I take it and add more to my float.
I get the feeling I’m going to need it.
Chapter six
Somewhere between hooking up the karaoke machine Scar stashed here the last time she visited and raiding the kitchen cupboards for more salted snacks to soak up the litre of vodka we managed to drain between us, Scar’s sneaky smile comes out again.
And this time, I’m not letting her get away with a loaded “Nothing” of an answer.
“What is it, seriously?” I ask.
“You remember the mischief we used to get up to when we were younger?”
“You mean the mischief you used to get up to?”
She laughs. “Yeah, sure, okay. I was the naughty one I guess.”
Not that it mattered. We always both got into trouble for Scarlett’s crazy schemes and pranks.
“But you did enable me, like a lot,” she adds.
“Only because I was too dumb to realize it when you were up to something.”
That’s not completely true. Sometimes, I knew. Sometimes, I kind of wanted to be bad.
Being good all the time can get a little boring.
“Or I was offering you something you wanted,” Scarlett says, nodding at me knowingly.
I feel my face flush. “I did not have a crush on your tenth-grade boyfriend.”
“He was hardly my boyfriend. I only asked him out because you were into him, and it would give you a chance to live a little when we switched on him.”
It’s not the first time she’s admitted that, and it still makes me feel kind of pathetic.
I was way too shy to have a shot at dating in high school.
When she suggested we ‘switch’ for the night, so she could go see a movie with my quiet friend Sadie, and I could go on a first date with the popular guy, I jumped at the chance. The one time it felt okay to do something wild was while I was pretending to be Scarlett. I knew I could handle the date acting like I was her. He wouldn’t know the difference.
There was a chance Sadie might notice the difference between me and my sister.
Scarlett is a bit louder than me, and sometimes she forgets she’s supposed to be the shy, quiet one when we’re switched.
I doubted it would bother Sadie too much. All she was concerned about was the movie.
That actor with the boundless energy and the bright eyes was in it.
I can’t remember his name. I can never remember actor’s names.
“I’m just glad he didn’t realize we switched,” I admit.
Mostly because he killed my crush dead with his behavior, and I was completely over him by the time the date was over, and he was moving in for the kiss.
“I’m just glad you decided you didn't like him,” she says. “He was so fucking gross.”
I kiss my teeth to keep from trying to defend him.