“Yes, I will get the other packs to help. Clearly we need it now. We thought with so many missing, they fled the city. We had a few that did at the start when the attacks first happened.” Axton explains as he climbs out of the car.

We grab the boys out of the car and take them inside. The packhouse is quiet as usual and I follow Axton to the kitchen with Bane on my shoulder and a bag in one hand. I set it on the counter while Axton digs through them.

“Crap, we are missing the bag with the milk and bread.” Axton groans about going back out and grabbing it.

“Here, take Bane, I will go. I left the year's supply of pads in the car too.” I chuckle. Axton takes Bane in his other arm, following me and turning into the living room while I go back outside. I am about to close the door behind me when I hear him sing out.

Stepping back inside, I pop my head into the living room. “Yep?” Axton smiles deviously as he sets the boys down on the play mat.

“Can you grab the tarp off the shelf along the back wall?” I nod and I am about to turn and leave again, wondering why he wants a tarp. “Oh, and in the glove compartment, I am pretty sure I have a yellow poncho. Grab that, too.” A poncho?

He laughs and I look at him questionably. “Can’t be too careful when the rivers run red.” He chuckles. I grit my teeth and flip him off.

“I was serious about the poncho!” He sings out while I ignore him. Shutting the door, I race to the garage and open the trunk, finding the missing bag and see pads scattered through the trunk. I stuff a few packages in the bag, but give up on the rest. Shutting the trunk, I turn to head back to the house when I see a car sitting at the end of the driveway with its windows up, the dark tint making it impossible to see who is inside.

I start walking down the driveway when it slowly pulls away from the curb. Shaking my head, I head back inside the house yet something about that car nags at me, I've seen it before, I just can't remember where.

“Did you grab the poncho?” Axton asks, and I grab a package of pads out of the bag and toss it at him. “No!” it hits him in the head and he snickers.

“A car was sitting at the bottom of your driveway.” I tell him.

“What kind of car?”

“A white one with tinted windows.” I tell him.

“Probably someone lost; I get heaps that turn into the driveway to turn around since it's a deadend.” He shrugs and I nod, taking the milk to the fridge when I feel arms wrap around my waist.

“You’re probably being paranoid.”

“And you’re being clingy.” I tell him, pushing him away, and he laughs.

“It’s the bond!” He defends himself and I raise an eyebrow at him.

“What it is! You may want to ignore it. That doesn’t mean I want to.” Axton tells me.

Sighing, I ignore him. I am not forgiving him just because he is struggling with the bond.

“You had no issue giving into the bond last night!” Lexa growls, still angry with me.

“So, you're just going to keep ignoring the bond?” Axton asks.

“I’m not ignoring it; I am just choosing to think above it.”

“Think above it?”

“I can’t let the bond control reason, Axton.”

“I said you can keep your pack, Elena.”

“On paper!”

“Isn’t that enough?” He demands and I shake my head. Axton growls, folding his arms across his chest. “And that doesn’t make up for what you did!” I remind him.

“I can’t take that back! I would if I could! You're living in the past, and need to get over it!”

"Get over it? That shit fucking haunts me! Who are you to tell me to just get over it, the shit you did to me I would never do to you." I shake my head at him.

"You left." Axton yells at me.