"No, Soyer will handle it. I am leaving my men on the borders of Elena's pack. I can't leave them unprotected. She'll kill me when her heat finishes if no one is out there." I tell Marco.
"I will be staying out there anyway; the women will be safe. Hopefully, you can convince Elena to move back to the city; I will work on Sondra. If not, I might take time off work to look after her at the ranch." Marco tells me with a heavy sigh.
"At least then I will be closer to help with this entire strigoi situation," Marco adds, and I nod my head.
"Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon, Elena is angry, and she'll be angrier that I took her."
"I don't think so; Elena is smart. She knows it's the safest choice. She also isn't as angry as you think. She looked more hurt that you planned to destroy her land, not angry." Marco adds.
“I can only hope so because this traveling between and constant worry for them out there is driving me crazy.” Pulling up at the house, I see Eli pull up behind us. Climbing out, I pull the towel covering Elena's naked body up higher and look at Eli.
"We will stay in the guest house out the back with the boys," Eli tells me.
"I'm not sharing a room with you!" Michelle snaps at him.
"Correct, because you're sharing a bed!" Eli retorts, and I shake my head at them.
"I will be glad to get rid of her for a few days. She and Sondra argue like cats and dogs!" Marco mutters to me.
"I heard that, Marco!" Michelle yells at him.
"I meant the other Michelle!" he calls back.
"Who?" she asks, her brow furrowing.
"You know the other one!" he shrugs. Turning, I peer over between them, and she seems deep in thought for a second. Her face then twists into a scowl. "There is no other Michelle!" she snarls.
"Whoops, my bad, must have got you confused with someone else." Marco laughs, and she flips him a rude finger. I chuckle and quickly say goodbye to Marco before heading inside the house through the garage while listening to Michelle and Eli argue as they go around the side of the house and to the studio out the back with the boys.
"Make sure those shutters remain down! If not, come inside; I can watch them and deal with Elena."
"Yeah, right. Once Elena wakes up, the only thing you'll be able to do is deal with her. They'll be fine, and yes, the shutters will be down!" Eli mind links back.
Walking up to my room, I lay Elena on the bed, wondering how long she would be knocked out. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I watch her for a second and pull the sheet up, covering her so I am not tempted to sink myself inside her while she is asleep.
My cock is painfully hard, her scent driving me to the brink of insanity, so I know she must be slowly coming back to consciousness. From where I am sitting next to her, I can feel her temperature rising, her scent becoming so potent I am struggling to think clearly.
Despite knowing I am the only one that can break her heat, nerves have set in; she is going to be furious. However, it explains why I've felt off for the past few days. She can't expect me to allow her to try to ride out her heat, hoping it breaks; it angers me that she tried. For days she suffered, and her anger for me outweighed her reason.
Chapter Fifty-Two
Feeling the bed move, my head snaps in her direction, and I swallow as she stirs, her eyes blinking open. Now that I'm near, she can sense me so much stronger. Her ability to recognize anything other than me in the room with her is completely gone as primal instinct overrules her.
"In this state, she'll mark us," Khan reminds me, and you would think satisfaction would rush through me at his words, but only hesitation does instead. I didn't want her mark by default; I wanted her to give it to me because she felt I was worthy of her. Another thing she'll be angry about when she comes to her senses.
Then there is also the issue of her being extremely fertile, and since I am her mate, it is almost guaranteed that I will knock her up. Just the thought of that makes my stomach twist; I can imagine her hatred, especially with the boys not even a year old. This is not how I imagined her first heat would be. Now I am second-guessing even touching her but also knowing I have no choice.
I guess, I just imagined we would be on good terms by now. That she would want me, but knowing she doesn't is making this extremely difficult. Even as her lust-filled hazy eyes meet mine, doubt fills me. Am I taking advantage of her? That worries me most: would she wake up tomorrow and think I am just another Jake, another Alpha asshole taking something from her?
Elena purrs, her eyes turning glassy as her senses overwhelm her, and the moment her skin brushes mine, it is like fireworks have exploded on my skin as sparks rush everywhere. A feral growl tears out of me, making me lose focus. If it weren’t for Khan in my head, reminding me to focus, I would have answered her calling. Khan is the only thing stopping me from mating her, and I focus on his voice as she crawls into my lap.
I lift my arms, allowing it but also not willing to touch her. Her mouth moves instantly to my skin as she sucks and licks my flesh. Her scent is intoxicating, and now she is awake; her heat is much more robust, and the desire to take her is much stronger, too. The intensity of it causes me pain as I refuse to give in to urges.
"She'll forgive us. We can't help it if she marks us." Khan reminds me.
"But can she forgive herself; I don't want her mark because she is driven by senses. I want it because she wants me to have it."
"Isn't it the same thing?" Khan asks, also fighting his desires, and he is the only thing stopping me from acting mine out right now.