“Stiles signed those papers?” Mom nods her head.

“Yeah, said soon your father would come under fire, that he was glad because he was worried about what would happen to the pack, so he offered to help me forge the documents, kept them sealed from the other council members, or tried to, but somehow he found out. So I rejected him, and well, all hell broke loose,” she sighs, glancing toward the living room to look at Luke. She smiles sadly, and I can see talking about my father is upsetting her, so I drop the subject, instead returning back to the tasks while wondering who told my father about the forged divorce papers.

Hearing one of the boys cry out, Luke sings out to tell me I’ve run out of diapers in the bag. I groan, and mom chuckles, scrubbing the stove top; who would have thought three measly stairs on the porch could make your legs burn so badly? I’ve trudged up them that much this morning. I’m surprised I haven’t run tracks into them. Walking back out to the car, my phone rings, and I pull it from my back pocket. Axton.

“Yes?” I answer while propping the phone on one ear and shoulder as I start rummaging for the diapers I swore were left in the back pocket of the seats.

“I’m heading out to you now; only Soyer, Osiris, and Marco showed up. We finished early,” Axton tells me, and I smile, digging under the seat.

“Great, I will see you soon,” I tell him before hissing when I jam my thumb under something beneath the seat. I suck on it.

“What’s wrong?”

“Looking for spare diapers,” I tell him.

I rummage through the car, looking for the spares I always keep.

“I put them in the trunk,” Axton tells me, and I groan before shutting the door, popping the trunk, and finding where Axton placed them.

“I should be around twenty minutes. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“Coffee,” I chuckle.

He laughs. “Okay, love you, see you soon,” he tells me before hanging up. Shaking my head, I move back toward the house when I hear glass break. I jog up the steps assuming mom dropped something.

“Everything alright,” I sing out, closing the front door when my nose picks up a strange scent, my brows furrow, wondering where I’ve smelt it before. Shaking it off to the amount of cleaning chemicals mom has used. I move past the kitchen to notice mom is no longer there.

“Elena?” Luke croaks through the mind-link just as I round the corner into the living room. My mother has her hands out in some placating gesture, tears trekking down her cheeks. Luke clutches Kyan, who is wailing loudly in his arms, while my mother shields them with her body. My heart nearly stops when I see my father holding Bane.

Chapter Sixty-Seven

“Derrick, Please, give me our grandson,” Mom sobs, holding her hands out for him, her steps slow as she approaches him. Luke has a gash down the side of his face, and I can tell he has met my father’s claws.

“No, you’re coming with me,” he tells her. I have never seen my father look so…so…feral. He looked like a rogue, every part of it; he was dirty and shaking, insane. That is what happens to rogues when they’ve been on their own for too long, but my father hasn’t been missing long for it to have this effect.

“Just let me take him. You’re scaring him, please,” Mom pleads, while my heart races as I figure out what to do.

“Luke, I need you to take Kyan out to the car and call Axton,” I mind-link him, and he looks over his shoulder at me. The moment he does, my father’s eyes dart to me, and he clutches Bane tighter.

“I’m taking her. She is my mate! You have taken everything from me, but you won’t take her!” he says, rushing up the steps as he snarls at me, and I hold my hands up in surrender. Nodding my head.

“No one’s taking her, but you need to give me my son, Dad,” I tell him. Mom nods her head.

“Please, Derrick, I’ll come. Just hand him over, please,” she begs and sobs.

“Luke, go!” I snap at him when I see he is paralyzed by his fear. He jumps and races from the room and runs outside.

“You don’t want to hurt him? He’s just a baby,” Mom pleads from the bottom of the steps. Only then do I notice the slash marks down the side of dad’s ribs when he twists slightly. My eyes dart to my mother’s fingers, which are coated in blood before they dart back to my father holding my son like he is a football and not a baby.

“Stand down, Lexa!” I snap at her, knowing we risk hurting our son if she shifts right now. The hairs on my arms rise as she presses against my skin, making it ripple.

“Dad…” I call out to him, stepping closer and Bane screams when dad moves too quickly, his eyes calculating my every move as I try to move closer.

“Come any closer, and I will drop him,” Dad threatens, moving his arm over the banister. My heart nearly stops, and my breath hitches.

My mother shrieks, racing to the side to catch him, but Dad just holds him out in the air.

“I’ll give him back, but she leaves with me,” Dad says, eyes trained on me.