“You can try, sweetie, but you’re no Alpha. I’m giving you a chance to come back to the pack. I’ll even let you bring yours.” He looks at the women behind me.

“But this ends now. We have actual issues back at home that need dealing with,” he motions for Luke.

“Go inside, Luke!” I order, and he rushes off with my mother.

“You’re making a mistake.” My father growls, his claws slip out, fur grows along his arms, and he cracks his neck.

Lexa urges for control, and I let her have it. My claws slip from my fingertips, and my canines elongate as she takes control of my body. My skin ripples with her urge to shift.

“No, you did the moment you stepped into my territory! And now you learn the consequences of that!” I snarl, handing the reins to Lexa, and she immediately shifts, and so does he. His black and brown wolf charges at us, and Lexa doesn’t hesitate as she runs full pelt at him when they clash in a violent display of claws and teeth.

Chapter Thirty-Three


My heart thumps erratically when I hang up the phone, the bond screaming at me to get to her and our sons. The panic in her voice sends fear slivering through my veins, turning it ice-cold. A fear I’ve never known so strong sweeps through me, and I run for my bedroom door. My fear for them has adrenaline shooting through me, and I don’t even bother to dress; my sole focus is on getting to them.

As I took the stairs two at a time, I nearly smashed my way through the front door, grabbing my keys from the hook next to it as I went. Stepping outside, the night breeze is warm, but I can smell the brewing storm that is fast approaching the city.

I race to my car, jumping in and reversing out; as I do, I hit the garbage bin, knocking it over and sending trash everywhere. “Shit!” I curse, spinning the car around and hitting the accelerator. My car bottoms out on the end of the driveway, and the tires screech as I race to get to them.

I try to ring the border patrol to ask them to have the gates open. Osiris’s men should have just changed over from mine, yet I get no answer, so I try again. Not getting any answer from them, I toss the phone onto the passenger seat.

As I reach the borders of the city, I notice blue and red lights flashing ahead and slow down, wondering what is going on. When I approach, I find it blocked off by police cars, Alpha Osiris’ pack members, and Alpha Thomas. Alpha Osiris stands in the middle of the road with his arms folded across his chest, with a smug smile on his lips like he is expecting me.

My car’s tires screech as I slam on the brakes to stop from plowing into the side of the vehicles blocking the exit and Alpha Osiris. Cursing, I open my pack link. “Get to the fucking borders now!” I yell at my men.

“What’s going on?” Eli mumbles, half asleep but becoming alert to my order. Chatter fills the link as my men wait for an explanation.

“Osiris’ men aren’t letting me out of the city! Elena is in trouble.” I tell him.

“On our way!” I get from my men.

“I knew his men were acting weird when they swapped patrols as we returned to the city! I saw our men arguing over the scheduled times.” Eli tells me.

“Just get here now!” I snap at them, cutting the link.

Switching the engine off, I toss the door open and climb out of the car, snarling. Thunder rumbles loudly, and lightning cracks and whips across the sky, briefly filling it with light, followed by another deafening boom that hurts my ears.

“What the fuck is going on? Move your cars now!” I yell at them, and Alpha Osiris casually strides over, a smirk on his lips. His eyes flashed at my command.

“A little birdy told me you were about to breach your court ordered council restrictions?” Alpha Osiris asks with a smile on his face.

“We were just making sure you were following your probation. What kind of friend would I be if I allowed you to breach probation?” He taunts, “I’m just looking out for you, Alpha.” I turn my attention to Alpha Thomas, who is leaning against one barricade they have built.

My eyes are drawn to him when he pulls his phone out, messaging someone. He then quickly pockets it, and I grit my teeth, turning my attention back to Osiris.

“My mate’s pack is under attack, Osiris. I will rip through your fucking men if you don’t move. Your choice!”

“An attack? No, it’s just a family reunion. Alpha Derrick was so excited to hear his Luna and son were coming back home. He is even considering letting Elena and the boys return home. Isn’t this great news?” Osiris laughs.

My eyes flicker to Khan’s as he presses forward hearing that. My stomach drops just at the mention of my sons and not knowing what is going on. Yet I can feel Elena is okay, furious, but okay for now. But I know this is a setup by Derrick.

Where Derrick is involved, his intentions are anything but family-orientated; the bastard has been trying to get his pack back any way he can, and now that’s not working, he will try to force her hand by wiping out her pack. And Elena’s pack is far too small to stand against that many without backup.

The fact they have this place blocked off and council members here to witness this was organized for some time.

Shaking my head, I turn back to my car, determined to drive straight through the barricades, even if it means running over him and his men. Only when I do I notice two of the supernatural council members surrounded by armed men standing near my car.