to the windows to close the curtains.

"What do you expect? You've been in that dark-ass room most of the day," Lexa snaps at me.

“It wasn't dark.”

"You had a lamp on, which indicated to me that it was dark." Lexa argues.

"I had the blinds open," I retort, quickly shutting the windows on the next set and then the curtains. Although I am relieved she is talking to me, she has been quiet the last few days, leaving me in peace without her incessant whining.