“But my father has been allowing access?” I ask. Axton shakes his head.

“Kind of. He will only let his men patrol his borders, but he has 300 warriors more than any of the packs in this city, more than me.”

“But your pack is the strongest.”

“Yes, because all my pack members are trained, not just my men. But we are running double and sometimes triple patrols. My pack is tired, and your father won’t help out. Osiris has his own agenda, and the other packs won’t fall in line while Osiris and I are at each other’s throats. They won’t step in until there is a display of sides officially.”

“So you want to challenge my father, challenge me?” Axton shakes his head.

“No, and I don’t want you to, but—”

“You want me to take my title…”

“I can run your pack until it merges, but they won’t listen to me wholly. They’re loyal to your father.”

“But a change of power won’t make them either, Axton.”

“They will if you claim me.”

“That would make you their Alpha, giving you control over not only your pack but mine,” I growl. Axton sighs.

“They’d still be yours.”

“Yeah, but only on paper.” I shake my head.

“Then you aren’t going to leave much choice but to challenge your father and take your pack, Elena. I don’t want to do that, but right now, we need help. If the human governments get involved, they will tear this city apart and dismantle the packs.” I sigh because it has been happening everywhere. As soon as a city turns into a problem, the government steps in.

“I’m not marking you,” Axton growls at me.

“You’ll have to eventually, anyway. What happens when you go into heat?” I shake my head.

“Not yet. Let me think about how to deal with that when it happens, but I..”

“Elena, we aren’t ready to challenge him yet. We’ve barely trained,” Lexa worries. My plan was originally to force him to submit, but I haven’t got enough evidence against him yet to make him do that.

“We have no choice,” I tell her, and her mind instantly goes back to the night he nearly killed us, then the night we went to help mom and Luke.

“I challenge him and temporarily hand the pack over to you,” I tell him, yet my mind is plagued with what if I lose?

“You won’t.” Axton suddenly says, picking up on my thoughts.

“But if I do, I lose everything all over again,” I whisper.

“You won’t,” he says positively, yet I felt sick just at the thought.

“Besides, even if you did somehow lose, he won’t beat the six-foot monster coming up behind you.” Axton growls, his eyes flickering as Khan presses forward.

“Challenge him; worst-case scenario, I take your pack back for you. But I won’t have to. You’ll kick his dusty old ass.” Khan assures me, making me chuckle before he gives Axton back control.

“Set the challenge for your title; I’ll be right behind you. I know you don’t trust me, but you can trust I will be there to back you up if you need it.”

I chew my lip when another thought occurs to me. “If I take my pack back, what is stopping Osiris from challenging me once it’s official?”

Axton smiles, leaning down and brushing his lips against mine gently. “He won’t. He challenges my mate, he challenges me. It would be suicide, and he knows it. Your father he’ll challenge, your father is old. Osiris knows he can beat him, but you?” Axton chuckles. “He would want to have his funeral arrangements prepaid and his eulogy ready if he comes after my mate,” Axton growls before kissing me.

His lips move hesitantly against mine at first, gently like he fears I’ll shove him away, but when I kiss him back he growls, delving his tongue between my lips. Sparks rush everywhere, and my stomach clenches as heat invades me when I pull away, feeling him move, pressing his body between my legs.

“What’s wrong?” he groans.