“Nope, you don't scare me. What are you gonna do? Huh… Fight me?” I ask. I've been in a salty mood since Axton removed all the coffee from the house, replacing it with decaf. That just defeats the purpose of drinking coffee!

“Why don't you want to go in? This is our third appointment, and you have missed the other two,” he demands. I ignore him, refusing to go. We can try the fourth appointment, I think to myself. Allow me a little longer in denial.

“Axton will buy you coffee….” my eyes narrow to slits as I peer out at him. Lies!

He pauses to think for a second. Lexa wanders forward. Axton is convinced that Khan “deals with my tantrums” more like he bribes me.

“I wonder what he'll offer up this time?” Lexa asks, and I snicker. Khan was a teddy bear.

“I'll get you ice cream….”

“Oh, and skittles, but only the red ones,” Lexa shoves forward and tells him.

“And gummy bears,”

“Fine, but unlock the car,” Khan tells her, and I fight against her.

“I'd rather go without!” I snap at her.

“You are getting your ass out of this damn car. Aren't you even the tiniest bit curious?” Lexa asks me.

“We can smuggle a small jar of coffee, but if you get caught with it. You deal with Axton!” Khan tells me, and I smile to myself.

I release a deep breath before unlocking the door. Khan grips it, ensuring I don't slam it shut. Standing up, I feel Axton return through the bond. “Finally.” he breathes.

“You better not be lying, Khan,” I tell him.

“Never, we'll stop on the way home.”

“Stop where?” Axton asks.

“To get my coffee!” I tell Axton.

“You lying brat, I did not say that.” I hear Khan speak, outraged that I snitched on him.

“Ha, now I know you're lying.” Axton huffs.

“I promised her gummy bears,” Khan states, and I scoff.

“Don't forget my red skittles!” Lexa growls at him.

“Red skittles?” Axton shakes his head, leading me into the hospital to the ultrasound floor.

As I walk, I think about the gifts Khan promised me and smile to myself. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Axton leads me into the ultrasound room, where an older lady is already there waiting for us. Her eyes sparkle when she sees Axton walking in with me, and a knowing look passes over her face.

“Finally, you made it, Luna,” she says, and I purse my lips before lying on the bed.

The ultrasound technician rubs some warm goo on my stomach before pressing the wand to it. Axton holds my hand tight as we wait for the image of our baby to appear on the screen. However, the longer she takes, the more anxious I become, especially when she turns the screen away and tells us she'll be right back. I glance at the Axton, who also looks just as worried as I feel.

She returns with a doctor who also goes over me, using the device to scan me, making a lot of grumbling noises, and I am on the verge of losing my damn mind and demanding answers.

Finally, I hear those three words that mean everything: “It's twin girls.” We both let out a collective sigh of relief when he finally speaks.

“Wait! Did you say twins?” I ask, sitting upright, and the doc turns the screen.

“Yep,” he points them out while I stare at the screen bewildered. Four babies under two?