“Lena, open the door!” Shame washes through the bond, scaring me and Khan shoves forward and breaks the door down.

“Khan!” I growl, rubbing my now aching shoulder just as Elena yelps and jumps into the shower, ripping the shower curtain closed.

My eyes go to the tiled floor where I can see she has tried to clean it with towels and Elena makes a strange noise. Ripping the shower curtain back, she stares at me. Her eyes go wide and mine trail down her body to see her covered in blood. My hands reach for her and I tug at her shirt, only for her to slap my hands.

“You’re hurt. Let me heal you.” I growl at her.

“I’m not hurt!” She growls, making my eyes dart to hers when it dawns on me. Her face reddens, taking on the color of a beetroot. Her hands move to cover her face.

“Wait, that’s…” I look down at the tiles. Why is there so much blood that can’t be normal?

“Real smooth jackass, you can see she is embarrassed!” Khan retorts.

“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” I blurt because this seems excessive. Maybe she has internal bleeding, or….

“Or what, fool! Her guts fell out! She sacrificed her uterus to the period gods!” Khan snarls.

“Perhaps?” Khan shakes his head at me, and my eyes move back to Elena.

“I ruined your bed,” she whispers, peeking between the gaps of her fingers.

“I didn’t like that bed anyway,” I tell her stupidly. “I mean, I can clean it, it’s fine.” I internally facepalm myself at my word vomit. I was making this so awkward!

“Let’s just get cleaned up, and then I can run down and grab your purse to find some plugs, or… what are those things called?” Elena blinks at me.


“Yeah, the… you know…the blood plugs, the cotton things with a tail.” I make a plugging motion with my fingers.

Elena blinks at me. “You mean tampons!”

“Those things, good for nose bleeds, though maybe you might need to jam in a few.” I tell her, reaching past her and turning the shower on when her embarrassment gets even worse.

Chapter Fourteen

“It’s fine, Elena, it’s no big deal.”

“I don’t use tampons, I also don’t have anything with me.” She whispers and I look at her.

“Don’t girls carry those things, or are supposed to?”

“I’m breastfeeding!” I blink at her, wondering why her breastfeeding matters in such a situation. Are tampons toxic?

Reaching for her shirt, I force it off her. “What’s that got to do with anything you can still breastfeed?”

“No, I haven’t had my periods because I’m breastfeeding, so I haven’t needed to carry that sort of stuff.”

“Then I’ll go find some. Surely, we have something here!” I mutter, reaching for her pants. She shrieks, slapping my hands away, and I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Seriously, Elena, you left the contents of your uterus on me, and you’re worried about me seeing you naked when I’m wearing your insides!” Her eyes widen and her face reddens impossibly more.

“Why would you say that?” She cringes and I shake my head, ripping her pants down and tossing them aside. I shove her back under the stream of water only for her to shriek and her back arches as I step in with her, her breasts smack against my chest.

“Freaking cold!” she squeals, and I chuckle, feeling the water to find I turned the wrong dial. I quickly adjust the temperature when she pushes me away.

“I’m not showering with you.”

“Well, I’m not going to the store looking like I sacrificed my mate to the period goddess, so you’ll get over it!” I tell her, reaching for the soap behind her in the niche. She sighs, and I go to wash myself when she snatches the soap off me.