“See briefs!” I growl, snatching them from him and pointing to the writing.

“Absorbent and discrete adult diapers!” I screech at him. He gives me a funny look, making me question his intellect.

“No, they are briefs!” he slaps the picture.

“For old people!”

“It says nothing about old people on it!” He snatches the package and flips it over to see an old man standing in an adult diaper.

“No wonder the checkout boy gave me a weird look!” he mutters. “Sondra said these were it! And why would these be in with feminine products?”

I shake my head and growl. Axton wipes a hand down his face and sighs.

“Just put it on and I’ll take you to the store so you can buy your own,” he tells me.

“I can’t wear this!”

“Well, I am not going back there by myself!”

I growl at him and he shrugs, folding his arms across his broad chest when one of the boys starts fussing in the room.

He glances over his shoulder, looking at the door. “Go, I’ll figure it out!” I snap at him as I wave him away before staring down at the package. Axton leaves, shutting the door behind him while I tear it open. Lexa is still laughing uncontrollably in my head as I open the packaging and hold up a pair.

“They say extra absorbent?” She laughs and I huff.

“Don’t be a baby. Put them on!” she cackles.

“Your commentary is not helping!” I snarl at her while pulling them on. Standing up, they cover past my belly button. I groan, this day just keeps getting better! I catch a glimpse of them in the mirror.

“Nope, definitely not!” I tell her about to take them off when Axton opens the door.

“Kyan is refusing…. Oh, la la, what have we here?” He purrs, wiggling his eyebrows. “I wonder if they do matching bras?” Axton snickers.

“Bridget Jones got nothing on you, baby,” he sends me a wink. I growl at him and grit my teeth before stomping past him.

“Don’t be like that, Lena, I didn’t mean it!” he says, following me to his closet. I snatch a pair of his sweatpants off the shelf and grab a shirt off the hanger.

“Shh, shhh. Mommy is just upset you wear them better than her!” he coos, rocking Kyan. I shoot him a glare and he snickers, leaning against the door frame while I tug the shirt over my head.

“Don’t get any ideas. I ain’t changing your ass after seeing what came out of Kyan’s this morning. I will take you out back and hose you down!” he warns.

“You are so lucky you’re holding our son right now or I would—”

“Would what? Throw a tantrum and demand a bot-bot?” Axton snickers. I growl, and he holds up Kyan like a shield.

“Settle, you can beat me off later!” he winks at me. I’ll beat him alright, but not the way he wants me to!

“Our sons are present. Contain yourself. If you are a good girl, I will give you my lollipop.” I growl at him, and he snickers, darting out of the walk-in closet before I can grab him and strangle the life out of him.

Chapter Eighteen

I finish getting changed, stealing his clothes before walking out to the mirror and making sure my giant diaper can’t be seen. I feel like I’m walking like a cowboy who just rode bareback for three days up a rocky mountain.

“See, you can’t even tell. You got upset over nothing.” Axton says and I glance at him to see Kyan was finally accepting the bottle. Bane is resting across his legs, already having finished his while Kyan is in his arms.

“Just let me finish feeding him and I’ll take you to the store,” Axton tells me, smelling Kyan’s little head. Moving toward him, I grab Bane from his lap and snuggle with him, inhaling his scent.

“Oh, and you need a new stroller. I may have broken it.”