“Got my father’s gun and shot him. It didn’t kill him, but distracted him long enough for my grandfather to shift once my father turned on Eli. My grandfather knocked him out. Forced him to shift back.”

“So, when did you kill him?”

“A few weeks later, he tried to cover up my mother’s death. People were asking questions. So, I contacted Marco. But Marco’s hands were tied. Pack business is handled within the pack. Still is. Dad tried to get my grandfather to take my name off everything, but he refused.”

“So you challenged him?” Axton shakes his head.

“How I killed him is not something I will tell you.”


“Because Alpha titles are handed down or challenged for, or given to the oldest child when a parent dies.”

“I don’t understand. The title would have been yours unless you killed him in cold blood?” Axton says nothing.

“You did, didn’t you? That is why there is so much media speculation about how you became alpha?”

“Marco helped cover it up. He told the council he witnessed the challenge in the pits.”

“Why would he do that?”

“Because my mother was Marco’s niece.” I nearly choke on my food at his words. I shake my head, knowing Sondra had no children.

“Sondra had no kids.”

“Yes, but Floyd had a daughter. That I am certain of,” Axton states.

“Floyd died. He was human? I met him.”

“Floyd wasn’t human. He was a werewolf like Marco before he was changed.”

“Wait, when was Marco changed?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I know he is a lot older than Floyd, decades older.”

“But wouldn’t that make Marco your uncle?”

“Yes, but also no. My mother was estranged from her father. She hated him, and Marco tried to convince her many times to leave my father, but she was his mate and she eventually had me. So by blood we are no relation technically.”

“What do you mean?”

“Marco and Floyd weren’t blood brothers, but they were both raised by the same people. Both were orphaned in rogue attacks. When the foster carers were killed, Floyd was only a child. Marco used to work for my father. Until he died, luckily he had vampire blood in his system, so he came back a vampire. Not long after, Marco and Floyd’s foster parents died. Marco raised his foster brother and became a council member, wanting to look for those responsible for killing them.”

“No, we have to be talking about someone else.” I tell him, this seems so far-fetched, I am struggling to keep up. Axton only shrugs.

“Marco from the council?” he asks. I nod my head.

“Well, that is the only Marco I know, unless you know another? Yet, I never knew Sondra, so maybe Marco has another brother?” Axton offers.

“Another brother called Floyd?”

Axton laughs. “I’m just telling you what I know. Your guess is as good as mine.”

“We’ll question Sondra when we get home,” Lexa tells me. Yes, we would definitely sit down to have a chat about this.

Chapter Eleven

We spend the rest of dinner in silence while I pondered on the sleeping arrangement. I can’t sleep in here. I don’t trust myself, not with the bond acting all haywire.