“Ready?” Marco asks me, and I give him a stern nod.

We both duck out into the rain to run to the car. However, the speed and attempts to avoid the rain don’t help much in our case. In weather like this, no one could be fast enough to get untouched from one location to the other.

Both of us are drenched the moment we step out from under the porch roof.

Reluctantly, I follow Marco back to his car and hop in. Marco instantly reaches over into the backseat and retrieves a tank top. He tosses it at me, then removes his jacket and throws it onto the back seat.

“Put that on so I can at least try to take you seriously with those damn pants on,” Marco grumbles.

I laugh at his statement and put on the navy blue tank while Marco starts the car.

As Marco drives down the long driveway toward the highway, my stomach twists, and my heart sinks at the thought of leaving Elena and the boys behind. The wind howls outside the car, and the rain pelts the window as Marco tries to navigate the windy road back to the city, although visibility is a bitch.

“Are you cold?” Marco asks me, reaching for the air conditioning button. I raise an eyebrow at him. “Sorry, forgot you’re not human.” He chuckles, leaving it off.

We still feel the cold, just not nearly as much as a human would. However, Marco has no sense of what is hot or cold. He can’t tell the difference between temperatures, as everything feels neutral to vampires.

Although, this very fact makes me wonder who he has had in this car before me. Who was important enough to sit in this seat and, most importantly, to make Marco question if they were cold?

“So, which human have you been driving around with?” I ask, pointing to the AC.

Marco shrugs as if he sees no importance in the question or the answer. “Just Sondra.” He shrugs.

I raise an eyebrow at him, remembering what Elena told me about Sondra and Marco being together before Floyd found her.

“I took her to her appointments last Friday after Elena left to go to your place. Sondra didn’t want to ask her, knowing she would stress about leaving the boys, and now Floyd is gone. I no longer have to keep my distance, so I spent most of last weekend there.”

“You stayed at the packhouse with Sondra?” I ask, a little shocked.

“Yes,” he says, staring out the window, and my brows pinch.

I’ve never known Marco just to hang out with anyone. He is a serious workaholic and never takes a day off. Yet, he takes it upon himself to take a weekend off for Sondra. That explains why he could get to the city so quickly after the last attack.

“You’re still in love with her,” I tell him, and he glances at me.

“She was mine before she was Floyd’s. I never needed the mate bond to love her, and I never stopped loving her. I was going to tell her what I was and ask her to marry me.” He shrugs, “But then Floyd ruined that, and I knew nothing would impede the mate bond. Sometimes I think I should have killed him back before..” he trails off, not finishing the rest of what he wants to say.

Chapter Forty

I know he blames himself for not preventing what happened to my mother and Petra. It also sucks because he would soon lose Sondra again.

She is an old woman, and despite that, he still loves her even though he could pass as her grandson. It is quite heartbreaking to think about loving someone, then losing them to your brother, only to get them back and having to prepare to lose them all over again.

I push those thoughts aside, knowing Marco does not want my pity. It makes me realize what I could have lost from my own actions.

“So, is there any news on who is working with Osiris?” I ask him, and he exhales loudly.

Marco glances at me, then returns his eyes to the road, looking grateful for the conversation moving away from his dying love life. He slows down as we approach the intersection leading onto the highway. Marco turns the blinker on and stops, waiting for the traffic to pass before he shakes his head.

“No clue, but I will find out. However, if the council questions you, I allow you to leave the city on compassionate grounds after learning your family was attacked by another pack. And the fight at the border between you and Osiris was because he was trying to stop you when you had permission to leave,” he tells me, and I nod my head, then return my gaze to the window in contemplation.

There is hardly anything visible from the car up ahead, only the brake lights of the cars as they slow and try to follow the lines on the road. We are halfway to the city when Marco’s Bluetooth rings loudly through the speakers, and a name comes across the screen in the dash: Officer Flint.

“Great. What does he want?” Marco growls, glaring at the name as if he’s ready to rip out someone’s throat.

“Not friends?” I laugh.

He curses under his breath. “Nah, I can’t stand his whiny ass. He’s a brown noser and can barely follow instructions.” Marco tells me.